to1check: to1check is a collection of functions for working with the...

Description Details


Functions for Cleaning Raw Data: clean_to1, rename, convert, recode, mix


These functions take the raw .csv extracts from DMS and produce an R list of data.frames, each corresponding to a raw .csv file. Those data.frames should generally have well-formated variables (character-coded instead of numeric, dates are Dates, datetimes are POSIX, StudyID is available on every table).

clean_to1 is the only function you need; it applies the others appropriately.

Functions for data quality checking

These functions underlie the TO 1 auto-QA report (link); they can definitely be used alone but their outputs are oriented to that end.

Standalone functions

These functions provide standalone functionality for study staff. For example, #' gen_consent_checklist() produces a .csv file with a record for each theoretically-existing consent document for all enrolled particpants and open fields for each signature that should be on them.


mmparker/to1check documentation built on May 23, 2019, 5:05 a.m.