As of 2018-06-17 the elmNN package was archived and due to the fact that it was one of the machine learning functions that I used when I started learning R (it returns the output results pretty fast too) plus that I had to utilize the package last week for a personal task I decided to reimplement the R code in Rcpp. It didn't take long because the R package was written, initially by the author, in a clear way. In the next lines I'll explain the differences and the functionality just for reference.

Differences between the elmNN (R package) and the elmNNRcpp (Rcpp Package)

The elmNNRcpp functions

The functions included in the elmNNRcpp package are the following and details for each parameter can be found in the package documentation,

| elmNNRcpp | | :------------------: | | elm_train(x, y, nhid, actfun, init_weights = "normal_gaussian", bias = FALSE, ...) | | elm_predict(elm_train_object, newdata, normalize = FALSE) | | onehot_encode(y) |

elmNNRcpp in case of Regression

The following code chunk gives some details on how to use the elm_train in case of regression and compares the results with the lm ( linear model ) base function,

# load the data and split it in two parts

data(Boston, package = 'KernelKnn')


Boston = as.matrix(Boston)
dimnames(Boston) = NULL

X = Boston[, -dim(Boston)[2]]
xtr = X[1:350, ]
xte = X[351:nrow(X), ]

# prepare / convert the train-data-response to a one-column matrix

ytr = matrix(Boston[1:350, dim(Boston)[2]], nrow = length(Boston[1:350, dim(Boston)[2]]),

             ncol = 1)

# perform a fit and predict [ elmNNRcpp ]

fit_elm = elm_train(xtr, ytr, nhid = 1000, actfun = 'purelin',

                    init_weights = "uniform_negative", bias = TRUE, verbose = T)

pr_te_elm = elm_predict(fit_elm, xte)

# perform a fit and predict [ lm ]

data(Boston, package = 'KernelKnn')

fit_lm = lm(medv~., data = Boston[1:350, ])

pr_te_lm = predict(fit_lm, newdata = Boston[351:nrow(X), ])

# evaluation metric

rmse = function (y_true, y_pred) {

  out = sqrt(mean((y_true - y_pred)^2))


# test data response variable

yte = Boston[351:nrow(X), dim(Boston)[2]]

# mean-squared-error for 'elm' and 'lm'

cat('the rmse error for extreme-learning-machine is :', rmse(yte, pr_te_elm[, 1]), '\n')

cat('the rmse error for liner-model is :', rmse(yte, pr_te_lm), '\n')

elmNNRcpp in case of Classification

The following code script illustrates how elm_train can be used in classification and compares the results with the glm ( Generalized Linear Models ) base function,

# load the data

data(ionosphere, package = 'KernelKnn')

y_class = ionosphere[, ncol(ionosphere)]

x_class = ionosphere[, -c(2, ncol(ionosphere))]     # second column has 1 unique value

x_class = scale(x_class[, -ncol(x_class)])

x_class = as.matrix(x_class)                        # convert to matrix
dimnames(x_class) = NULL 

# split data in train-test

xtr_class = x_class[1:200, ]                    
xte_class = x_class[201:nrow(ionosphere), ]

ytr_class = as.numeric(y_class[1:200])
yte_class = as.numeric(y_class[201:nrow(ionosphere)])

ytr_class = onehot_encode(ytr_class - 1)                                     # class labels should begin from 0 (subtract 1)

# perform a fit and predict [ elmNNRcpp ]

fit_elm_class = elm_train(xtr_class, ytr_class, nhid = 1000, actfun = 'relu',

                          init_weights = "uniform_negative", bias = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

pr_elm_class = elm_predict(fit_elm_class, xte_class, normalize = FALSE)

pr_elm_class = max.col(pr_elm_class, ties.method = "random")

# perform a fit and predict [ glm ]

data(ionosphere, package = 'KernelKnn')

fit_glm = glm(class~., data = ionosphere[1:200, -2], family = binomial(link = 'logit'))

pr_glm = predict(fit_glm, newdata = ionosphere[201:nrow(ionosphere), -2], type = 'response')

pr_glm = as.vector(ifelse(pr_glm < 0.5, 1, 2))

# accuracy for 'elm' and 'glm'

cat('the accuracy for extreme-learning-machine is :', mean(yte_class == pr_elm_class), '\n')

cat('the accuracy for glm is :', mean(yte_class == pr_glm), '\n')

Classify MNIST digits using elmNNRcpp

I found an interesting Python implementation / Code on the web and I thought I give it a try to reproduce the results. I downloaded the MNIST data from my Github repository and I used the following parameter setting,

# using system('wget..') on a linux OS 


mnist <- read.table(unz("", "mnist.csv"), nrows = 70000, header = T, 

                    quote = "\"", sep = ",")

x = mnist[, -ncol(mnist)]

y = mnist[, ncol(mnist)]

# using system('wget..') on a linux OS 


mnist <- read.table(unz("", "mnist.csv"), nrows = 70000, header = T, 

                    quote = "\"", sep = ",")

x = mnist[, -ncol(mnist)]

y = mnist[, ncol(mnist)] + 1

# use the hog-features as input data

hog = OpenImageR::HOG_apply(x, cells = 6, orientations = 9, rows = 28, columns = 28, threads = 6)

y_expand = elmNNRcpp::onehot_encode(y - 1)

# 4-fold cross-validation

folds = KernelKnn:::class_folds(folds = 4, as.factor(y))

START = Sys.time()

fit = lapply(1:length(folds), function(x) {

  cat('\n'); cat('fold', x, 'starts ....', '\n')

  tmp_fit = elmNNRcpp::elm_train(as.matrix(hog[unlist(folds[-x]), ]), y_expand[unlist(folds[-x]), ], 

                                 nhid = 2500, actfun = 'relu', init_weights = 'uniform_negative',

                                 bias = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

  cat('******************************************', '\n')


END = Sys.time()


# Time difference of 5.698552 mins


# predictions for 4-fold cross validation

test_acc = unlist(lapply(1:length(fit), function(x) {

  pr_te = elmNNRcpp::elm_predict(fit[[x]], newdata = as.matrix(hog[folds[[x]], ]))

  pr_max_col = max.col(pr_te, ties.method = "random")

  y_true = max.col(y_expand[folds[[x]], ])

  mean(pr_max_col == y_true)


# [1] 0.9825143 0.9848571 0.9824571 0.9822857

cat('Accuracy ( Mnist data ) :', round(mean(test_acc) * 100, 2), '\n')

# Accuracy ( Mnist data ) : 98.3

mlampros/elmNNRcpp documentation built on Dec. 8, 2022, 8:10 p.m.