
Purpose of the devcontainer

This devcontainer uses a Dockerfile and supports the development of XLConnect with VS Code, see also the documentation related to devcontainers.

How to use the devcontainer

It is recommended to open the XLConnect project in VS Code, as it provides some useful features to work with devcontainers.

The Dockerfile will sometimes require updates and it is currently not intended to check vignettes or manual. If we wanted to check that as well, we would first need to install all the required latex packages (see commented out line in Dockerfile).

devcontainer.json allows to configure the devcontainer (see file and linked resources there).

Concrete steps to run the checks

  1. (Required only once) Checkout and open the XLConnect repo in VS Code. It is recommended to use a separate checkout folder from the XLConnect project opened in RStudio.
  2. Switch to the desired branch and open the container (VS Code should have pop up dialogs for that).
  3. Open the container (I use File > Open Recent to switch between repo and container). It may need to re-build the image, in which case there is no prompt like root@9348tzh4o:/workspaces/xlconnect#. I just open the repo and then the container again to get that prompt, which allows interacting with the container and running the actual commands.
  4. Run R CMD build . --no-build-vignettes to build XLConnect locally and run R CMD check XLConnect_<version>.tar.gz --ignore-vignettes --no-manual to check the package (<version> varies). Note that this is meant for local checks, see section below for which .tar.gz to choose for the actual CRAN submission.
  5. Open an R session (using R) and if required initialize the reverse depencency check with usethis::use_revdep(). Run the actual checks with revdepcheck::revdep_check(num_workers = 8, timeout = as.difftime(120, units = "mins")) and use revdepcheck::revdep_reset() first in order to run it again.

Prepare CRAN submission

  1. Download the artifact from the CI run that produced it based on the latest ubuntu and r "release" versions.
  2. Follow instructions on https://cran.r-project.org/submit.html.

miraisolutions/xlconnect documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 7:20 p.m.