Man pages for moodymudskipper/funflow
View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams

flow_debugDebug With Flow Diagrams
flow_docDraw Flow Diagrams for an Entire Package
flow_drawDraw Diagram From Debugger
flow_embedEmbed chart in roxygen doc
flow-packageflow: View and Browse Code Using Flow Diagrams
flow_testBuild Report From Tests
flow_viewView function as flow chart
flow_view_depsShow dependency graph of a function
flow_view_shinyVisualize a shiny app's dependency graph
flow_view_source_callsDraw diagram of source dependencies
flow_view_usesShow graph of callers of a function
flow_view_varsDraw the dependencies of variables in a function
moodymudskipper/funflow documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 6:41 p.m.