Man pages for mkampert/rCOSA
Clustering Objects on Subsets of Attributes (COSA)

ApoE3A Typical Synthetic Data Set from a COSA Model
attimpCompute and plot relevance of the attributes for selected...
attvaluesPlot distributions of selected attributes within a specified...
autoscaleMean-center and scale the column of a matrix
bmatCreate the so-called B matrix
boxattBarplots of univariate attribute dispersion within groups
boxwBarplots of attribute weights within groups
bplotBarplot for the rCOSA results
cmdsClassical (Metric) Multidimensional Scaling
cosa2COSA 2 Dissimilarities
cosaversionPrints date and version number of COSA installation
dimdataRetrieve the number of observations from a distance object
fitCompute fit between two distance matrices
getclustIdentify Clusters in a Dendrogram
hierclustHierarchical Clustering
lowmatReturn matrix with only the lower diagonal
normdistNormalize the distance
plotimpReplot attribute relevances with different plot parameters...
rCOSA-packagerCOSA: Clustering Objects on Subsets of Attributes (COSA)
rotatRotate distance matrix (internal function rCOSA)
XtoyA Typical Synthetic Data Set from a COSA Model
mkampert/rCOSA documentation built on Dec. 23, 2019, 8:21 p.m.