Man pages for mikemeredith/wiqid
Quick and Dirty Estimates for Wildlife Populations

AICcAkaike's Information Criterion with small-sample correction -...
AICtableMake a table for AIC or other criterion
allCombinationsCreate formulae for all combinations of covariates
as_BwiqidConversion to class Bwiqid (deprecated)
BbinomialBayesian analysis of binomial data
BetaDistThe Beta Distribution
biodIndicesBiodiversity indices
BnormalBayesian modelling of a normal (Gaussian) distribution
BoccSSBayesian single-season occupancy modelling
BpoissonBayesian analysis of count data
BsecrSpatially explicit capture-recapture (secr) density...
closedCapturesAnalysis of mark-recapture data for closed populations
data_dippersCapture-recapture data for European dippers
data_GrandSkinksMulti-season detection data for grand skinks
data_KanhaTigersCapture history matrix for camera-trapped tigers
data_KillarneyBirdsAbundance of woodland birds
data_MeadowVolesRobust design mark-recapture data for meadow voles
data_railSimsSimulated detection/non-detection data for two species of...
data_salamandersOccupancy data for blue ridge salamanders
data_seedbankSeed abundances in soil samples
data_TemburongTree species count data
data_tovesSimulated detection/non-detection data for a fictitious...
data_wetaDetection data for weta in gorse bushes
deprecatedDeprecated functions in package wiqid
distance_measuresPlug-in distance-measure functions for 'distShell'.
distShellDistance Matrix Computation
distTestDataAn artificial data set to test distance/dissimilarity...
GammaDistThe Gamma Distribution
getMCerrorMCMC error using the batch method (deprecated)
linkFunctionsLogit and probit links for generalised linear modelling
occ2spsSingle-season two-species occupancy estimation
occMSMulti-season occupancy estimation
occSSSingle-season occupancy estimation
occSSrnRoyle-Nichols model for single-season occupancy estimation
plotACsPlot Activity Centres from 'Bsecr0' output
plot_BwiqidPlot method for objects of class 'Bwiqid'
plotCombDisplay a posterior probability distribution from the comb...
predictAvgPredict average values from multiple fitted models
predict_wiqidPredict method for objects of class 'wiqid'
print_BwiqidPrint and summary methods for objects of class 'Bwiqid'
richCurveSpecies richness estimates based on accumulation curves
richEstimatorsSpecies richness estimators
richRarefySample-based rarefaction curves
secrFitSpatially Explicit Capture-Recapture
showShinyAppDisplay a 'shiny' application
simpleRhatThe Brooks-Gelman-Rubin (BGR) convergence diagnostic...
standardizeScaling and centring of vectors, matrices and arrays
stdPriorsStandardisation and priors
survivalCJSSurvival from recapture data with Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS)...
survivalRDSurvival from mark-recapture data with robust design
TDistThe Generalized Student's t Distribution
WAICExtract the Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion (WAIC)
wiqid-classThe 'wiqid' S3 class
wiqid-packageFast, simple estimation functions for wildlife population...
mikemeredith/wiqid documentation built on Nov. 17, 2022, 5:10 a.m.