  collapse  = TRUE,
  comment   = "#>",
  fig.path  = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


r badger::badge_devel("mjg211/multiarm", "blue") r badger::badge_code_size("mjg211/multiarm") r badger::badge_lifecycle("maturing", "blue") r badger::badge_custom("contributions", "welcome", "blue")


multiarm provides functions to assist with the design of single- and multi-stage multi-arm clinical trials. In either case the available functions allow for sample size determination, trial simulation, analytical operating characteristic calculation, and the production of several informative plots.

Note that an R Shiny graphical user interface is also available for designing single-stage trials; it can be accessed within R using multiarm::gui(), or online at Additional information on this app can be found in Grayling and Wason (2020).

Getting started

You can install the latest development version of multiarm from Github with:


An introductory example of how to make use of some of the package's core functionality can be found below. More detailed support, for single-stage designs, is available in the package vignette, which can be accessed with vignette("single_stage", package = "multiarm"). See also Grayling and Wason (2020). For further help, please email


In total, 46 functions are currently available. Their naming conventions are such that several character strings are joined together, separated by underscores. The first string indicates the purpose of the function (i.e., what type of calculation it performs):

The second indicates the design:

The third indicates what type of outcome the function is for:

Example: Single-stage design for a normally distributed outcome

Typically, a des_###_###() function would be used first to identify a design for the trial parameters of interest. For example, consider designing a single-stage trial for:

To compute the design, we would run:

des <- des_ss_norm(K          = 3,
                   alpha      = 0.05,
                   beta       = 0.2,
                   delta1     = 1,
                   sigma      = rep(1, 4),
                   ratio      = rep(1, 3),
                   correction = "dunnett",
                   power      = "marginal")

Then, the total required sample size is:


In addition, the operating characteristics under the global null, global alternative, and each of the least favourable configurations, can be accessed with:


Useful plots can also be produced with plot.multiarm_des_ss_norm() as follows:



Grayling MJ, Wason JMS (2020) A web application for the design of multi-arm clinical trials. BMC Cancer 20:80. DOI: 10.1186/s12885-020-6525-0. PMID: 32005187.

Magirr D, Jaki T, Whitehead J (2012) A generalized Dunnett test for multi-arm multi-stage clinical studies with treatment selection. Biometrika 99(2):494--501. DOI: 10.1093/biomet/ass002.

Wason J, Stallard N, Bowden J, Jennison C (2017) A multi-stage drop-the-losers design for multi-arm clinical trials. Stat Meth Med Res 26(1):508--524. DOI: 10.1177/0962280214550759. PMID: 25228636.

mjg211/multiarm documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 8:21 a.m.