
#' @field predict_sets (`character()`)\cr
#'   During [resample()]/[benchmark()], a [Learner] can predict on multiple sets.
#'   Per default, a learner only predicts observations in the test set (`predict_sets == "test"`).
#'   To change this behavior, set `predict_sets` to a non-empty subset of `{"train", "test", "internal_valid"}`.
#'   The `"train"` predict set contains the train ids from the resampling. This means that if a learner does validation and
#'   sets `$validate` to a ratio (creating the validation data from the training data), the train predictions
#'   will include the predictions for the validation data.
#'   Each set yields a separate [Prediction] object.
#'   Those can be combined via getters in [ResampleResult]/[BenchmarkResult], or [Measure]s can be configured
#'   to operate on specific subsets of the calculated prediction sets.
mlr-org/mlr3 documentation built on July 10, 2024, 10:53 a.m.