Man pages for mlinegar/litMagModelling
Easily Topic Analysis of the Modernist Journals Project with LDA

contributorsData of contributors for each issue of Blast, Egoist,...
date_vecDate published data for each issue of Blast, Egoist,...
graph_modelGraph results of LDA
makeLDAvisEasy interface to LDAvis, only requires a trained topic.model...
make_modelCreate a Mallet object; from here we can gather word...
modelToDataframeRun LDA on a Mallet instance
prep_corpusCreate a database of text and metadata to feed into...
strip_datesCreates a vector of publication dates given a folder of files...
train_modelDEPRICATED IN V0.1.1, see new example file. Run LDA on a...
mlinegar/litMagModelling documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:12 a.m.