Man pages for mlverse/luz
Higher Level 'API' for 'torch'

acceleratorCreate an accelerator
as_dataloaderCreates a dataloader from its input
contextContext object
ctxContext object
evaluateEvaluates a fitted model on a dataset
fit.luz_module_generatorFit a 'nn_module'
get_metricsGet metrics from the object
lr_finderLearning Rate Finder
luz_callbackCreate a new callback
luz_callback_auto_resumeResume training callback
luz_callback_csv_loggerCSV logger callback
luz_callback_early_stoppingEarly stopping callback
luz_callback_gradient_clipGradient clipping callback
luz_callback_interruptInterrupt callback
luz_callback_keep_best_modelKeep the best model
luz_callback_lr_schedulerLearning rate scheduler callback
luz_callback_metricsMetrics callback
luz_callback_mixed_precisionAutomatic Mixed Precision callback
luz_callback_mixupMixup callback
luz_callback_model_checkpointCheckpoints model weights
luz_callback_profileProfile callback
luz_callback_progressProgress callback
luz_callback_resume_from_checkpointAllow resume model training from a specific checkpoint
luz_callback_tfeventstfevents callback
luz_callback_train_validTrain-eval callback
luz_loadLoad trained model
luz_load_checkpointLoads a checkpoint
luz_load_model_weightsLoads model weights into a fitted object.
luz_metricCreates a new luz metric
luz_metric_binary_accuracyBinary accuracy
luz_metric_binary_accuracy_with_logitsBinary accuracy with logits
luz_metric_binary_aurocComputes the area under the ROC
luz_metric_maeMean absolute error
luz_metric_mseMean squared error
luz_metric_multiclass_aurocComputes the multi-class AUROC
luz_metric_rmseRoot mean squared error
luz_metric_setCreates a metric set
luz_saveSaves luz objects to disk
nnf_mixupMixup logic
nn_mixup_lossLoss to be used with 'callbacks_mixup()'.
pipePipe operator
predict.luz_module_fittedCreate predictions for a fitted model
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
set_hparamsSet hyper-parameter of a module
set_opt_hparamsSet optimizer hyper-parameters
setupSet's up a 'nn_module' to use with luz
mlverse/luz documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 11:20 p.m.