hidden: hidden: A package for detecting hidden types.

Description hidden contains the following functions


This package makes it easy to identify objects or object elements which store a simpler hidden type. "Hidden type" refers to a simpler type or class that we could convert an object to without losing information. Additionally the functions unfactor and make_logical allow for the quick conversions that base R doesn't.

hidden contains the following functions


TRUE if list or environment contains only objects of same length.


TRUE if numeric, character or factor could be converted to integer without loss of information.


TRUE if numeric, character or factor contains binary values that could be converted to logical without loss of information other than labels (see also make_logical).


TRUE if data frame, list or environment contain only objects of same length and same type.


TRUE if character or factor could be converted to numeric without loss of information.


TRUE if data.frame list or environment contains only objects of length 1.


Convert to logical if hides_lgl(x, ...) is TRUE.


Convert a factor or the factors of a data.frame, list or environment to the type they hide (character or numeric)

moodymudskipper/hidden documentation built on May 20, 2019, 9:59 a.m.