\newcommand{\bm}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}} \newcommand{\xx}{\bm{x}} \newcommand{\zz}{\bm{z}} \newcommand{\tth}{\bm{\theta}} \newcommand{\N}{\mathcal N} \newcommand{\iid}{\stackrel{\mathrm{iid}}{\sim}}

# knitr options
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
# package links
pkg_link <- function(pkg, link) {
  if(link == "github") {
    link <- paste0("https://github.com/mlysy/", pkg)
  } else if(link == "cran") {
    link <- paste0("https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=", pkg)
  paste0("[**", pkg, "**](", link, ")")

# tmb system files
tmb_sysfile <- function(...) {
  system.file("templates", ..., package = "TMBtools")

if(params$local_pkg) {
  tmbdir <- "/Users/mlysy/Documents/R/test/TMB"
} else {
  # install package to temporary folder
  tmbdir <- tempfile(pattern = "TMBtools_vignette")
pkgname <- "MyTMBPackage"


r pkg_link("TMB", "cran") is an R package providing a convenient interface to the r pkg_link("CppAD", "https://coin-or.github.io/CppAD/doc/cppad.htm") C++ library for automatic differentiation. More specifically for the purpose of statistical inference, TMB provides an automatic and extremely efficient implementation of Laplace's method to approximately integrate out the latent variables of a model $p(\xx \mid \tth) = \int p(\xx, \zz \mid \tth) \, \mathrm{d} \zz$ via numerical optimization. TMB is extensively documented, and numerous examples indicate that it can be used to effectively handle tens to thousands of latent variables in a model.

TMB was designed for users to compile and save standalone statistical models. Distributing one or more TMB models as part of an R package requires a nontrivial compilation process (Makevars[.win]), and some amount of boilerplate code. Thus, the purpose of TMBtools is to provide helper functions for the development of R packages which contain TMB source code. The main package functions are:

Note to Developers: While TMBtools depends on a number of packages to facilitate its work, none of these dependencies are passed on to your package, except TMB itself.


Let's start with the canonical example of the model univariate normal model $$ x_1, \ldots, x_n \iid \N(\mu, \sigma). $$ The TMB C++ file for creating the negative loglikelihood for this model is given below:

    "```", sep = "\n")

For including this model in a package using TMBtools, the code must be modified slightly:

    "```", sep = "\n")

Most of the changes can be easily spotted, but a few deserving special attention are outlined below:

Creating an R Package

In order to create an R/TMB package containing NormalNLL.hpp, we can use tmb_create_package() as follows:

# in a directory where you want to create the package, which also contains NormalNLL.hpp
                             tmb_files = "NormalNLL.hpp")
if(!params$local_pkg || params$reinstall) {
  TMBtools::tmb_create_package(file.path(tmbdir, pkgname),
                               tmb_files = "NormalNLL.hpp", open = FALSE)

This creates a package that is ready to use right out-of-the-box. In other words, we now run

devtools::install() # must have devtools installed
if(params$local_pkg) {
  if(params$reinstall) {
    devtools::install(file.path(tmbdir, pkgname))
  ## suppressMessages(require(MyTMBPackage))
} else {
  pkgbuild::compile_dll(file.path(tmbdir, pkgname))
  devtools::load_all(file.path(tmbdir, pkgname))
  dyn.load(TMB::dynlib(file.path(tmbdir, pkgname,
                                 "src", paste0(pkgname, "_TMBExports"))))

Once the package is installed, we can use its TMB models very similarly as we would for standalone models:

# might have to quit & restart R first, then
# require(MyTMBPackage) 

# create the negative loglikelihood object
x <- rnorm(100) # data
normal_nll <- TMB::MakeADFun(data = list(model = "NormalNLL", x = x),
                             parameters = c(mu = 0, sigma = 1),
                             DLL = "MyTMBPackage_TMBExports", silent = TRUE)

# call the function and its gradients
theta <- list(mu = -1, sigma = 2) # parameter values
normal_nll$fn(theta) # negative loglikelihood at theta
-sum(dnorm(x, mean = theta$mu, sd = theta$sigma, log = TRUE)) # R check
normal_nll$gr(theta) # nll gradient at theta
normal_nll$he(theta) # hessian at theta

The notable differences from standalone usage are are:

Adding TMB Files

Suppose we wish to add a TMB model to the package contained in NewModel.hpp. The simplest way to add this model to MyTMBPackage is as follows:

  1. Copy NewModel.hpp to MyTMBPackage/src/TMB.

  2. Run the command

    r TMBtools::export_models()

    from within MyTMBPackage or any of its subfolders.

  3. Recompile the package.

Additional #include Directives

TMBtools::export_models() will assume that all .hpp files in src/TMB correspond to TMB models, and #includes each of them into a single standalone-type meta-model file src/TMB/MyTMBPackage_TMBExports.cpp, which contains if/else switches to select between the individual TMB models. For example, the meta-model file might look like this:

    "```", sep = "\n")

This approach works fine when each TMB model is contained in a single .hpp file. For a larger project it might be desirable to use the C++ #include mechanism to organize things.

So let's suppose that src/TMB/ModelA.hpp wants to #include file helper.hpp. One way to do this is to store it in the package-level subdirectory inst/include/MyTMBPackage. For this to work, we need to tell the TMB compiler where to look, which is achieved through the package's src/Makevars[.win] file:

    "```", sep = "\n")

The relevant line is that which begins with ## TMB_FLAGS. Indeed, this variable can be used to pass additional flags to the TMB compiler. A common application is to use

TMB_FLAGS = -I"../../inst/include"

To tell the TMB compiler to also look for .hpp (or other) files in any subdirectory of inst/include. To summarize, #includeing helper.hpp in src/TMB/ModelA.hpp is accomplished in the following steps:

  1. Copy helper.hpp to inst/include/MyTMBPackage.
  2. Add the TMB_FLAGS above to both src/Makevars and src/Makevars.win.
  3. Add the following line to src/TMB/ModelA.hpp:


    include "MyTMBPackage/helper.hpp"


We may note that a slightly simpler alternative is to add helper.hpp to e.g., src/TMB/include, such that the #include directive in ModelA.hpp becomes

#include "include/helper.hpp"

The advantage of this approach is that the src/Makevars[.win] files don't need to be modified. However, the advantage of the first approach is that storing files in inst/include makes them available to developers wanting to #include them in other R/TMB packages, for which the mechanism is to add

LinkingTo: MyTMBPackage

In the other package's DESCRIPTION file. See here or here for more information.

mlysy/TMBtools documentation built on April 1, 2022, 6:18 p.m.