Man pages for misrori/getrich
Makes you rich

download_sp500_hist_dataDownload all the S&P historical data it use the...
get_ggplot_of_ticker_to_slackPost a picture of a ticker to slack
get_info_plotGet info plot
get_one_tickerDownloading and adding technical indicators to the historical...
get_performance_tableReturn all the ticker from tradingview with performance data
get_sector_indReturn the sector industry data
get_sp500Return the S&P500 tickers
get_summary_of_tickerGet info of a ticker from tradingview
get_tradingview_data_from_json_stringReturn the sector industry data
helloHello, World!
misrori/getrich documentation built on Jan. 3, 2021, 7:21 p.m.