Man pages for mnr/rpigpior
Provides R with Access to the Raspberry Pi

is.rpiProvide information about the Operating System
rpi_getRetrieve the value of a RPi Pin
rpigpior-packagerpigpior: Provides R with Access to the Raspberry Pi
rpi_i2c_getReturn a byte from an i2c device
rpi_i2c_setWrite data to an i2c device
rpi_monitorMonitor an RPi pin
rpi_pin_descRaspberry Pi Pins
rpi_pinToBCMConverts a RPi pin number to BCM line
rpi_pwmProvide R with access to PWM
rpi_setTurn lines on or off
mnr/rpigpior documentation built on March 7, 2024, 2:50 p.m.