
In randomized, controlled treatment (RCT) studies, some subsets of the population may benefit from an intervention more than others. Some subsets may also be harmed. One can define these outcomes as a local average treatment effect in which the average treatment effect for the subset differs substantially from the average treatment effect for the all study subjects. For example, in a clinical study measuring the effect of a drug on a certain disease, it may be the drug may be especially effective for women of a certain age. Alternatively, such women may experience harmful side effects.

The aim of the subgroupTree package is to identify subsets of a study subjects that display particularly large positive or large negative average treatment effects. The procedure searches for such subgroups though a greedy tree growing procedure. At each stage, the procedure recursively seeks the single predictor and split leading to the largest observed average treatment effect between the subsets defined by that split.

It is also desirable to conduct statistical tests for any local average treatment effect, typically for a null hypothesis that the average local treatment effect equals 0.0. In this setting, classical inferential procedures break down because the process requires adaptive search and selection. We implement a permutation procedure to provide conservative inference for any detected effects. Currently, this is implemented only for subgroups defined by a split on a single predictor based on a tree stump. Larger trees present computational challenges. Details can be found in Berk et al., Using Recursive Partitioning to Find and Estimate Heterogenous Treatment Effects In Randomized Clinical Trials Journal of Experimental Criminology, forthcoming, 2020.

Simulated Example

We will illustrate these ideas through a simple simulation. The data frame below contains four predictors z1, x1, z2, x2, a treatment indicator variable treated, and a binary response response that is conditioned on each of these variables. By construction, the the expected values of response is 0.9 for treated individuals for which z1 %in% c('A', 'B') & x1 > 0.5, and is 0.5 otherwise. In other words, this data set contains a subset that displays an average treatment effect of 0.4, and we hope to detect this subset with our procedure.

n = 2000
df = data.frame(z1 = sample(c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'), n, replace = TRUE),
                x1 = runif(n),
                z2 = sample(c('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), n, replace = TRUE),
                x2 = runif(n),
                treated = sample(c(FALSE, TRUE), n, replace = TRUE))
high_ate = df$z1 %in% c('A', 'B') & df$x1 > 0.5
df$response = rbinom(n, 1, prob = ifelse(high_ate & df$treated, 0.9, 0.5))

The subgroup_tree function implements our greedy search procedure and relies heavily on the rpart package. In the call below, we specify that we intend to search for large treatment effects by specifying direction = 'max', and we pass in two parameters that govern the tree-growing process. Specifically, we search for trees of depth two, and we consider only splits of nodes that contain 100 or more observations.

max_tree = subgroup_tree(df$response, df$treated, df[,1:4],
                         direction = 'max', maxdepth = 2, minbucket = 100)

Each line of the output provides information about the structure of the tree and the average treatment effect computed at each node. We can see from line 7 that the tree detects an average treatment effect of 0.422 among units for which z1 == B & x1>=0.5326. Alternatively, it can be more convenient to view the same output in graphical form.

rpart.plot(max_tree, extra=1)

For illustration, we also demonstrate the effect of changing direction = 'min'. In this case, we are directing the tree to search for subgroups with small treatment effects (i.e. negative, but large in absolute value).

min_tree = subgroup_tree(df$response, df$treated, X = df[,1:4],
                         direction = 'min', maxdepth = 1, minbucket = 100)

In the tree above, we detect a treatment effect among individuals for which x1 < 0.055. Of course, by construction the population treatment effects in this group is zero. We illustrate our inferential procedure to confirm this. Each iteration of our permutation procedure shuffles the response and calculates the largest possible treatment effect t-value that can result splitting the data into two groups. At the moment, our implementation only handles single splits of the data for computational tractability.

# sampled t-values
perm_t_score = subgroup_perm_test(df$response, df$treated, df[,1:4],
                                  direction = 'min', ate = 0.0, minbucket = 100)

# t-value for different in
subgroup = (df$x1 < 0.055)
t_score = with(df, t.test(response[treated & subgroup],
                          response[!treated & subgroup], alternative = 'less'))

# permutation p-value
mean(perm_t_score <=  t_score$statistic)

molson2/subgroupTree documentation built on Dec. 3, 2019, 10:04 p.m.