
# Building a Prod-Ready, Robust Shiny Application.
# README: each step of the dev files is optional, and you don't have to
# fill every dev scripts before getting started.
# 01_start.R should be filled at start.
# 02_dev.R should be used to keep track of your development during the project.
# 03_deploy.R should be used once you need to deploy your app.

# Test your app

## Run checks ----
## Check the package before sending to prod
# rhub::check_for_cran()

# Deploy

## RStudio ----
## If you want to deploy on RStudio related platforms
# golem::add_rstudioconnect_file()
# golem::add_shinyappsio_file()
# golem::add_shinyserver_file()

## Docker ----
## If you want to deploy via a generic Dockerfile
# golem::add_dockerfile()

## If you want to deploy to ShinyProxy
# golem::add_dockerfile_shinyproxy()

## If you want to deploy to Heroku
# golem::add_dockerfile_heroku()
miraisolutions/ShinyCICD-min documentation built on June 21, 2020, 12:56 a.m.