Man pages for mjdufort/miscHelpers
Miscellaneous helper functions

all_equalTest a vector (numeric or otherwise) for equivalency across...
append_objectnamesAppend text to object names in the global environment
average_colorsDetermine the numerical average of a vector of colors
big_colorblind_palGenerate a large colorblind palette
coalesce_with_checksCollapse multiple redundant columns into a single column
coerce_NA_textCoerce textual NAs to true NA values
count_NAsCalculate the number of NAs in an object
count_not_NAsCalculate the number of non-NA elements in an object
cvCalculate the coefficient of variation
find_replaceFind and replace text in object names in the global...
fix_factorsTrim excess factor levels from columns of a data frame
geomeanCalculate the geometric mean of a numeric vector
grapes-between-grapesTest if numbers are within a specified range
grapes-nin-grapesDetermine non-matches of one vector to another
grapes-outside-grapesTest if numbers are outside of a specified range
is_outlierDetermine outliers
load_packages_with_installLoad a vector of packages, installing them if they are not...
logit_transformTransform a vector of proportions using the logit...
ls_grepList objects in global environment matching a regex pattern
ls.objectsImproved listing of objects (from Dirk Eddelbuettel)
lsosList the N largest objects in the global environment
lspList package contents
make_copiesDuplicate objects in the global environment based on names...
make_copyDuplicate an object in the global environment
make_transparentAdd transparency to a vector of colors
me_labellerLabeller function for plotting WGCNA modules in facet_grid or...
order_pointsRe-order a data frame for plotting points in ggplot
print_session_infoPrint session info with better formatting
pseudo_R2Calculate a pseudo R^2 value from a fitted model
range01Normalize a numeric vector to 0-1 range
read_ynPrompt user for a yes or no answer Prompt the user for a yes...
redundant_cols.model.matrixDetermine the redundant columns in a model matrix
remove_all_NA_rowcolsTrim any rows and/or columns containing all NAs from a matrix...
rm_grepRemove objects matching a regex pattern from global...
rm_tmpRemove temporary objects from global environment
seCalculate the standard error of the mean
shuffle_designMat_by_groupShuffle a variable in a design matrix within studies or...
sig_digsCalculate the number of significant figures in a number...
simple_capCapitalize the first letter of each element and/or word in a...
standardize_datesConvert dates in various formats to Date format
standardize_dimnamesStandardize the column and/or row names of a matrix or data...
standardizeDimnamesStandardize the column and/or row names of a matrix or data...
standardize_namesStandardize a character vector to standard syntax...
standardizeNamesStandardize a character vector to standard syntax, defaulting...
values2colorsConvert a vector of numeric values to a vector of colors
zscore_winsorizedNormalize a numeric vector to z-scores with the values...
mjdufort/miscHelpers documentation built on July 29, 2024, 6:14 p.m.