Man pages for mlampros/KernelKnn
Kernel k Nearest Neighbors

BostonBoston Housing Data (Regression)
class_foldsstratified folds (in classification) [ detailed information...
distMat.KernelKnnkernel k-nearest-neighbors using a distance matrix
distMat.knn.index.distindices and distances of k-nearest-neighbors using a distance...
func_categorical_predsOPTION to convert categorical features TO either numeric [ if...
func_shuffleshuffle data
func_tblthis function returns a table of probabilities for each label
func_tbl_distthis function returns the probabilities in case of...
FUNCTION_weightsthis function is used as a kernel-function-identifier [ takes...
FUN_kernelsperforms kernel smoothing using a bandwidth. Besides using a...
ionosphereJohns Hopkins University Ionosphere database (binary...
KernelKnnkernel k-nearest-neighbors
KernelKnnCVkernel-k-nearest-neighbors using cross-validation
knn.index.distindices and distances of k-nearest-neighbors
normalizedthis function normalizes the data
regr_foldscreate folds (in regression) [ detailed information about...
switch.opsArithmetic operations on lists
mlampros/KernelKnn documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 4:42 a.m.