Man pages for momeara/Zr
R client for

date_codecreate date code of the form YYMMDD inputs: d (optional):...
process_substance_infoProcess results of substance_info to be more user-friendly
resolve_substancesSearch for substances using smiles and fine grained tolerance...
search_for_substancesSearch for substances by search terms
sea_target_vs_targetcompute sea score given uniprot entries for targets for the...
standardize_zinc_idsStandardize ZINC ID to have format ZINC[0-9]12 Specifically...
substance_analogsSearch for analogs of the given substances
substance_infoLookup info on substances by zinc_ids
tc_matrixWARNING this may not work well
uniprot_entry_web_lookupSee for...
momeara/Zr documentation built on Jan. 11, 2022, 8:11 a.m.