knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, results = "asis")

Design setting

The trial will be designed to compare $K$ experimental treatments to a shared control arm. Response $X_{ik}$, from patient $i=1,\dots,n_k$ in arm $k=0,\dots,K$, will be assumed to be distributed as $X_{ik} \sim Po(\lambda_k)$. Then, the hypotheses to be tested will be: $$ H_k : \tau_k = \lambda_k - \lambda_0 \le 0,\ k=1,\dots,K.$$ The global null hypothesis, $H_G$, will be: $$ \lambda_0 = \cdots = \lambda_K. $$ The global alternative hypothesis, $H_A$, will be: $$ \lambda_1 = \cdots = \lambda_K = \lambda_0 + \delta_1. $$ The least favourable configuration for experimental arm $k$, $LFC_k$, will be: $$ \lambda_k = \lambda_0 + \delta_1,\ \lambda_1 = \cdots = \lambda_{k-1} = \lambda_{k+1} = \cdots = \lambda_K = \lambda_0 + \delta_0. $$ Here, $\delta_1$ and $\delta_0$ are interesting and uninteresting treatment effects respectively.


alpha         <- params$alpha
beta          <- params$beta
delta0        <- params$delta0
delta1        <- params$delta1
integer       <- params$integer
J             <- params$J
K             <- params$K
Kv            <- params$Kv
lambda0       <- params$lambda0
maxN          <- params$maxN
n10           <- params$n10
n1            <- params$n1
opchar        <- params$opchar
plots         <- params$plots
power         <- params$power
ratio_type    <- params$ratio_type
ratio_init    <- params$ratio_init
ratio         <- params$ratio
swss          <- params$swss
equal_error   <- params$equal_error
equal_power   <- params$equal_power
equal_other   <- params$equal_other
shifted_power <- params$shifted_power
if (power == "marginal") {
  power_scenario_text <-
    "each of their respective least favourable configurations"
  power_type_text     <- "marginal power for each null hypothesis"
} else {
  power_scenario_text <- "the global alternative hypothesis"
  power_type_text     <- "disjunctive power"

if (ratio_type == "equal_all") {
  ratio_text          <- "the same as the control arm"
} else if (ratio_type == "equal_exp") {
  ratio_text          <- paste0(ratio_init[1], " times that of the control arm")
} else {
  ratio_text          <- paste0(round(1/sqrt(K), 3),
                                " times that of the control arm")

if (integer) {
  integer_text        <- "will"
} else {
  integer_text        <- "will not"

if (plots) {
  plot_text           <- "will"
} else {
  plot_text           <- "will not"
FWER                  <- round(opchar$FWERI1[1], 3)
if (power == "marginal") {
  power_type_text     <- "minimum marginal power"
  power_value         <-
    round(min(diag(as.matrix(opchar[-(1:2), (K + 4):(2*K + 3)]))), 3)
} else {
  power_scenario_text <- "the global alternative hypothesis."
  if (power == "conjunctive") {
    power_type_text   <- "conjunctive power"
    power_value       <- round(opchar$Pcon[2], 3)
  } else if (power == "disjunctive") {
    power_type_text   <- "disjunctive power"
    power_value       <- round(opchar$Pdis[2], 3)
if (swss == "fixed") {
  swss_text  <- "is"
  swss_text2 <- round(n1, 3)
} else {
  swss_text  <- "to the control arm is"
  swss_text2 <- round(n10, 3)


The following choices were made:


Operating characteristcs

kable(round(opchar[, c(1:(K + 1), (2*K + 4):(4*K + 3))]), digits = 3)
kable(round(opchar[, 1:(2*K + 3)]), digits = 3)
kable(round(opchar[, -((K + 2):(4*K + 3))]), digits = 3)


if (params$plots) {
  cat("\n \n \n \n \n \n")
  cat("\n \n \n \n \n \n")
  cat("\n \n \n \n \n \n")
} else {
  cat("Not chosen for output: select the box next to 'Plot power curves' to",
      "add plots to the report.")

mjg211/multiarm documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 8:21 a.m.