Man pages for mlysy/GaussCop
Utilities for the Gaussian Copula Distribution

dgc4Univariate 4th-order Gram-Charlier density approximation.
GaussCopSimulation, Inference, and Density Evaluation for the...
gc4XDConstruct an 'xDensity' representation of a combined...
gcopThe Gaussian Copula distribution.
gcopFitFit a Gaussian Copula model.
gcopSubExtract a subset of variables from a Gaussian Copula...
kernelXDConstruct an 'xDensity' representation of a kernel smoothing...
matrixXDConstruct an 'xDensity' representation of a known...
powFitMaximum likelihood estimation for the Generalized Box-Cox...
powTransGeneralized Box-Cox transformation.
rgcopCondConditional simulation from a Gaussian Copula distribution.
xDensityImplementation of 'd/p/q/r' functions for 'xDensity'...
mlysy/GaussCop documentation built on Nov. 6, 2019, 6:19 p.m.