urlMlrFunctions = ""
ext = ".html"

# show grouped code output instead of single lines
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)

This page shows the performance measures available for the different types of learning problems as well as general performance measures in alphabetical order. (See also the documentation about measures() and makeMeasure() for available measures and their properties.)

If you find that a measure is missing, you can either open an issue or try to implement a measure yourself{target="_blank"}.

Column Minim. indicates if the measure is minimized during, e.g., tuning or feature selection. Best and Worst show the best and worst values the performance measure can attain. For classification, column Multi indicates if a measure is suitable for multi-class problems. If not, the measure can only be used for binary classification problems.

The next six columns refer to information required to calculate the performance measure.

Aggr. shows the default aggregation method (aggregations()) tied to the measure.

# urlMlrFunctions, ext are defined in build
linkFct = function(x, y) {
  collapse(sprintf("[%1$s](%3$s%2$s%4$s)", x, y, urlMlrFunctions, ext), sep = "<br />")

cn = function(x) if (is.null(x)) NA else gsub("\\n", " ", x)
urls = function(x) if ( NA else gsub("(http)(\\S+)(\\.)", "[\\1\\2](\\1\\2)\\3", x)
# regex is not ideal and can break

getTab = function(type) {
  m = list(featperc = featperc, timeboth = timeboth, timepredict = timepredict, timetrain = timetrain)

  if (type == "general") {
    meas = m
  } else {
    meas = listMeasures(type, create = TRUE)
    ord = order(names(meas))
    meas = meas[ord]
    keep = setdiff(names(meas), names(m))
    meas = meas[keep]

  cols = c("ID / Name", "Minim.", "Best", "Worst", "Multi", "Pred.", "Truth", "Probs", "Model", "Task", "Feats", "Aggr.", "Note")
  df = makeDataFrame(nrow = length(meas), ncol = length(cols),
    col.types = c("character", "logical", "numeric", "numeric", "logical", "logical", "logical", "logical", "logical", "logical", "logical", "character", "character"))
  names(df) = cols

  for (i in seq_along(meas)) {
    mea = meas[[i]]
    df[i, 1] = paste0("**", linkFct(mea$id, "measures"), "** <br />", mea$name)
    df[i, 2] = mea$minimize
    df[i, 3] = mea$best
    df[i, 4] = mea$worst
    df[i, 5] = "classif.multi" %in% mea$properties
    df[i, 6] = "req.pred" %in% mea$properties
    df[i, 7] = "req.truth" %in% mea$properties
    df[i, 8] = "req.prob" %in% mea$properties
    df[i, 9] = "req.model" %in% mea$properties
    df[i, 10] = "req.task" %in% mea$properties
    df[i, 11] = "req.feats" %in% mea$properties
    df[i, 12] = linkFct(mea$aggr$id, "aggregations")
    df[i, 13] = urls(cn(mea$note))

  just = c("left", "center", "right", "right", "center", "center", "center", "center", "center", "center", "center", "left", "left")

  if (type != "classif") {
    ind = cols != "Multi"
    df = df[ind]
    just = just[ind]

  logicals = vlapply(df, is.logical)
  df[logicals] = lapply(df[logicals], function(x) ifelse(x, "X", ""))
  pandoc.table(df, style = "rmarkdown", split.tables = Inf, split.cells = Inf,
    justify = just)





Survival analysis


Cluster analysis


Cost-sensitive classification


Note that in case of ordinary misclassification costs you can also generate performance measures from cost matrices by function makeCostMeasure(). For details see the tutorial page on cost-sensitive classification{target="_blank"} and also the page on custom performance measures{target="_blank"}.

Multilabel classification


General performance measures


mlr-org/mlr documentation built on Jan. 12, 2023, 5:16 a.m.