Man pages for mkearney/chr
Simple String Manipulation

chr_countCount matches from strings
chr_detectDetect matches in strings
chr_extractExtract matches from strings
chr_ngram_charCharacter n-grams
chr-packagechr: Simple String Manipulation
chr_remove_hashtagsRemove hashtags from text
chr_remove_linebreaksRemove line breaks from text
chr_remove_linksRemove URL links from text
chr_remove_mentionsRemove [at] mentions from text
chr_remove_tabsRemove tabs from text
chr_remove_wsRemove extra spaces from text
chr_replaceReplace text pattern with string
chr_replace_nonasciiReplace non-ascii with similar ascii characters
pipePipe operator
title_caseConvert string to title case
mkearney/chr documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:03 a.m.