Man pages for mmparker/tbdiag
Functions for Tuberculosis Diagnostics Research

equal.lengthsConfirm that all input vectors are the same length.
is.wholenumberConfirm that the input values are integers.
qft.censCensor Quantiferon quantitative results to 10 IU/mL.
qft.interpInterpret the results of the Cellestis Quantiferon Gold...
tbdiag-packagetbdiag: utilities for tuberculosis diagnostics research
test.qftsA sample of 6,833 real QFT results.
test.tspotsA sample of 6,434 real TSPOT results.
trim.outputTruncate Quantiferon and TSPOT qualitative results to desired...
tspot.censCensor TSPOT quantitative results to 20 spots.
tspot.interpInterpret the results of the Oxford Immunotec TSPOT.TB assay...
mmparker/tbdiag documentation built on May 23, 2019, 5:05 a.m.