Pull Request Checklists

Important: When opening a pull request, keep only the applicable checklist and delete all other sections.

Checklist for all PRs


This can be checked and addressed by running check_functions.pl and responding to the prompts. Test your code after you do this.

Optional but preferred with PRs

Checklist for New Functions



#' @title ASHM Rainbow Plot
#' @description Make a rainbow plot of all mutations in a region, ordered and coloured by metadata.
#' @details This function creates a rainbow plot for all mutations in a region. Region can either be specified with the `region` parameter,
#' or the user can provide a maf that has already been subset to the region(s) of interest with `mutation_maf`.
#' As a third alternative, the regions can also be specified as a bed file with `bed`.
#' Lastly, this function has a variety of parameters that can be used to further customize the returned plot in many different ways.
#' Refer to the parameter descriptions, examples as well as the vignettes for more demonstrations how this function can be called.
#' @param mutations_maf A data frame containing mutations (MAF format) within a region of interest (i.e. use the get_ssm_by_region).
#' @param metadata should be a data frame with sample_id as a column.
#' @param exclude_classifications Optional argument for excluding specific classifications from a metadeta file.
#' @param drop_unmutated Boolean argument for removing unmutated sample ids in mutated cases.
#' @param classification_column The name of the metadata column to use for ordering and colouring samples.
#' @param bed Optional data frame specifying the regions to annotate (required columns: start, end, name).
#' @param region Genomic region for plotting in bed format.
#' @param custom_colours Provide named vector (or named list of vectors) containing custom annotation colours if you do not want to use standartized pallette.
#' @param hide_ids Boolean argument, if TRUE, ids will be removed.
#' @return ggplot2 object.
#' @import dplyr ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #basic usage
#' region = "chr6:90975034-91066134"
#' metadata = get_gambl_metadata()
#' plot = ashm_rainbow_plot(metadata = metadata, region = region)
#' #advanced usages
#' mybed = data.frame(start = c(128806578,
#'                              128805652,
#'                              128748315),
#'                    end = c(128806992,
#'                            128809822,
#'                            128748880),
#'                    name = c("TSS",
#'                             "enhancer",
#'                             "MYC-e1"))
#' ashm_rainbow_plot(mutations_maf = my_mutations,
#'                   metadata = my_metadata,
#'                   bed = mybed)


#' @return nothing
#' @export
#' @import tidyverse ggrepel

Checklist for changes to existing code

morinlab/GAMBLR documentation built on Feb. 10, 2024, 12:11 a.m.