
# #options(svy.entry.template=paste(readLines(file("~/svy/data/entry_template.xml")),
# #                                 collapse="\n"))
# library(RCurl)
# library(XML)
# library(RGoogleDocs)
# modifySheet <- function(sh,mod,...) UseMethod("modifySheet")
# #options(svy.feed.template=paste(readLines(file("~/svy/data/feed_template.xml")),
# #                                collapse="\n"))
# #' modify the contents of a sheet
# #'
# #' takes a sheet object and a function and changes the contents of the sheet
# #' using the function
# #'
# #' @param sheet a sheet object
# #' @param mod a function that takes a data frame and returns another, or another
# #' data.frame
# #' @param ... additional parameters to the function
# #' @return invisibly, the server's response to the put request
# #'
# #' The sheet contents are fetched and coerced into a data.frame, the function
# #' called on the data.frame, and the results posted to the sheet, replacing the
# #' original contents.  If mod is a data.frame, the contents of the sheet are
# #' simply overwritten
# #'
# modifySheet <- function(mod,sheet,...) UseMethod("modifySheet")
# modifySheet.function <- function(mod,sheet,...){
#   df <- as.data.frame(sheet)
#   df <- mod(df,...)
#   req <- createUpdateRequest(df,sheet)
#   invisible(putRequest(sheet,req))
# }
# modifySheet.data.frame <- function(mod,sheet){
#   invisible(putRequest(sheet,createUpdateRequest(mod,sheet)))
# }
# as.data.frame <- function(x,...) UseMethod("as.data.frame")
# #' coerce a worksheet object into a data.frame
# #'
# #' this is just a wrapper for \code{RGoogleDocs}'s \code{sheetAsMatrix}
# #' function with the exception that the error caused by an empty sheet
# #' in that function results in an empty data.frame here
# #'
# as.data.frame.GoogleWorksheetRef <- function(x,header=TRUE,trim=FALSE,...){
#   r <- suppressWarnings(
#     tryCatch(sheetAsMatrix(x,header=header,trim=trim,...),error=identity))
#   if(is(r,"error") && r$message=="invalid 'times' argument")
#     data.frame() else r
# }
# pushSheet <- function(df,sheet) putRequest(sheet,createUpdateRequest(df,sheet))
# getSheet <- function(wbname,shname,conn=getGoogleDocsConnection(auth),auth){
#   wb <- getDocs(conn)[[wbname]]
#   if(is.null(wb)) stop("workbook not found")
#   sh <- getWorksheets(wb,conn)[[shname]]
#   if(is.null(sh)) stop("sheet not found in workbook")
#   sh
# }
# #' header for a GoogleSheets request
# #'
# #' use the information in a
# header.sheet <- function(sheet) c(
#   Authorization=paste0("GoogleLogin auth=", sheet@connection@auth),
#   "Content-Type"="application/atom+xml",
#   curl=sheet@connection,
#   verbose=TRUE
# )
# #' retrieve cells doc
# #'
# #' gets an xml document from Google containing all the specified entries
# #' in a sheet
# #'
# #' @param sheet a \code{GoogleWorksheetRef} object
# #' @param extrema a vector containing the minimum row and column and the
# #' maximum row and column, in that order.  NA values indicate no minimum
# #' or maximum
# #' @param get.empty whether to request empty cells (see note below)
# #' @return an \code{XMLInternalDocument} containing the feed and its attached
# #' entries
# #'
# #' @section Note:
# #' it may be necessary to retrieve empty cells so they can be updated using
# #' the version code in the \code{rel='edit'} link of the entries for those cells
# #'
# getCellsFeed <- function(sheet,extrema=c(NA,NA,c(dim(sheet))),
#                          get.empty=any(!is.na(extrema))){
#   nextrema <- c("min-row","min-col","max-row","max-col")
#   req <- paste0(sheet@cellsfeed,"?",
#                 paste(c(paste(nextrema,extrema,sep="=")[!is.na(extrema)],
# {if(get.empty)"return-empty=true"}),
# collapse="&"))
# h <- basicTextGatherer()
# curlPerform(url=req,
#             httpheader=header.sheet(sheet),
#             writefunction=h$update
# )
# (xmlParse(h$value()))
# }
# #' extract cell values
# #'
# #' pull a dataframe of rows, columns and values from a cells feed
# #'
# #' @param x an xml doc containing the entries in a cells feed
# #' @return a dataframe with \code{row}, \code{col}, and \code{InputValue}
# #' columns
# #' @section Note:
# #' the rows in the dataframe will coincide with the order of the entries in the
# #' doc and thus with the order of elements in a nodeset created using
# #' \code{getNodeset(x,"//def:entry",fixns(x))}
# #'
# getCellVals <- function(x){
#   nodes <- getNodeSet(x,"//def:entry",fixns(x))
#   ldply(nodes,function(n){
#     xmlAttrs(getNodeSet(n,"gs:cell",fixns(x))[[1]])
#   })
# }
# getEditLinks <- function(x) getNodeSet(x,"//def:entry/def:link[@rel='edit']",
#                                        fixns(x))
# #' create an update request to modify a sheet
# #'
# #' retrieves a cells feed document for the sheet, compares the cells to the
# #' elements of the data.frame, and forms an xml request to implement the
# #' differences
# createUpdateRequest <- function(df,sheet){
#   if(is.null(df)) df <- data.frame()
#   df <- rbind(colnames(df),df)
#   df[is.na(df)] <- ""
#   x <- getCellsFeed(sheet,extrema=c(NA,NA,pmax(dim(sheet)+c(1,0),dim(df))))
#   mapply(function(entry,cell){
#     cont <- xmlAttrs(cell)
#     cont <- list(
#       row=as.numeric(cont["row"]),
#       col=as.numeric(cont["col"]),
#       inputValue=cont["inputValue"]
#     )
#     browser(expr=!is(entry,"XMLInternalNode"))
#     # if the entry is in the bounds of the data.frame and has the same value,
#     # delete it from the list of updates
#     if(cont$row<=nrow(df) &&
#          cont$col<=ncol(df) &&
#          cont$inputValue==df[cont$row,cont$col])
#       removeNodes(entry) else{
#         if(cont$row>nrow(df) || cont$col>ncol(df))
#           # if the entry is outside the data.frame, clear it
#           xmlAttrs(cell)["inputValue"] <- "" else
#             # otherwise, update it to the value in the data frame
#             xmlAttrs(cell)["inputValue"] <- df[cont$row,cont$col]
#         addChildren(entry,
#                     # make the batch:id the same as the title
#                     newXMLNode("id",
#                                newXMLTextNode(getChildrenStrings(
#                                  searchXML(entry,"def:title",x)[[1]])),
#                                namespace = "batch"
#                     ),
#                     newXMLNode("operation",
#                                attrs=list(type="update"),
#                                namespace="batch"
#                     )
#         )
#       }
#     invisible()
#   },
#   searchXML(x,"/def:feed/def:entry"),
#   searchXML(x,"/def:feed/def:entry/gs:cell")
#   )
#   x
# }
# putRequest <- function(sheet,request){
#   h <- basicTextGatherer()
#   curlPerform(
#     url=paste0(sheet@cellsfeed,"/batch"),
#     postfields=saveXML(request),
#     writefunction=h$update,
#     customrequest="POST",
#     httpheader=header.sheet(sheet)
#   )
#   h$value()
# }
# #' fix the default namespace on an XML doc
# fixns <- function(x,defstr="def"){
#   ns <- sapply(xmlNamespaceDefinitions(x),function(d)d$uri)
#   names(ns) <- ifelse(names(ns)=="",defstr,names(ns))
#   ns
# }
# searchXML <- function(x,str,doc=x,...)
#   getNodeSet(x,str,namespaces = fixns(doc),...)
# dim <- function(x) UseMethod("dim")
# dim.GoogleWorksheetRef <- function(sheet) dim(as.data.frame(sheet))
# # getCellFeed(sheetId){
# #   url=paste0()
# # }
# updateCells <- function(sheet, vals) {
#   h <- basicTextGatherer()
#   req <- sprintf(
#     "?min-row=%d&max-row=%d&min-col=%d&max-col=%d&return-empty=true",
#     min(vals$r),max(vals$r),min(vals$c),max(vals$c)
#   )
#   x <- xmlRoot(xmlParse(
#     getURI(paste0(sheet@cellsfeed,req), curl=sheet@connection,
#            .opts=list(httpheader=c(Authorization=paste0("GoogleLogin auth=",
#                                                         sh@connection@auth))))
#   ))
#   vals$entries <- getEntries(x,vals)
#   curlPerform(
#     url=paste0(sheet@cellsfeed,"/batch"),
#     postfields=newFeed(sheet,vals),
#     writefunction=h$update,
#     customrequest="PUT",
#     httpheader=c(
#       Authorization=paste0("GoogleLogin auth=", sheet@connection@auth),
#       "Content-Type"="application/atom+xml",
#       curl=sheet@connection,
#       verbose=TRUE
#     )
#   )
#   h$value()
# }
# #' get specified entry nodes from an xml node by row/col pairs
# #'
# #' blah
# getEntries <- function(x,vals){
#   # x is an xml node
#   # ns is the vector of namespaces
#   ns <- sapply(xmlNamespaceDefinitions(x),function(d)d$uri)
#   names(ns) <- ifelse(names(ns)=="","x",names(ns))
#   # use the x:entry xpath to get all the "entry" nodes
#   entries <- getNodeSet(x,"//x:entry",ns)
#   # get the "gs:cell" children, and put them into a row-col-val matrix
#   rc <- sapply(getNodeSet(x,"//gs:cell",ns),function(cell){
#     a <- xmlAttrs(cell)
#     c(a[["row"]],a[["col"]],val=a[["inputValue"]])
#   })
#   # convert to data frame with numeric rows and columns
#   ents <- data.frame(r=as.numeric(rc[1,]),c=as.numeric(rc[2,]),val=rc[3,])
#   # look up the row/col pairs specified in vals
#   inds <- match(with(vals,paste(r,c)),with(ents,paste(r,c)))
#   if(any(is.na(inds))) stop(sprintf("cell not in entries"))
#   entries[inds]
# }
# newEntry <- function(sheet,r,c,val,id){
#   fmt <- getOption(
#     "svy.entry.template",
#     paste(readLines(file("data/entry_template.xml")),collapse="\n"))
#   cellurl <- sprintf("%s/R%dC%d",sheet@cellsfeed,r,c)
#   sprintf(fmt,id,cellurl,cellurl,r,c,val)
# }
# newFeed <- function(sheet,vals,ids=rownames(vals)){
#   fmt <- getOption(
#     "svy.feed.template",
#     paste(readLines(file("data/feed_template.xml")),collapse="\n"))
#   entries <- mapply(newEntry,r=vals$r,c=vals$c,val=vals$val,id=ids,
#                     MoreArgs = list(sheet=sheet))
#   sprintf(fmt,sheet@cellsfeed,paste(entries,collapse=""))
# }
mlgrm/old-svyr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:02 p.m.