
Defines functions mhUpdateVoigt computeLogLikelihood copyLogProposals getVoigtParam mixedVoigt sumDexp sumDlogNorm sumDnorm marginalMetropolisUpdate weightedGaussian weightedVariance weightedMean resampleParticles residualResampling reWeightParticles effectiveSampleSize weightedLorentzian

Documented in computeLogLikelihood copyLogProposals effectiveSampleSize getVoigtParam marginalMetropolisUpdate mhUpdateVoigt mixedVoigt resampleParticles residualResampling reWeightParticles sumDexp sumDlogNorm sumDnorm weightedGaussian weightedLorentzian weightedMean weightedVariance

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#' Compute the spectral signature using Lorentzian peaks.
#' Calculates the value of the Lorentzian function at the given wavelengths,
#' given the parameters of the peaks. This function is thread-safe.
#' @param location Vector of location parameters of the peaks.
#' @param scale Vector of scale parameters of the peaks.
#' @param amplitude Vector of amplitudes of the peaks.
#' @param wavelengths Vector of wavenumbers at which to compute the function.
#' @return The value of the Lorentian function at the given wavelengths.
#' @examples
#'   Cal_V <- seq(300,400,by=5)
#'   loc <- c(320,350,375)
#'   sca <- c(10,5,18)
#'   amp <- c(1000,5000,2000)
#'   weightedLorentzian(loc,sca,amp,Cal_V)
weightedLorentzian <- function(location, scale, amplitude, wavelengths) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_weightedLorentzian', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', location, scale, amplitude, wavelengths)

#' Compute the effective sample size (ESS) of the particles.
#' The ESS is a "rule of thumb" for assessing the degeneracy of
#' the importance distribution:
#' \deqn{ESS = \frac{(\sum_{q=1}^Q w_q)^2}{\sum_{q=1}^Q w_q^2}}
#' @param log_weights logarithms of the importance weights of each particle.
#' @return the effective sample size, a scalar between 0 and Q
#' @examples
#' x <- runif(100)
#' effectiveSampleSize(log(x))
#' @references
#' Liu, JS (2001) "Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing." Springer, NY, pp. 34--36.
effectiveSampleSize <- function(log_weights) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_effectiveSampleSize', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', log_weights)

#' Update the importance weights of each particle.
#' @param spectra \code{n_y * nwl} Matrix of observed Raman spectra.
#' @param peaks \code{nwl * npart} Matrix containing the spectral signatures for each observation.
#' @param baselines \code{nwl * npart} Matrix containing the current values of the baselines.
#' @param i index of the current observation to use in calculating the likelihood
#' @param start index of the next wavelength to use in calculating the likelihood, permuted by \code{idx}
#' @param sigma Vector of \code{npart} standard deviations for each particle.
#' @param old_weights logarithms of the importance weights of each particle.
#' @param alpha the target learning rate for the reduction in effective sample size (ESS).
#' @param idx permutation of the indices of the wavelengths.
#' @return a List containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{ess}}{The effective sample size, after reweighting.}
#'   \item{\code{weights}}{Vector of updated importance weights.}
#'   \item{\code{index}}{index of the last wavelength used.}
#'   \item{\code{evidence}}{SMC estimate of the logarithm of the model evidence.}
#' }
#' @references
#' Pitt, dos Santos Silva, Giordani & Kohn (2012)
#' "On some properties of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation methods based on the particle filter"
#' J. Econometrics 171(2): 134--151,
#' DOI: \doi{10.1016/j.jeconom.2012.06.004}
#' Zhou, Johansen & Aston (2015) "Towards Automatic Model Comparison: An Adaptive Sequential Monte Carlo Approach"
#' \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1303.3123}{arXiv:1303.3123} [stat.ME]
reWeightParticles <- function(spectra, peaks, baselines, i, start, sigma, old_weights, alpha, idx) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_reWeightParticles', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', spectra, peaks, baselines, i, start, sigma, old_weights, alpha, idx)

#' Compute an ancestry vector for residual resampling of the SMC particles.
#' @param log_wt logarithms of the importance weights of each particle.
#' @return Vector of indices to the particles that will be propagated forward to the next generation (i.e. the parents)
#' @references
#' Liu & Chen (1998) "Sequential Monte Carlo methods for dynamic systems," JASA 93(443): 1032-1044,
#' \doi{10.1080/01621459.1998.10473765}
#' Douc, Cappe & Moulines (2005) "Comparison of resampling schemes for particle filtering"
#' In Proc. 4th IEEE Int. Symp. ISPA, pp. 64-69, \doi{10.1109/ISPA.2005.195385}
residualResampling <- function(log_wt) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_residualResampling', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', log_wt)

#' Resample in place to avoid expensive copying of data structures, using a permutation
#' of the ancestry vector.
#' @param log_weights logarithms of the importance weights of each particle
#' @param ampMx \code{npeaks x npart} Matrix of amplitudes for each particle.
#' @param scaleMx \code{npeaks x npart} Matrix of scale parameters for each particle.
#' @param peaks \code{nwl x npart} Matrix containing the expectation of the Lorentzian mixture.
#' @param baselines \code{nwl x n_y x npart} Array of smoothing splines.
#' @param n_y number of observations
#' @param nwl number of wavenumbers
#' @return Vector of indices to the parents of the resampled particles.
#' @references
#' Murray, L.M., Lee, A. & Jacob, P.E. (2015) "Parallel resampling in the particle filter" \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1301.4019}{arXiv:1301.4019v3}
#' @seealso \code{\link{residualResampling}}
resampleParticles <- function(log_weights, ampMx, scaleMx, peaks, baselines, n_y, nwl) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_resampleParticles', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', log_weights, ampMx, scaleMx, peaks, baselines, n_y, nwl)

#' Compute the weighted arithmetic means of the particles.
#' This SMC estimate of the means can be used to centre independent Metropolis-Hastings proposals.
#' @param particles \code{npeaks * npart} Matrix of parameter values for each particle.
#' @param log_weights logarithms of the importance weights of each particle.
#' @return A vector of means, one for each row.
#' @seealso \code{\link[stats:weighted.mean]{weighted.mean}}
weightedMean <- function(particles, log_weights) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_weightedMean', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', particles, log_weights)

#' Compute the weighted variance of the particles.
#' This SMC estimate of the variance can be used to scale the bandwidth of adaptive,
#' Gaussian random walk Metropolis-Hastings proposals.
#' @param particles \code{npeaks * npart} Matrix of parameter values for each particle.
#' @param log_weights logarithms of the importance weights of each particle.
#' @param mean Vector of weighted means of each particle.
#' @return A vector of variances, one for each row.
#' @seealso \code{\link[Hmisc:wtd.stats]{wtd.var}}
weightedVariance <- function(particles, log_weights, mean) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_weightedVariance', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', particles, log_weights, mean)

#' Compute the spectral signature using Gaussian peaks.
#' Calculates the value of the squared exponential radial basis function at the given wavelengths,
#' given the parameters of the peaks. This function is thread-safe.
#' @param location Vector of location parameters of the peaks (mean).
#' @param scale Vector of scale parameters of the peaks (standard deviation).
#' @param amplitude Vector of amplitudes of the peaks.
#' @param wavelengths Vector of wavenumbers at which to compute the function.
#' @return The value of the Gaussian function at the given wavelengths.
#' @examples
#'   Cal_V <- seq(300,400,by=5)
#'   loc <- c(320,350,375)
#'   sca <- c(10,5,18)
#'   amp <- c(1000,5000,2000)
#'   weightedGaussian(loc,sca,amp,Cal_V)
weightedGaussian <- function(location, scale, amplitude, wavelengths) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_weightedGaussian', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', location, scale, amplitude, wavelengths)

#' Update all of the parameters using a single Metropolis-Hastings step.
#' Updates all of the parameters using a single Metropolis-Hastings step, such that the
#' baseline cancels out in the MH ratio, using the marginalisation identity of Chib (1995).
#' If \code{npart > 1}, then multiple MCMC chains will be executed independently in parallel using OpenMP.
#' This means that all functions used for the proposal distributions and to evaluate the MH ratio
#' need to be thread-safe. Specifically, no calls to \code{R::rnorm}, \code{R::dnorm}, nor their
#' Rcpp equivalents, can be made from within the parallel portion of the code.
#' @param spectra \code{n_y * nwl} Matrix of observed Raman spectra.
#' @param n number of observations to use in calculating the likelihood
#' @param conc Vector of \code{n} nanomolar (nM) dye concentrations
#' @param wavelengths Vector of \code{nwl} wavenumbers at which the spetra are observed.
#' @param peakWL Vector of locations for each peak (cm^-1)
#' @param betaMx \code{npeaks * npart} Matrix of regression coefficients to update.
#' @param scaleMx \code{npeaks * npart} Matrix of scale parameters to update.
#' @param sigma Vector of \code{npart} standard deviations to update.
#' @param expMx \code{nwl * npart} Matrix of expectations of the Lorentzian or Gaussian function.
#' @param baselines \code{nKnots * n_y * npart} Array of smoothing splines.
#' @param sd_mh Vector of \code{2 * npeaks} bandwidths for the random walk proposals.
#' @param priors List of hyperparameters for the prior distributions.
#' @return The number of RWMH proposals that were accepted.
#' @references
#' Chib (1995) "Marginal Likelihood from the Gibbs Output," JASA 90(432): 1313--1321,
#' \doi{10.1080/01621459.1995.10476635}
#' Rosenthal (2000) "Parallel computing and Monte Carlo algorithms" Far East J. Theor. Stat. 4(2): 207--236,
#' URL: \href{https://www.pphmj.com/abstract/1961.htm}{https://www.pphmj.com/abstract/1961.htm}
marginalMetropolisUpdate <- function(spectra, n, conc, wavelengths, peakWL, betaMx, scaleMx, sigma, expMx, baselines, sd_mh, priors) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_marginalMetropolisUpdate', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', spectra, n, conc, wavelengths, peakWL, betaMx, scaleMx, sigma, expMx, baselines, sd_mh, priors)

#' Sum log-likelihoods of Gaussian.
#' This is an internal function that is only exposed on the public API for unit testing purposes.
#' The sum of the log-likelihoods (log of the product of the likelihoods)
#' for independent, identically-distributed, Gaussian random variables.
#' Note: this Rcpp function is thread-safe, unlike the equivalent alternatives. 
#' @param x Vector of i.i.d. Gaussian random varibles
#' @param mean Vector of means
#' @param sd Vector of standard deviations
#' @return log-likelihood of x
#' @seealso \code{sum(dnorm(x, mean, sd, log=TRUE))}
#' @examples
#'   x <- rnorm(100)
#'   mu <- rep(0,length(x))
#'   sd <- rep(1,length(x))
#'   sumDnorm(x,mu,sd)
sumDnorm <- function(x, mean, sd) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_sumDnorm', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', x, mean, sd)

#' Sum log-likelihoods of i.i.d. lognormal.
#' This is an internal function that is only exposed on the public API for unit testing purposes.
#' The sum of the log-likelihoods (log of the product of the likelihoods)
#' for independent, identically-distributed, lognormal random variables. 
#' Note: this Rcpp function is thread-safe, unlike the equivalent alternatives. 
#' @param x Vector of i.i.d. lognormal random varibles
#' @param meanlog mean of the distribution on the log scale
#' @param sdlog standard deviation on the log scale
#' @return log-likelihood of x
#' @seealso \code{sum(dlnorm(x, meanlog, sdlog, log=TRUE))}
#' @examples
#' x <- rlnorm(100)
#' sumDlogNorm(x,0,1)
sumDlogNorm <- function(x, meanlog, sdlog) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_sumDlogNorm', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', x, meanlog, sdlog)

#' Sum log-likelihoods of i.i.d. exponential.
#' This is an internal function that is only exposed on the public API for unit testing purposes.
#' The sum of the log-likelihoods (log of the product of the likelihoods)
#' for independent, identically-distributed, exponential random variables. 
#' Note: this Rcpp function is thread-safe, unlike the equivalent alternatives. 
#' @param x Vector of i.i.d. exponential random varibles
#' @param rate parameter of the exponential distribution
#' @return log-likelihood of x
#' @seealso \code{sum(dexp(x, rate, log=TRUE))}
sumDexp <- function(x, rate) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_sumDexp', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', x, rate)

#' Compute the spectral signature using Voigt peaks.
#' Calculates the value of the pseudo-Voigt broadening function at the given wavenumbers,
#' given the parameters of the peaks. This function is thread-safe.
#' @param location Vector of location parameters of the peaks (\eqn{cm^{-1}})
#' @param scale_G Vector of standard deviations \eqn{\sigma_j} of the Gaussian components.
#' @param scale_L Vector of scale parameters \eqn{\phi_j} of the Lorentzian components.
#' @param amplitude Vector of amplitudes of the peaks (a.u.)
#' @param wavenum Vector of wavenumbers at which to compute the function.
#' @return The value of the pseudo-Voigt function at the given wavenumbers.
#' @examples
#'   Cal_V <- seq(300,400,by=5)
#'   loc <- c(320,350,375)
#'   scG <- c(10,5,1)
#'   scL <- c(3,20,7)
#'   amp <- c(100,500,200)
#'   mixedVoigt(loc,scG,scL,amp,Cal_V)
#' @references
#' Thompson, Cox & Hastings (1987) "Rietveld refinement of Debye--Scherrer synchrotron X-ray data from \eqn{Al_2 O_3},"
#' J. Appl. Crystallogr. 20(2): 79--83, DOI: \doi{10.1107/S0021889887087090}
mixedVoigt <- function(location, scale_G, scale_L, amplitude, wavenum) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_mixedVoigt', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', location, scale_G, scale_L, amplitude, wavenum)

#' Compute the pseudo-Voigt mixing ratio for each peak.
#' Calculates the mixing parameter \eqn{\eta_j} from the scales of the Gaussian/Lorentzian
#' components.
#' First, calculate a polynomial average of the scale parameters according to
#' the approximation of Thompson et al. (1987):
#' \deqn{f_{G,L} = (\sigma_j^5 + 2.69\sigma_j^4\phi_j + 2.42\sigma_j^3\phi_j^2 + 4.47\sigma_j^2\phi_j^3 + 0.07\sigma_j\phi_j^4 + \phi_j^5)^{1/5} }
#' Then the Voigt mixing parameter \eqn{\eta_j} is defined as:
#' \deqn{\eta_j = 1.36\frac{\phi_j}{f_{G,L}} - 0.47(\frac{\phi_j}{f_{G,L}})^2 + 0.11(\frac{\phi_j}{f_{G,L}})^3}
#' @param scale_G Vector of standard deviations \eqn{\sigma_j} of the Gaussian components.
#' @param scale_L Vector of scale parameters \eqn{\phi_j} of the Lorentzian components.
#' @return The Voigt mixing weights for each peak, between 0 (Gaussian) and 1 (Lorentzian).
#' @references
#' Thompson, Cox & Hastings (1987) "Rietveld refinement of Debye--Scherrer synchrotron X-ray data from \eqn{Al_2 O_3},"
#' J. Appl. Crystallogr. 20(2): 79--83, \doi{10.1107/S0021889887087090}
getVoigtParam <- function(scale_G, scale_L) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_getVoigtParam', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', scale_G, scale_L)

#' Initialise the vector of Metropolis-Hastings proposals.
#' This is an internal function that is only exposed on the public API for unit testing purposes.
#' @param nPK number of Raman peaks in the spectral signature
#' @param T_Prop_Theta Vector of logarithms of the MH proposals
#' @return Vector of proposals
copyLogProposals <- function(nPK, T_Prop_Theta) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_copyLogProposals', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', nPK, T_Prop_Theta)

#' Compute the log-likelihood.
#' This is an internal function that is only exposed on the public API for unit testing purposes.
#' It computes the log-likelihood of the spline and the noise, once the spectral signature has
#' been subtracted from the observed data. Thus, it can be used with either Lorentzian, Gaussian,
#' or pseudo-Voigt broadening functions.
#' @param obsi Vector of residuals after the spectral signature has been subtracted.
#' @param lambda smoothing parameter of the penalised B-spline.
#' @param prErrNu hyperparameter of the additive noise
#' @param prErrSS hyperparameter of the additive noise
#' @param basisMx Matrix of B-spline basis functions
#' @param eigVal eigenvalues of the Demmler-Reinsch factorisation
#' @param precMx precision matrix for the spline
#' @param xTx sparse matrix cross-product
#' @param aMx orthoganal matrix A from the Demmler-Reinsch factorisation
#' @param ruMx product of Ru from the Demmler-Reinsch factorisation
#' @return The logarithm of the likelihood.
computeLogLikelihood <- function(obsi, lambda, prErrNu, prErrSS, basisMx, eigVal, precMx, xTx, aMx, ruMx) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_computeLogLikelihood', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', obsi, lambda, prErrNu, prErrSS, basisMx, eigVal, precMx, xTx, aMx, ruMx)

#' Update the parameters of the Voigt peaks using marginal Metropolis-Hastings.
#' Updates all of the parameters (location, amplitude, std. dev., and scale) using a single Metropolis-
#' Hastings step, such that the baseline cancels out in the MH ratio, using the marginalisation identity
#' of Chib (1995).
#' Note: if \code{npart > 1}, then multiple MCMC chains will be executed independently in parallel using
#' OpenMP. This means that all functions used for the proposal distributions and to evaluate the MH ratio
#' need to be thread-safe. Specifically, no calls to \code{R::rnorm}, \code{R::dnorm}, nor their
#' Rcpp equivalents, can be made from within the parallel portion of the code.
#' @param spectra \code{n_y * nwl} Matrix of observed Raman spectra.
#' @param n number of observations to use in calculating the likelihood.
#' @param kappa likelihood tempering parameter.
#' @param conc Vector of \code{n_y} nanomolar (nM) dye concentrations
#' @param wavenum Vector of \code{nwl} wavenumbers at which the spetra are observed.
#' @param thetaMx \code{(4+npeaks*4) x npart} Matrix of parameter values for each peak.
#' @param logThetaMx \code{(4+npeaks*4) x npart} Matrix of logarithms of the parameters.
#' @param mhChol lower-triangular Cholesky factorisation of the covariance matrix for the random walk proposals.
#' @param priors List of hyperparameters for the prior distributions.
#' @return The number of RWMH proposals that were accepted.
#' @references
#' Chib (1995) "Marginal Likelihood from the Gibbs Output," JASA 90(432): 1313--1321,
#' \doi{10.1080/01621459.1995.10476635}
#' Rosenthal (2000) "Parallel computing and Monte Carlo algorithms" Far East J. Theor. Stat. 4(2): 207--236,
#' URL: \href{https://www.pphmj.com/abstract/1961.htm}{https://www.pphmj.com/abstract/1961.htm}
mhUpdateVoigt <- function(spectra, n, kappa, conc, wavenum, thetaMx, logThetaMx, mhChol, priors) {
    .Call('_serrsBayes_mhUpdateVoigt', PACKAGE = 'serrsBayes', spectra, n, kappa, conc, wavenum, thetaMx, logThetaMx, mhChol, priors)
mooresm/serrsBayes documentation built on July 2, 2021, 7:36 a.m.