Man pages for milokmilo/Stranded
Calculate Biological Parameters from Stranded Cetaceans

boot2.MBootstrap Siler mortality
boot2.ParBootstrapped Siler mortality object
boot.MBoot mortality
boot.ParBootstraped object
boot.SurvBootstrap Siler survivorship
calc.roCalculate rho
dens.prior9Density priors
draw.Siler2Siler survivorship plot
expt.uptsExponential updates
final.resamp9Final resampling
gen.timeGeneration time
hpbayes.plot9Helligman Pollard plot Pollard imis
HPciHelligman Pollard plot
HPci9Helligman Pollard confidence intervals with 9 parameters
HPci.nMHelligman Pollard confidence intervals
hp.nqx9Helligman Pollard mortality
hp.nqx.bcHeligman Pollard mortality rate
hp.nqx.nMHelligman Pollard mortality
leslieLeslie matrix
life.SilerSiler life table
life.Siler.bootBootstrap of Siler life table
life.tabLife table for Leslie matrix
life.tableLife table for Leslie matrix
like.resamp9Life table resampling
ll.binomDensity binomial
loop.optim9Loop optimization
mod9pHelligman Pollard 9 poarameters model function
mod.bcHelligman Pollard model function
mod.nMHelligman Pollard mortality function
parBootParameter from bootstraped Siler mortality
percBootCIPercentages of bootstraped Siler mortality
prior.form9Priors for Helligman Pollard
prior.likewts9Helligman Pollard 9 parameters priors
project.leslieProject Leslie matrix
samp.postopt9Post-sampling of Helligman Pollard model
SilerModFit a Siler model
Stranded-packageCalculate Biological Parameters from Stranded Cetaceans
var.rwtsHelligman Pollard variance weights
milokmilo/Stranded documentation built on May 22, 2019, 11:53 p.m.