
#' Histogram with fit of GPD density function
#' creates a plot of the data set's histogram and the fitted GPD density function
#' @param time Time to failure or termination
#' @param censor Observation/censor indicator (1=observed, 0=right-censored), default to be all observations
#' @param k.hat optional, estimate of k, estimated by mle.gpd if either k.hat or a.hat is not given
#' @param a.hat optional, estimate of alpha, estimated by mle.gpd if either k.hat or a.hat is not given
#' @param show.all (default to False) whether to draw a historam with all data points or only observations. Default to show only observed points.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to hist()
#' @examples data(melanoma, package = "boot")
#' @examples status = ifelse(melanoma$status == 1, 1, 0)
#' @examples hist.gpd(melanoma$time, status)
#' @export hist.gpd
#' @export

hist.gpd = function(time, censor = rep(1, times = length(time)), k.hat = NULL, a.hat = NULL, show.all = FALSE, ...){
  pdf.gpd = supp$pdf.gpd; n_r = supp$n_r; lamda = supp$lamda; L = supp$L; k = supp$k; h_prime = supp$h_prime; h = supp$h; Clamda.inv = supp$Clamda.inv; Clamda = supp$Clamda; cdf.gpd = supp$cdf.gpd; bisection = supp$bisection; alpha = supp$alpha
  if (is.null(k.hat) | is.null(a.hat)){
    warning("parameters not given, estimated with mle.gpd")
    pars = mle.gpd(time, censor)
    k.hat = pars[1] ; a.hat = pars[2]

  if (!show.all){
    obs.time = time[censor == 1]
    hist(obs.time, prob=T, xlim=range(time), ...)
  } else{
    hist(time, prob=T, xlim=range(time), ...)

minh2182000/gpd documentation built on May 29, 2019, 5:44 a.m.