Man pages for mlampros/FeatureSelection
Feature extraction and selection based on 'glmnet', 'xgboost' and 'ranger'

add_probs_dfsaddition of probability-data-frames
barplot_feat_selectplot important features
class_foldsstratified folds (in classification)
DataSplitpartition of data (train-test-split)
feature_selectionFeature selection
func_correlationfind correlated variables
func_replace_NAssecondary function to replace NAs
func_shuffleshuffle data
normalizednormalize data
regr_foldscreate folds (in regression)
remove_duplic_funcfunction to remove duplicated pairs of predictors ( used in...
second_func_corsecondary function ( used in the func_correlation )
wrapper_feat_selectWraps all three methods
mlampros/FeatureSelection documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 4:40 a.m.