Analysis of CTD cast data

opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 12, fig.height = 8, echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE)

The following analyses focus on comparisons and correlations between CTD cast locations.

Surface-layer data

surfdepth = 0.75
surface = summarize(group_by(ctd, date, id, dist), 
  mindepth = min(depth),
  ta = spline(depth, ta, xout = surfdepth)$y,
  sa = spline(depth, sa, xout = surfdepth)$y,
  oa = spline(depth, oa, xout = surfdepth)$y) 
surface[surface$mindepth > surfdepth, c("ta", "sa", "oa")] = NA 

surfacetemp = spread(surface[c("date", "id", "dist", "ta")], dist, ta)
surfacesalinity = spread(surface[c("date", "id", "dist", "sa")], dist, sa)
surfaceoxygen = spread(surface[c("date", "id", "dist", "oa")], dist, oa)
surfacetemp.cor = cor(surfacetemp[-c(1, 2)], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", 
  method = "kendall")
surfacesalinity.cor = cor(surfacesalinity[-c(1, 2)], 
  use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = "kendall")
surfaceoxygen.cor = cor(surfaceoxygen[-c(1, 2)], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", 
  method = "kendall")

surfacecor = melt(surfacetemp.cor)
names(surfacecor) = c("dist1", "dist2", "ta")
surfacecor["sa"] = melt(surfacesalinity.cor)[,3]
surfacecor["oa"] = melt(surfaceoxygen.cor)[,3]
surfacecor = na.omit(surfacecor[melt(lower.tri(surfacetemp.cor))[,3],])

# plots
surfacecor.plot = melt(surfacecor, id.var = c("dist1", "dist2"), = "correlation")
surfacecor.plot['dist.apart'] = abs(surfacecor.plot$dist1 - surfacecor.plot$dist2)

ggplot(surfacecor.plot, aes(x = dist.apart, y = correlation)) + geom_point() + 
  facet_wrap(~ variable) + ylim(c(-1, 1))

ggplot(surfacecor.plot, aes(x = dist1, y = dist2, color = correlation)) + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.1) + 
  geom_point() + coord_fixed() + facet_wrap(~ variable) +   
  scale_colour_gradient2(low = "red", mid = "white", high = "blue")

# stupid clustering
surfacecor["cluster"] = pamk(surfacecor, krange = 1:(nrow(surfacecor) - 1), 
  scaling = FALSE)$pamobject$clustering
ggplot(surfacecor, aes(x = dist1, y = dist2, color = factor(cluster))) + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.1) + 
  geom_point() + coord_fixed() +   
  scale_colour_distiller(n = length(unique(surfacecor$cluster)), palette = "Set1")  

# longitudinal clustering
surfacetemp.kml = clusterLongData(t(surfacetemp[-c(1:2)]), 
  idAll = names(surfacetemp)[-c(1:2)])
surfacesalinity.kml = clusterLongData(t(surfacesalinity[-c(1:2)]), 
  idAll = names(surfacesalinity)[-c(1:2)])
surfaceoxygen.kml = clusterLongData(t(surfaceoxygen[-c(1:2)]), 
  idAll = names(surfaceoxygen)[-c(1:2)])



Bottom-layer data

bottomdepth = 5.0
bottom = summarize(group_by(ctd, date, id, dist), 
  maxdepth = max(depth),
  ta = spline(depth, ta, xout = bottomdepth)$y,
  sa = spline(depth, sa, xout = bottomdepth)$y,
  oa = spline(depth, oa, xout = bottomdepth)$y)  
bottom[bottom$maxdepth < bottomdepth, c("ta", "sa", "oa")] = NA

bottomtemp = spread(bottom[c("date", "id", "dist", "ta")], dist, ta)
bottomsalinity = spread(bottom[c("date", "id", "dist", "sa")], dist, sa)
bottomoxygen = spread(bottom[c("date", "id", "dist", "oa")], dist, oa)
bottomtemp.cor = cor(bottomoxygen[-c(1, 2)], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", 
  method = "kendall")
bottomsalinity.cor = cor(bottomtemp[-c(1, 2)], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", 
  method = "kendall")
bottomoxygen.cor = cor(bottomsalinity[-c(1, 2)], use = "pairwise.complete.obs", 
  method = "kendall")

bottomcor = melt(bottomtemp.cor)
names(bottomcor) = c("dist1", "dist2", "ta")
bottomcor["sa"] = melt(bottomsalinity.cor)[,3]
bottomcor["oa"] = melt(bottomoxygen.cor)[,3]
bottomcor = na.omit(bottomcor[melt(lower.tri(bottomtemp.cor))[,3],])

bottomcor.plot = melt(bottomcor, id.var = c("dist1", "dist2"), = "correlation")
bottomcor.plot['dist.apart'] = abs(bottomcor.plot$dist1 - bottomcor.plot$dist2)

ggplot(bottomcor.plot, aes(x = dist.apart, y = correlation)) + geom_point() + 
  facet_wrap(~ variable) + ylim(c(-1, 1))

ggplot(bottomcor.plot, aes(x = dist1, y = dist2, color = correlation)) + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.1) + 
  geom_point() + coord_fixed() + facet_wrap(~ variable) + 
  scale_colour_gradient2(low = "red", mid = "white", high = "blue") 

# stupid clustering
bottomcor["cluster"] = pamk(bottomcor, krange = 1:(nrow(bottomcor) - 1), 
  scaling = FALSE)$pamobject$clustering

ggplot(bottomcor, aes(x = dist1, y = dist2, color = factor(cluster))) + 
  geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, alpha = 0.1) + 
  geom_point() + coord_fixed() +   
  scale_colour_distiller(n = length(unique(bottomcor$cluster)), palette = "Set1")  

# longitudinal clustering
bottomtemp.kml = clusterLongData(t(bottomtemp[-c(1:2)]), 
  idAll = names(bottomtemp)[-c(1:2)])
bottomsalinity.kml = clusterLongData(t(bottomsalinity[-c(1:2)]), 
  idAll = names(bottomsalinity)[-c(1:2)])
bottomoxygen.kml = clusterLongData(t(bottomoxygen[-c(1:2)]), 
  idAll = names(bottomoxygen)[-c(1:2)])



Mixing-layer data

cline = summarize(group_by(ctd, date, id, dist),
  ta.cline = mld(depth, ta, min.range = 2, max.z = 4),  
  sa.cline = mld(depth, sa, min.range = 5, max.z = 4),
  oa.cline = mld(depth, oa, min.range = 1, max.z = 4),
  blt = abs(ta.cline - sa.cline))

thermocline = spread(cline[c("date", "id", "dist", "ta.cline")], dist, ta.cline)
pycnocline = spread(cline[c("date", "id", "dist", "sa.cline")], dist, sa.cline)

mkoohafkan/rremat documentation built on July 3, 2021, 12:06 p.m.