

Executive summary

This design document describes some classes that represent the current API for mlr3piplines. In short, a Pipeline is a doubly connected graph, that contains several GraphNodes. Each GraphNode contains a PipeOP, that contains the logic used to manipulate the inputs, i.e. functions that transform a pipe's inputs to it's outputs. This repository's aim is to expose a set of building blocks that can be used by users to create and tune over arbitrarily complex pipelines.

In order to allow for more advanced Pipelines like stacking or ensembling, we require more complicated building blocks, which is why some building blocks seem overly complex.

class PipeOp

A PipeOp is a single tranformation of inputs into outputs.
During training it takes inputs, tranforms them, while doing that learns and stores its
parameters and then returns the output. It also changes its states from [unlearnerd] to [learned]

constructor() : no args

- id [character(1)] : unique id of operator
- parset [ParamSet] :  hyperpar space
- parvals [list] : current settings
- params [any] : learned params from training

- train(input) : [any] --> [any] : fits params and transforms input data
- predict(input) : [any] --> [any] : uses fitted params to transform input data
- reset() : [void] --> [void] : Resets params to NULL

active bindings:
- id
- param_set
- param_vals
- params
- is_learned [logical(1)] : is PipeOp trained? checks if params is NULL

- what is public what is private?
- id, parvals can be set later per AB.
- some args can be set while OP is [unlearned]
  Might be dangerous otherwise, but can be discussed later.
- how do we markup types of input and output?
- Do we need the separation of GraphNode and PipeOp's?
  Alternative: Have all PipeOp's inherit from GraphNode
- Should Ensemble pipeOp's return [preds] or [dt]?
  We should probably write converters anyway.
- do we want 2 functions train and predict? or just on "apply" function?
  which acts dependiong on the is_learned state?

- training
  D1 ---> OP[unlearned] --> D2
  - Data enters, Output: Transformed data
  - OP learns params for prediction, and saves those.
  - OP is_learned() switches to TRUE
  - OP$params returns learned params (iff OP is [learned], else NULL)

- application  / predict
  ND1 ---> OP[learned] --> ND2
  - Transforms newdata using learned params

class GraphNode

A GraphNode is a (doubly connected) DAG, where each node carries as payload a single PipeOp.
A node can be traversed / executed, when results from all predecessors are available.
They are then passed to the PipeOp, the PipeOp is trained / predicted, and the result is stored in the node.

- pipeop    : PipeOp      : operator in that node
- next_nodes      : list        : next nodes
- prev_nodes      : list        : previous nodes
- next_node : returns the node from next_nodes by id (useful for dynamic programming `root$set_next(op2)$next_node()$set_next(op3)`)
- inputs    : list        : list of results from previous nodes
- result    : untyped     : result of current operator
- root_node : returns the root for this node (first predecessor without predecessors).

- train     --> outlist    : fits params and transforms input data (ZZ: I renamed `acquire_inputs` to `train`, because it not only acquire the data from previous nodes but also fit the params for the pipeop)
- set_next(ops)
- set_prev(ops)

active bindings:
- result : forwards to pipeop$result
- has_result : forwards to pipeop$has_result
- has_lhs [logical(1)] : are prev nodes connected?
- has_rhs [logical(1)] : are next nodes connected?
- can_fire [logical(1)] : are all input results available?

- set_next + set_prev should be ABs?

class Graph


- index operator [[id]]  --> points to GraphNode|PipeOp
  FIXME: Should this point to the GraphNode or to the PipeOp
- train(input) : [any] --> [any] : fits params and transforms input data
- predict(input) : [any] --> [any] : uses fitted params to transform input data
- reset() : [void] --> [void] : Resets params to NULL
- print()

active bindings:
  - is_learnt [logical].  Are all underlying operators trained?
  - parset [ParamSet]. Returns flat ParamSet, names are pipeOpid:parid, it is computed on the fly.
  - parvals [list]. Set param vals, name scheme as above, passed them down to pipeOps via id.
  - ids [character]. Id's of PipeOp's in the graph.

  - does index op also work with ints?
  - do we want the fourth layer of topological sorting?
  - how do we loops over all nodes? how do we apply something to all nodes?

class Multiplexer

# FIXME: This class is new and needs to be discussed.
A Multiplexer contains multiple GraphNodes.
It extends the corresponding paramset to allow for selection of ONE of the contained Nodes.
During training, one contained pipeOp is trained / predicted.

- pipeops   : list[PipeOp]     : operator in that node
- inputs    : list              : list of results from previous nodes
- result    : untyped           : result of current operator

- extend_parset

FIXME: This function needs to be discussed. you can concatenate PipeOP's

either using pipe = concat(OP1, OP2, OP3) or OP1 %>>% OP2 %>>% OP3

questions - is that an OP? - Params stem from contained OP's - You can concat arbitrarily many OP's - What happens if some OP's are already learned? - How can we construct tree's?

Use case: a linear pipeline (train, predict, resample, tuning)

op1 = PipeOpScaler$new()
op$param_vals = list(center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

op2 = PipeOpPCA$new()

op3 = PipeOpLearner$new("classif.rpart")

option a)

g1 = GraphNode$new(op1)
g2 = GraphNode$new(op1)
g3 = GraphNode$new(op1)


gg = Graph$new(g1)

option b)

gg = PipeLine(op1, op2, op3)

Train all OP's in the pipe



resample(gg, task)

ps = ParSet$new(
  ParamNum$new("rpart:cp", lower = 0, upper = 1)
tune(gg, task, ps)

Use case: Fork pipeOP's (at a place we use either OP A or B), eg: PCA or ICA, or PCA and no-PCA

op1 = PipeOpPCA$new()
op2 = PipeOpICA$new()
op3 = PipeOpNOP$new()

op = Multiplexer$new(op1, op2, op3)

op$parvals = list(selected = "ica")


was machen $parvals, $parset, ? oder machen wir den multiplexer über die graphstruktur?

Use case: AutoTuning of pipeop, for nested resampling

... FIXME ...

Use case: Concat original data and transformed data, Feature Union

op1 = PipeOpScaler$new()
op2a = PipeOpPCA$new()     # was machen wir hier mit den targets?
op2b = PipeOpNOP$new()
op3 = PipeOpFeatureUnion$new()
op4 = PipeOpLearner$new(learner = "classif.rpart")

g1 = GraphNode$new(op1)
g2a = GraphNode$new(op2a)
g2b = GraphNode$new(op2b)
g3 = GraphNode$new(op3)
g4 = GraphNode$new(op4)

g1$set_next(list(g2a, g2b))
g3$set_prev(list(g2a, g2b))

Use case: Bagging

k = 100
op1 = PipeOpNOP$new()
op2 = PipeOpDownSample$new(rate = 0.6)
ops2 = repop(k, op2) # Auto-set Ids? # replicate with s3?
op3 = PipeOpLearner$new("classif.rpart")
ops3 = repop(k, op3)
op4 = PipeOpEnsembleAverage$new() # der muss halt wissen dass nur vorher learner nimmt als input

g1 = GraphNode$new(op1)
gs2 = lapply(ops2, GraphNode$new)
gs3 = lapply(ops3, GraphNode$new)

for (i in 1:k)

can we write the above in a shorter, better way?

op1 = PipeOpNOP$new()
op2 = PipeOpDownSample$new(rate = 0.6)
op3 = PipeOpLearner$new("classif.rpart")
op4 = PipeOpEnsembleAverage$new()


Pipeline$new(list(op1, rep(k, op2), rep(k, op3), op4))

How do we connect?

gg = op1 %>>% rep(k, op2) %>>% rep(k, op3) %>>% op4

How do we access results?


frage: welche daten hat der 3. baum gesehen, und eas ist sein modell?

gg[["rpart"]][[3]] # das wäre cool? würde gehen wenn ops keien eindeutige id hgaben müssen?

Use case: Stacking

op1 = PipeOpNOP$new()
op2 = PipeOpLearner$new("regr.rpart") # das hier müsste dann model UND daten im training ausgeben
op3 = PipeOpLearner$new("regr.svm") # Train: data -> list(model, data) # Predict: data -> prediction
op4a = PipeOpGetTrainPreds$new()    # Train: predict(model, data)      # Predict: identity
op4b = PipeOpGetTrainPreds$new()
op5 = PipeOpFeatureUnion$new()
op6 = PipeOpLearner$new("regr.lm")
g1 = GraphNode$new(op1)
g2 = GraphNode$new(op2)
g3 = GraphNode$new(op3)
g4a = GraphNode$new(op4a)
g4b = GraphNode$new(op4b)
g5 = GraphNode$new(op5)
g6 = GraphNode$new(op6)
PipeLine$new(op1, list(op2, op3), list(op4a, op4b), op5, op6)

Use-case: Get out-of-bag Learner Predictions

PipeOPCrossvalLearner("rpart"): - Train: Input: data Output: oob.preds ``` op1 = pipeOpLearner$new("rpart") # Train step learner res = resample(Pipeline(op1), data) oob.preds = getOOBPreds(res) # Get Out-Of-Bag Predictions from res op2 = pipeOpLearner$new("rpart") # Predict step learner op1$train(data) # Train and store model for predict step params = op1

# Predict: Input: newdata Output: preds params$predict(newdata) ``` - Predict: Input: data Output: oob.preds

PipeOp Defintions Template

PipeOpNOP paramset : behavior : passes input without change to output train : [any] --> [any] params : - predict : [any] --> [any]

PipeOpScale paramset : center [logical(1)]; scale [logical(1)] behavior : centers and scales features, stores means and sds train : [dt] --> [dt] params : [list(means, sds)] predict : [dt] --> [dt] - what happens with label - what happens with cat cols?

PipeOpPCA behavior : learns rotation matrix and rotates feature data paramset : train : [dt] --> [dt] params : [matrix] predict : [dt] --> [dt] questions - what happens with label - what happens with cat cols?

PipeOpDownsample behavior : Downsamples the dt in train, simply passes data on in predict paramset : rate [numeric(1)] train : [dt] --> [dt] params : NULL predict : [dt] --> [dt]

PipeOpImpute behavior : Imputes dt with missing data paramset : train : [dt] --> [dt] params : < params for reimpute function, i.e. median, mode > predict : [dt] --> [dt] questions: - what is an "impute" function, that does not exist?

PipeOpFeatureUnion behavior : cbind's output of multiple Op's paramset : NULL train : [dt, dt] --> [dt] params : NULL predict : [dt, dt] --> [dt] questions - what happens with labels? in union we might have to remove label cols, if they appear multiple times?

PipeOpLearner behavior : learns a model from data; predicts response given new data paramset : train : [dt] --> [preds] params : [Model] predict : [dt] --> [preds] questions: - what is exactly returned here in "train"

PipeOpCrossvalLearner behavior : Crossval learner, return oob.preds during training; predict on data during tuning paramset : train : [dt] --> [preds] params : [Model] predict : [dt] --> [preds]

Comparison to mlrCPO

List of features from CPO we cover already:

List of features from CPO we are missing and might want:

List of features from CPO we do not want:

Use case: Train on part of features only

E.g. Multi-Output: Train on Output1 while keeping Output2 out; Then train on Output2 using predicted Output1

How do I append another step to the pipeline

# example: we add imputation
op1_1 = Imputer$new()
g1_1 = GraphNode$new(op1_1)
# how do we ensure that resample works for a graph, Graph has to implement interface of mlr3 Learner class
# should PipeOp and GraphNode be merged
# should params actaully be an input of PipeOp$train? and only the graphnode has a trained state? and stores params?
# graph: gibt es ein großes parvals/parset objekt? --> wäre gut für tuning...!
# params: How do we separate graph and pipeOp name and param? pipeOpId:paramId?
# we probably want a few helper functions in paradox for joining paramsets and the ":" usage
gg = Graph$new()

# a)
ids = gg$ids()
for (i in ids) {

# b)
gg$apply2nodes(function(nn) nn$result)

1) Class PipeOp

members: - id : char : Name - parset : ParamSet : Hyperpar raum - parvals : list : hyperpar settings - params : list : gelernte params

methods - train(input) --> outlist : fits params and returns transformed data - predict(input) --> outlist : uses fitted params in order to transform new data - is_learned() --> bool

2) Construction: - We can create an OP[unlearned]: op = Scaler$new() - The constructor does not have args, this could change in the future

3) Change OP state: - id, parvals can be set later per AB - some things can be set while state is [unlearned] - otherwise it might be dangerous, discuss later.

4) training

D1 ---> OP[unlearned] --> D2

5) application / predict

ND1 ---> OP[learned] --> ND2 - transforms newdata with learned

6) we can concatenate OP's

pipe = concat(OP1, OP2, OP3)

is that an OP as well?

7) Important enhancements Multiplex: Important, to be able to specify things such as do A or B Feature-Only CPO's: This should be a first step.

Pseudo Code

op = Scaler$new()
op$parvals = list(center = T, scale = F)

data2 = op$train(data)
newdata2 = op2$apply(newdata)

op1 = Imputer$new()
op2 = Scaler$new()
op3 = PCA$new()

pipe = concat(op1, op2)

# Train all OP's in the pipe
data2 = pipe$train(data)

# Return the first OP
# We could also overload the index Operator: pipe[[1]], pipe[["scale"]]

# Predict works as usual
nd2 = pipe$predict(data)

# How do we access intermediate results
# Do we have a large parvals/parset object? --> Would be good for tuning!

mlr-org/mlr3pipelines documentation built on March 29, 2024, 5:52 p.m.