
Defines functions load_task_zoo

#' @title Zoo Classification Task
#' @name mlr_tasks_zoo
#' @format [R6::R6Class] inheriting from [TaskClassif].
#' @include mlr_tasks.R
#' @description
#' A classification task for the [mlbench::Zoo] data set.
#' Rownames are stored as variable `"..rownames"` with column role `"name"`.
#' @templateVar id zoo
#' @template task
#' @template seealso_task

load_task_zoo = function(id = "zoo") {
  b = as_data_backend(load_dataset("Zoo", "mlbench", keep_rownames = TRUE), keep_rownames = "animal")
  task = TaskClassif$new(id, b, target = "type", label = "Zoo Animals")
  b$hash = task$man = "mlr3::mlr_tasks_zoo"
  task$col_roles$name = "animal"
  task$col_roles$feature = setdiff(task$col_roles$feature, "animal")

#' @include mlr_tasks.R
mlr_tasks$add("zoo", load_task_zoo)
mlr-org/mlr3 documentation built on July 10, 2024, 10:53 a.m.