Man pages for mlthom/CogIRT
Cognitive Testing Using Item Response Theory

cog_catCognitive Testing Using Computerized Adaptive Testing
dich_response_derivDerivatives and Information for the Dichotomous Response...
dich_response_modelDichotomous Response Model
dich_response_simSimulate Dichotomous Response Model
mcmh_mcMCMH Parameter Estimates for Multiple Chains
mcmh_scMCMH Parameter Estimates for Single Chain
nrNewton Raphson Parameter Estimates
rmmhRMMH Parameter Estimates for Multiple Chains
sdirtSimulated Data for a Signal Detection IRT Model
sdirtSSSimulated Data for a Signal Detection IRT Model (Single...
mlthom/CogIRT documentation built on June 13, 2022, 7:45 a.m.