
Defines functions download.lspace

Documented in download.lspace

#' Download Latent Semantic Spaces
#' Downloads the specified semantic space from \href{https://osf.io/489he}{osf.io/489he}.
#' @param space Name of one or more spaces you want to download, or \code{'all'} for all available.
#'  \code{'100k_lsa'} is the default, and some other common options might be \code{'google'}, \code{'facebook'},
#'  or \code{'glove'}. See \href{https://osf.io/489he/wiki/home}{osf.io/489he/wiki} for more information,
#'  and a full list of spaces.
#' @param decompress Logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), decompresses the downloaded file
#'  with the \code{bunzip2} system command assuming it is available \cr (as indicated by
#'  \code{Sys.which('bunzip2')}).
#' @param check.md5 Logical; if \code{TRUE} (default), retrieves the MD5 checksum from OSF,
#'  and compares it with that calculated from the downloaded file to check its integrity.
#' @param mode A character specifying the file write mode; default is 'wb'. See
#'  \code{\link{download.file}}.
#' @param dir Directory in which to save the space. Specify this here, or set the lspace directory option
#'  (e.g., \code{options(lingmatch.lspace.dir = '~/Latent Semantic Spaces')}), or use
#'  \code{\link{lma_initdirs}} to initialize a directory.
#' @param overwrite Logical; if \code{TRUE}, will replace existing files.
#' @family Latent Semantic Space functions
#' @return A character vector with paths to the [1] data and [2] term files.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' download.lspace("glove_crawl", dir = "~/Latent Semantic Spaces")
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils download.file
#' @importFrom tools md5sum

download.lspace <- function(space = "100k_lsa", decompress = TRUE,
                            check.md5 = TRUE, mode = "wb", dir = getOption("lingmatch.lspace.dir"),
                            overwrite = FALSE) {
    "lspace", space,
    decompress = decompress, check.md5 = check.md5, mode = mode, dir = dir, overwrite = overwrite
miserman/lingmatch documentation built on June 19, 2024, 1:42 a.m.