
This vignette covers some variaties of worm plots, and in particular introduces flatworm plots, a regression diagnostic plot used to assess residual fit---like a QQ plot, but modified to maximize the ability of humans to perceive deviations from model fit.


Libraries and imports

Required libraries

If you are missing any of the packages below, use install.packages("packagename") to install them. The import:: syntax requires the import package to be installed, and provides a simple way to import specific functions from a package without polluting your entire namespace (unlike library())

library(magrittr)   #pipe syntax (%>%, %<>%, etc)
import::from(gamlss.dist, dTF, qTF, pTF, rTF)   #the TF functions are a scaled and shifted t distribution

Test of kurtosis


Let's generate some data with varying levels of kurtosis

k = 100
d = data_frame(
    mu = 0,
    sigma = 1,
    nu = seq(1,50,by=1)
) %>%
    group_by(mu, sigma, nu) %>%
        x = rTF(k, .$mu, .$sigma, .$nu)

And a normal model:

dn = data_frame(
    x = rnorm(k, 0, 1)
mn = lm(x ~ 1, data = dn)

Now let's fit the models:

m = d %>%
    group_by(nu) %>%
    do(model = lm(x ~ 1, data=.))
flatworm(m$model[[10]], ylim=6)
+ geom_vline(xintercept = c(-2,2))
flatworm(mn, cubic=T)
wp(resid = rstandard(m$model[[10]]))
wp(resid = rstandard(mn))

Test of skew

Let's generate some data with varying levels of skew

k = 1000
d = data_frame(
    mu = 0,
    sigma = 1,
    skew = seq(-100,100,by=10)
) %>%
    group_by(mu, sigma, skew) %>%
        x = rST1(k, .$mu, .$sigma, .$skew, Inf)

And a normal model:

dn = data_frame(
    x = rnorm(k, 0, 1)
mn = lm(x ~ 1, data = dn)

Now let's fit the models:

m = d %>%
    group_by(skew) %>%
    do(model = lm(x ~ 1, data=.))
flatworm(m$model[[0 + 11]], ylim=6, lines=FALSE, loess=TRUE, points=FALSE) + geom_vline(xintercept = c(-2,2))
wp(resid = rstandard(m$model[[-5 + 11]]))

mjskay/flatworm documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:04 a.m.