Man pages for milokmilo/strandCet
Estimation of Biological Parameters from Stranded Cetaceans

calc.roCaclulate net reproduction number from a demographic...
cetaceansAges of stranded dolphins
coaleCoale method.
cohortCohort method
dens.priorDensity of priors.
eigen.analysisAnalysis of Eigen values
entropy.wtsEntropy of the rescaled weights relative to uniformity. life table.
expt.uptsExpected number of unique inputs after the final IMIS...
final.resampFinal re-sampling step in Bayesian Melding using IMIS.
gen.timeGeneration time
HP.CIHelligman-Pollard confidence intervals with 9 parameters
HP.modHeligman-Pollard parameter estimator using Bayesian Melding...
hp.nqxHeligman-Pollard parameter conversion to age-specifc...
HP.predPrediction of Heligman-Pollard model.
HP.priorsHeligman-Pollard Parameter prior formation.
HP.pri.startEstimation of starting values for priors of the...
keyfitzKeyfitz and Flieger method.
Leslie.matrixLeslie matrix
Leslie.predProject Leslie matrix
life.LeslieLife table for Leslie matrix projections.
life.tabLife table
like.resampLocal Optimums and Covariance from the optimizer step.
ll.binomBinomial likelihood.
loop.optimOptimizer step for estimating the Heligman-Pollard Parameters...
modHeligman-Pollard parameter coversion to age-specific...
mod.natHeligman-Pollard parameter coversion to natural age-specific...
mod.riskHeligman-Pollard parameter coversion to age-specific...
prior.likewtsPrior likelihoods and weights.
samp.postoptMultivariate Gaussian Sampling for Heligman-Pollard model...
Si.modSiler model.
Si.predPredict Siler model
var.rwtsVariance of the rescaled weights when estimating the...
milokmilo/strandCet documentation built on July 11, 2022, 5:57 a.m.