Man pages for mlcollyer/chatham.bio532
Statistical analyses especially designed for BIO532, Biostatistics, at Chatham University

actionsactions data from Pagano and Gauvreau
africaafrica data from Pagano and Gauvreau
alcoholalcohol data from Pagano and Gauvreau
angioangio data from Pagano and Gauvreau
ANOVAPerform Analysis of Variance for a linear model
bedbed data from Pagano and Gauvreau
bed2bed2 data from Pagano and Gauvreau
bladderbladder data from Pagano and Gauvreau
bratebrate data from Pagano and Gauvreau
cadcad data from Pagano and Gauvreau
chatham.bio532-packageStatistical analyses especially designed for BIO532,...
cigarettcigarett data from Pagano and Gauvreau
confidence.intGenerate confidence intervals
cytocyto data from Pagano and Gauvreau
detroitdetroit data from Pagano and Gauvreau
diabetesdiabetes data from Pagano and Gauvreau
dialysisdialysis data from Pagano and Gauvreau
dthratedthrate data from Pagano and Gauvreau
heartheart data from Pagano and Gauvreau
hospitalhospital data from Pagano and Gauvreau
insureinsure data from Pagano and Gauvreau
ischemicischemic data from Pagano and Gauvreau
lifeexplifeexp data from Pagano and Gauvreau
liferaceliferace data from Pagano and Gauvreau
lowbwtlowbwt data from Pagano and Gauvreau
minerminer data from Pagano and Gauvreau
multisampleGenerate multiple samples
nurshomenurshome data from Pagano and Gauvreau
pairwise.means.testPerform non-parametric (randomization) test of mean...
plot.ANOVAPlot Function for chatham.bio532
plot.confidence.intPlot Function for chatham.bio532
plot.multisamplePlot Function for chatham.bio532
plot.pairwise.means.testPlot Function for chatham.bio532
plot.two.sample.testPlot Function for chatham.bio532
print.ANOVAPrint/Summary Function for chantahm.bio532
print.confidence.intPrint/Summary Function for chantahm.bio532
print.multisamplePrint/Summary Function for chantahm.bio532
print.pairwise.means.testPrint/Summary Function for chantahm.bio532
print.two.sample.testPrint/Summary Function for chantahm.bio532
prisonprison data from Pagano and Gauvreau
programprogram data from Pagano and Gauvreau
serzincserzinc data from Pagano and Gauvreau
stenosisstenosis data from Pagano and Gauvreau
summary.ANOVAPrint/Summary Function for chatham.bio532
summary.confidence.intPrint/Summary Function for chatham.bio532
summary.multisamplePrint/Summary Function for chatham.bio532
summary.pairwise.means.testPrint/Summary Function for chatham.bio532
summary.two.sample.testPrint/Summary Function for chatham.bio532
twentytwenty data from Pagano and Gauvreau
two.sample.testPerform a two-sample hypothesis test for two independent...
unicefunicef data from Pagano and Gauvreau
us1940us1940 data from Pagano and Gauvreau
waterwater data from Pagano and Gauvreau
mlcollyer/chatham.bio532 documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:08 a.m.