demgsa: An R package for carrying out global sensitivity analysis of demographic models

demgsa is an R package that provides functions to carry out a global sensitivity analysis (GSA) of demographic models created via the RAMAS GIS Software. demgsa includes functions to make easier each major step of a GSA:

  1. Creation of new demographic models parameterized with random sets of values, which represent the uncertainty and/or stochasticity inherent in each parameter.
  2. Creation of scripts to batch run RAMAS GIS models.
  3. Reading and collating of model inputs and results for further analysis.

Currently the demgsa package is available via M. Aiello-Lammens' GitHub account. The package repository is here, and we encourage Clones, Forks, and Pull Requests. The easiest way to install this package is to use the devtools package. However, the package vignette will not be created upon install. An html version of the vignette, which functions as a demgsa tutorial, is here.

Install demgsa via devtools::install_github

## Check for devtools. Install if not already installed.
if( !( "devtools" %in% installed.packages() ) ){
  install.packages( "devtools" ) 

## Load devtools package
library( devtools )

## Check for demgsa. Install if not already installed
if( !( "demgsa" %in% installed.packages() ) ){
  devtools::install_github( "mlammens/demgsa" ) 

## Load demgsa package
library( demgsa )

mlammens/demgsa documentation built on Aug. 4, 2020, 1:16 a.m.