Man pages for moj-analytical-services/mojrap
Generic Functions for Reproducible Analytical Pipelines in MoJ

add_lookupsAdd values from a lookup file stored in S3 to a dataset
addSuperScriptToCellAdd superscipts/subscripts to Excel files
arrow_imageChooses arrow image for table on bulletin front page
arrow_pdfOutput arrow image for table on PDF bulletin front page
arrow_utfOutput UTF Arrows
as_numberTakes a string and removes all comma delimeters and '%'...
changeCalculate changes over a given time period
change_descDescribe changes over a given time period
choose_valueChoose a value from a dataframe
col_seriesChoosing a colour and its number of shades
connectorTakes two differences and judges which connecting phrase...
date_typeFormat dates
format_expenditureFormat expenditure
format_numFormat numbers with commas
format_percFormat percentages
incdecReturns a character string that quantifies a change.
moj_colChoosing a colour, its number of data classes and shade
mojquarterConvert dates to publication quarters
multiple_cell_mergeMerges multiple columns of cells in an Excel sheet, by row
pluralisePluralise words depending on a value
previous_quarterReturn a previous quarter
pub_dateReturns the next publication date
quarter_datesQuarter start/end dates
read_cases_to_dataRead case-level SAS or CSV file from S3 into an aggregated...
write_formatted_tableWrites multiple data tables and accompanying notes to an...
moj-analytical-services/mojrap documentation built on July 30, 2023, 4:43 p.m.