cvpca_ia: Cross-validation of a PCA model by Missing Data Imputation

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cvpca_iaR Documentation

Cross-validation of a PCA model by Missing Data Imputation


The general principle is to remove parts (i.e sets of elements x_ij) from the matrix X of dimension n x p, and then to estimate these parts by a given algorithm. PRESS and MSEP are then calculated over these estimates.

1) CV by missing data imputation (MDI)

- cvpca_ia: Matrix X is composed of N = n*p elements x_ij in which sub-samples (segments) will be successively selected. Assume that a K-FOLD CV is implemented (the principle is the same for a test-set CV). Each segment is defined by a set of elements x_ij, of size around m = N / K. If the sampling is random (usual situation), the location of the m elements in the matrix will be distributed randomly. Then, the m elements are considered as missing, and estimated jointly (i.e. in the same time). The estimation uses the PCA "iterative algorithm" (IA) implemented in function ximputia (see the corresponding help page). Note: If the first iteration uses NIPALS, the algorithm can be slow for large matrix X. It is also recommanded to check the convergence of the algorithm (output conv).

- cvpca_tri: This is the "efficient ekf-TRI" algorithm proposed by Camacho & Ferrer 2012 (p.370), referred to as "Algorithm2" in Saccenti & Camacho 2015a. It returns equal results as the "ekf-TRI" algorithm, but is much faster. Algorithm "ekf-TRI" is presented for instance by Camacho & Ferrer 2012 (see "Algorithm 2"). A given segment is defined by a selection of rows in X. Then, for each row of the segment, sets of colums are successively considered as missing, and the corresponding missing elemnts are estimated with the trimmed score method (TRI) (e.g. Nelson et al. 1996, Arteaga & Ferrer 2002). In the present version of the function, each column is removed one by one, which is a "column leave-one out" process (LOO).

- cvpca_ckf: This is the "ckf-TRI" algorithm proposed by Saccenti & Camacho 2015 ("Algorithm3" p.469). It can be considered as a simplification of the "efficient ekf-TRI". TRI is still used for missing data imputation but data are only removed column-wise. Note: Only one PCA model is fitted (there are no selections of rows), and the algorithm is therefore very fast compared to others.

2) Row-wise classical CV

- cvpca_rw: This is the "row-wise" algorithm (see e.g. Bro et al. 2008 p.1242, or "Algorithm 1" in Camacho & Ferrer 2012 p.362). Rows are removed from the matrix and then are predicted using scores and loadings computed from the non-removed part. Note: This algorithm is the simplest, the most similar to usual CV and quite fast. Unfortunately, it underestimates the prediction error that is normally targeted by the CV procedure. It is therefore not usefull for model selection objectives. The underestimation comes from the fact that the removed part, say Xnew, is directly used for computing the predictions Xnew_fit (Xnew_fit = Xnew * P * P'). Xnew and Xnew_fit are therefore not independent, while independence is precisely what CV procedure intends to do. The consequence is that MSEP = PRESS / N tends to decrease continuously (without "U" curve), such as MSEC. A tentative has been made for capturing the consumption of degrees of freedom due to non independence by replacing N by N - n*a (where a is the PCA dimension) for the MSEP denominator (see eg. discussion in Bro et al. 2008). But in practice, this correction is generally not sufficient for removing the non-independence effect.


cvpca_ia(X, ncomp, algo = NULL,
  start = "nipals",
  tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, 
  maxit = 10000, 
  print = TRUE, ...)

cvpca_tri(X, ncomp, algo = NULL, 
  print = TRUE, ...)

cvpca_ckf(X, ncomp, algo = NULL, ...)



A n x p matrix or data frame.


The number of PCA components (latent variables).


A list of the test segments. Typically, output of function segmkf or segmts.


Algorithm (e.g. pca_eigen) used for fitting the PCA model. Default to NULL (see pca).


Method used for the initial estimate in the IA algorithm. Possible values are "nipals" (default) or "means".


Tolerance for testing convergence of the IA algorithm.


Maximum number of iterations for the IA algorithm.


Logical. If TRUE, fitting information are printed.


Optionnal arguments to pass through function algo.


A list of outputs, see the examples.


Arteaga, F., Ferrer, A., 2002. Dealing with missing data in MSPC: several methods, different interpretations, some examples. Journal of Chemometrics 16, 408–418.

Arteaga, F., Ferrer, A., 2005. Framework for regression-based missing data imputation methods in on-line MSPC. Journal of Chemometrics 19, 439–447.

Bro, R., Kjeldahl, K., Smilde, A.K., Kiers, H.A.L., 2008. Cross-validation of component models: A critical look at current methods. Anal Bioanal Chem 390, 1241-1251.

Camacho, J., Ferrer, A., 2012. Cross-validation in PCA models with the element-wise k-fold (ekf) algorithm: theoretical aspects. Journal of Chemometrics 26, 361–373.

Camacho, J., Ferrer, A., 2014. Cross-validation in PCA models with the element-wise k-fold (ekf) algorithm: Practical aspects. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 131, 37–50.

de La Fuente, R.L.-N., García‐Muñoz, S., Biegler, L.T., 2010. An efficient nonlinear programming strategy for PCA models with incomplete data sets. Journal of Chemometrics 24, 301-311.

Folch-Fortuny, A., Arteaga, F., Ferrer, A., 2015. PCA model building with missing data: New proposals and a comparative study. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 146, 77–88.

Folch-Fortuny, A., Arteaga, F., Ferrer, A., 2016. Missing Data Imputation Toolbox for MATLAB. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 154, 93-100.

Nelson, P.R.C., Taylor, P.A., MacGregor, J.F., 1996. Missing data methods in PCA and PLS: Score calculations with incomplete observations. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 35, 45-65.

Saccenti, E., Camacho, J., 2015a. On the use of the observation-wise k-fold operation in PCA cross-validation. Journal of Chemometrics 29, 467–478.

Saccenti, E., Camacho, J., 2015b. Determining the number of components in principal components analysis: A comparison of statistical, crossvalidation and approximated methods. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 149, 99–116.

Walczak, B., Massart, D.L., 2001. Dealing with missing data: Part I. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 58, 15-27.


X <- datoctane$X
## removing outliers
zX <- X[-c(25:26, 36:39), ]
n <- nrow(zX)
p <- ncol(zX)
N <- n * p

##### IA

K <- 5
segm <- segmkf(n = N, K = K, nrep = 1, seed = 1)
#segm <- segmts(n = N, m = N / K, nrep = K)
ncomp <- 10
fm <- cvpca_ia(zX, ncomp, segm = segm, maxit = 1)     ## NIPALS alone
#fm <- cvpca_ia(zX, ncomp, segm = segm)               ## With iterations
z <- fm$res.summ
u <- selwold(z$msep[-1], start = 1, alpha = 0, main = "MSEP_CV")

##### TRI

K <- 5
ncomp <- 15
segm <- segmkf(n = n, K = K, nrep = 1, seed = 1)
fm <- cvpca_tri(zX, ncomp, segm = segm)             
z <- fm$res.summ
u <- selwold(z$msep[-1], start = 1, alpha = 0, main = "MSEP_CV")

##### TRI-CKF

ncomp <- 15
fm <- cvpca_ckf(zX, ncomp)
z <- fm$res
u <- selwold(z$msep[-1], start = 1, alpha = 0, main = "MSEP_CV")

##### ROW-WISE

K <- 5
ncomp <- 15
segm <- segmkf(n = n, K = K, nrep = 1, seed = 1)
fm <- cvpca_rw(zX, ncomp, segm = segm)             
u <- selwold(z$msep[-1], start = 1, alpha = 0, main = "MSEP_CV")

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