Use Cases

This document contains a list of use-cases we want to contain.

Shortnames: [G] : Graph

Pipe Operators:


Wraps a Graph and allows it to be used like a learner. - train: - input: [[Task]] - does: Calls the graph's train() method on it. - returns: NULL - predict: - input: [[Task]] - does: Calls the predict() method on the Graph. - returns: Prediction


Use Cases

Usecase: Linear Pipeline

Usecase a): Linear Pipeline

Scenario: We obtain a task (iris) and a learner(rpart) from mlr3. Before we train the learner, we want to transform the data using PCA.

We concatenate a PipeOpPCA and a PipeOpLearner using the %>>% (then) operator. This internally does the following: - Wrap the [PO's] into GraphNodes. - Chains them together and returns a Graph.

task = mlr_tasks$get("iris")
lrn_rp = mlr_learners$get("classif.rpart")
g = PipeOpScale() %>>% PipeOpPCA() %>>% PipeOpLearner(lrn_rp)

Usecase b): Resample Linear Pipeline

Scenario: We want to resample the Graph on different folds of the data.

We create a GraphLearner from the Graph and use mlr3's resampling.

lrn_g = GraphLearner$new(graph = g)
lrn$parvals = list( = TRUE, rpart.cp = 0.1)
resampling = mlr_resamplings$get("holdout")
rr = resample([[Task]], lrn_g, resampling)

Access results:

rr[1, "models"]$learner.model[["rpart"]]$learner.model
rr[1, "models"]$learner.model[["pca"]]$params

Usecase c): Tune Linear Pipeline

Scenario: We want to tune the Graph.

We use the GraphLearner and use mlr3's tuning.

measures = mlr_measures$mget("mmce")
param_set = paradox::ParamSet$new(
  params = list(
   ParamDbl$new("rpart.cp", lower = 0.001, upper = 0.1)
ff = FitnessFunction$new([[Task]], lrn_g, resampling, measures, param_set)
terminator = TerminatorEvaluations$new(10)
rs = TunerRandomSearch$new(ff, terminator)
tr = rs$tune()$tune_result()

Usecase: Feature union

op1 = PipeOpScale$new()
op2a = PipeOpPCA$new()
op2b = PipeOpNOP$new()
op3 = PipeOpFeatureUnion$new()
op4 = PipeOpLearner$new(learner = "classif.rpart")

op1 %>>% gunion(op2a, op2b) %>>% op3 %>>% op4

Usecase: Bagging (Downsampling, Modelling and Modelaveraging)

Scenario: We want to do bagging (Train several models on subsamples of the data and average predictions).

We use the PipeOpDownSample operator in conjunction with a PipeOpLearner to train a model. pipeline_greplicate() let's us do the same operation multiple times. Afterwards we average all predictions using PipeOpModelAverage

op1 = PipeOpDownSample$new(rate = 0.6)
op2 = PipeOpLearner$new("classif.rpart")
op3 = PipeOpModelAverage$new()

pipeline_greplicate(op1 %>>% op2, 30) %>>% op3


Info: If our predictions are numeric, we simply average. If our predictions are binary, we majority vote (?) If our predictions are probabilities, we average (?) If our predictions are multiclass, we (?). Are there any other situations ?

Usecase: Stacking

Scenario: We want to do stacking (Train several models on the data and combine predictions).

Usecase a): Stacking with simple Averaging

We use various PipeOpLearner's' to train models. gunion() let's us put the learner's parallel to each other. Afterwards we average all predictions using PipeOpModelAverage.

op1 = PipeOpLearner$new("regr.rpart")
op2 = PipeOpLearner$new("regr.svm")
gunion(op1, op2) %>>% PipeOpModelAverage$new()

Usecase b): Stacking with SuperLearner

Instead of using PipeOpModelAverage, we combine predictions to a PipeOpLearner. Instead of a PipeOpLearner we use a PipeOpLearnerCV, in order to avoid overfitting.

# Superlearner: We instead use PipeOpLearnerCV
op1 = PipeOpLearnerCV("regr.rpart")
op2 = PipeOpLearnerCV("regr.svm")
gunion(op1, op2) %>>% PipeOpFeatureUnion() %>>% PipeOpLearner("regr.lm")

Usecase c): Stacking with SuperLearner and original data.

By adding a PipeOpNull, we add the original features to the SuperLearner.

gunion(op1, op2, PipeOpNull) %>>% PipeOpFeatureUnion() %>>% PipeOpLearner("regr.lm")

Usecase d): Multilevel Stacking

We can do the same on multiple levels by just adding the same PipeOpLearnerCV() again after the feature union.

g = gunion(op1, op2, PipeOpNull) %>>% PipeOpFeatureUnion() %>>%
    gunion(op1, op2) %>>% PipeOpFeatureUnion() %>>%

Usecase: Multiclass with Binary

Scenario: We have a multiclass target, and want to predict each class in a binarized manner. This occurs, for example if our model can only do binary classification.

We use PipeOpMultiClass2Binary in order to split our [[Task]] up into multiple binary [[Task]]s. Afterwards, we replicate our learner $k$ (where $k$ = number of classes - 1) times. In order to aggregate the predictions for different classes, we use the PipeOpModelAverage.

op1 = PipeOpMultiClass2Binary(codebook)
op2 = PipeOpLearner("classif.svm")

op1 %>>% pipeline_greplicate(op2, k) %>>% PipeOpModelAverage$new()
# or:
op1 %>=>% pipeline_greplicate(op2, k) %>>% PipeOpModelAverage$new()

Usecase: Multiplexing of different Ops

Scenario: We want our pipeline to branch out, either in one direction or the other. This is usefull, for example when tuning over multiple learners.

Usecase: Multiplexing different learners

We use the PipeOpBranch in order to have our data flow only to one of the following operators. Afterwards we collect the two streams using PipeOpUnbranch. We can now treat the pipeline like a linear pipeline.

op1 = PipeOpLearner$new("regr.rpart")
op2 = PipeOpLearner$new("regr.svm")
g = PipeOpBranch$new(selected = 1) %>>% gunion(op1, op2) %>>% PipeOpUnbranch(aggrFun = NULL)

Usecase: Multiplexing preprocessing steps

op1 = PipeOpLearnerPCA$new()
op2 = PipeOpNOP$new()
op3 = PipeOpLearner$new("classif.rpart")

g = PipeOpBranch$new(selected = 1) %>>% gunion(op1, op2) %>>% PipeOpUnbranch(aggrFun = NULL) %>>% op3

FIXME: Does every PipeOp have a default method when NULL is passed?

Usecase: Chunk data into k parts, train on each, then model average

Scenario: We want our pipeline to branch out, either in one direction or the other. This is usefull, for example when tuning over multiple learners.

We use the PipeOpChunk operator to partition the [[Task]] into $k$ smaller [[Task]]s. Afterwards we train $k$ learners on each sub[[Task]]. Afterwards the predictions are averaged in order to get a single prediction.

PipeOpChunk(k) %>>% pipeline_greplicate(PipeOpLearner("classif.rpart"), 10) %>>% PipeOpModelAvg()

Usecase: Thresholding

Scenario: We want to obtain an optimal threshold in order to decide whether something is of class x or y.

We use PipeOpLearnerCV to obtain cross-validated predictions. Afterwards we use PipeOpThreshold() to compute an optimal threshold.

op1 = PipeOpLearnerCV$new(""classif.rpart")
op2 = PipeOpThreshold$new(method, measure, ...)
g = op1 %>>% op2

Unknown territory, Here Be Dragons

Usecase: ThresholdingTrafo y (logarithm of y)

Scenario: We want to transform our target variable, for example using a log-transform.

We use the PipeOpTrafoY in order to log-transform the data. We use another PipeOpTrafoY after the learner in order to re-transform our data onto the original scale.

top = PipeOpTrafoY(train = log, predict = identity)
retop = PipeOpTrafoY(train = identity, predict = exp)

g = top %>>% PipeOpLearner("classif.svm") %>>% retop

What happens:

  - g$train([[Task]]) [[trafoY(log)) >>  train("classif.svm", [[Task]]) %>>% identity]]
  - g$predict([[Task]]) [[identity >> predict(model, [[Task]]) >> trafoPreds(exp)]]

FIXME: - Using the same operator twice would violate the acyclic property. - We can not tune over par.vals of TrafoY, as we have a hard time storing them. - User needs to ensure that trafos are correct

Usecase: MultiOutput / Multiple Targets (1 [[Task]], 3 Outputs, NoCV)

Usecase a): MultiOutput Parallel

Scenario: We have three possible output variables we want to predict in parallel.

We set different targets before training each learner using PipeOpSetTarget. Afterwards the different predictions are collected with PipeOpModelAverage.

g = gunion(
  PipeOpSetTarget("out1") %>>% PipeOpLearner("rpart", id = "r1"),
  PipeOpSetTarget("out2") %>>% PipeOpLearner("rpart", id = "r2"),
  PipeOpsetTarget("final_out") %>>% PipeOpLearner("rpart", id = "r3")
  ) %>>% PipeOpModelAverage()

Usecase b): MultiOutput Chained

Scenario: We have three possible output variables available during training, but they will not be availalbe during test time. We want to leverage info from out1 and out2 to improve prediction on final_out*

We obtain cross-validated predictions using PipeOpLearnerCV sequentially for each target and use them to train the sequential models.

pnop = PipeOpNull()

g = PipeOpSetTarget("out1") %>>%
  gunion(PipeOpLearnerCV("rpart", id = "r1"), pnop) %>>%
  PipeOpFeatureUnion() %>>%
  PipeOpSetTarget("out2", id = "r2") %>>%
  gunion(PipeOpLearnerCV("rpart"), pnop) %>>%
  PipeOpLearnerCV() %>>%
  PipeOpsetTarget("final_out") %>>%
  PipeOpLearner("rpart", id = "r3")

Usecase c): Hurdle Models

Scenario: We have a zero-inflated numeric target variable (e.g. amount unpaid bills). We want to leverage the info that most are $0$ in our model.

We obtain cross-validated predictions for whether the target variable is 0. We the use the prediction for this intermediate target for the final prediction.

pnop = PipeOpNull()
# data is our dt with a numeric "target"
data$target_is_null = data$target > 0
g = PipeOpSetTarget("target_is_null") %>>%
  gunion(PipeOpLearnerCV("rpart", id = "r1"), pnop) %>>%
  PipeOpFeatureUnion() %>>%
  PipeOpSetTarget("target") %>>%
  PipeOpLearner("rpart", id = "r3")

mlr-org/mlr3pipelines documentation built on March 29, 2024, 5:52 p.m.