fml-package: fml: File Management and Location Tools

Description file functions dir functions path functions Author(s) See Also


The fml package provides a streamlined and simplified interface for interacting with files. It serves as a wrapper around numerous base functions e.g., base::path.expand, base::file.path, base::list.files, base::list.dirs, etc.

file functions

Files are non-directory, content endpoints (docs, text, html, script, data, etc.)

dir functions

Directories are non-file, container endpoints (folders that can contain files and/or subfolders)

path functions

Paths are file or directory endpoints (everything is a path)


Maintainer: Michael W. Kearney (0000-0002-0730-4694)

See Also

Useful links:

mkearney/fml documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:43 a.m.