
On this github an R-package as well as data and code for running analysis in the manuscript:

Ecological succession in the vaginal microbiota during pregnancy and birth by Rasmussen, M.A., Thorsen, J., Dominguez-Bello, M.G., Blaser, M. J., Mortensen, M.S., Brejnrod, A.D., Shah, S.A., Hjelmsoe, M.H., Lehtimäki, J., Trivedi, U., Bisgaard H., Soerensen S. and Stokholm J (2020) ISME xxxx.


Sequencing data

The 16S rRNA sequencing data for this study can be found on Short Read Achieve under

OTU table

The data is further included as a phyloseq object in the R-package MBtransfeR found on this site

Installation and Dependencies

The functionality used for developing the results in the manuscript:




Faiths Phylogenetic diversity

Based on code from: XX

#C. Willis

# Parallel version of 'comdist' function from Picante
# clN = number of nodes to use for the cluster = function (comm, dis, clN = 2, abundance.weighted = FALSE) 
  dat <- match.comm.dist(comm, dis)
  x <- as.matrix(dat$comm)
  dis <- as.matrix(dat$dist)
  if (!abundance.weighted) {
    x <- decostand(x, method = "pa")
  N <- dim(x)[1]
  S <- dim(x)[2]
  x <- decostand(x, method = "total", MARGIN = 1)
  comdist <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N)
  for (l in 1:N) {
    cl <- makeCluster(clN) # create parellel clusters
    col = foreach(k = 1:N,.inorder=T,.combine='c') %dopar% {
      r = sum(dis * outer(as.vector(t(x[k,])), as.vector(t(x[l, ]))))
    comdist[,l] = col
  row.names(comdist) <- row.names(x)
  colnames(comdist) <- row.names(x)

#Parallelize version of 'comdistnt' function from Picante =function (comm, dis,clN=2, abundance.weighted = FALSE, exclude.conspecifics = FALSE) 
  dat <- match.comm.dist(comm, dis)
  comm <- dat$comm
  dis <- dat$dist
  N <- dim(comm)[1]
  comm <- decostand(comm, method = "total", MARGIN = 1)
  out <- matrix(nrow = N, ncol = N)
  for (i in 1:N) {
    cl <- makeCluster(clN) # create parellel clusters

    col = foreach(j = 1:N,.inorder=T,.combine='c') %dopar% {
      sppInSample1 <- colnames(comm[i, comm[i, ] > 0, drop = FALSE])
      sppInSample2 <- colnames(comm[j, comm[j, ] > 0, drop = FALSE])
      if ((length(sppInSample1) >= 1) && (length(sppInSample2) >= 
                                          1)) {
        sample.dis <- dis[sppInSample1, sppInSample2, 
                          drop = FALSE]
        if (exclude.conspecifics) {
          sample.dis[sample.dis == 0] <- NA
        sample1NT <- apply(sample.dis, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
        sample1NT[sample1NT == Inf] <- NA
        sample2NT <- apply(sample.dis, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
        sample2NT[sample2NT == Inf] <- NA
        if (abundance.weighted) {
          sample1.weights <- as.numeric(comm[i, sppInSample1])
          sample2.weights <- as.numeric(comm[j, sppInSample2])
          if (any( {
            miss <- which(
            sample1NT <- sample1NT[-miss]
            sample1.weights <- sample1.weights[-miss]
            sample1.weights <- sample1.weights/sum(sample1.weights)
          if (any( {
            miss <- which(
            sample2NT <- sample2NT[-miss]
            sample2.weights <- sample2.weights[-miss]
            sample2.weights <- sample2.weights/sum(sample2.weights)
          sampleNT <- c(sample1NT, sample2NT)
          sample.weights <- c(sample1.weights, sample2.weights)
          #ORIGINAL: comdisnt[i, j] <- weighted.mean(sampleNT, sample.weights, na.rm = TRUE)
          r <- weighted.mean(sampleNT, sample.weights, na.rm = TRUE)
        else {
          #ORIGINAL: comdisnt[i, j] <- mean(c(sample1NT, sample2NT), na.rm = TRUE)
          r = comdisnt[i, j] <- mean(c(sample1NT, sample2NT), na.rm = TRUE)
      else {
        r <- NA
    } # end foreach loop   
    out[,i] = col
  rownames(out) = colnames(out) <- rownames(comm)

# parallelized 'pd' function from picante = function (samp, tree, clN=7, include.root = TRUE) {


  if (is.null(tree$edge.length)) {stop("Tree has no branch lengths, cannot compute pd")}
  species <- colnames(samp)
  SR <- rowSums(ifelse(samp > 0, 1, 0))
  nlocations = dim(samp)[1]
  nspecies = dim(samp)[2]
  #PDs = NULL

  cl <- makeCluster(clN) # create parellel clusters

  #for (i in 1:nlocations) {
  PDs = foreach(i = 1:nlocations,.packages='picante',.inorder=T,.combine='rbind') %dopar% {
    present <- species[samp[i, ] > 0]
    treeabsent <- tree$tip.label[which(!(tree$tip.label %in% 
    if (length(present) == 0) {
      PD <- 0
    else if (length(present) == 1) {
      if (!is.rooted(tree) || !include.root) {
        warning("Rooted tree and include.root=TRUE argument required to calculate PD of single-species sampunities. Single species sampunity assigned PD value of NA.")
        PD <- NA
      else {
        PD <- node.age(tree)$ages[which(tree$edge[, 2] == 
                                          which(tree$tip.label == present))]
    else if (length(treeabsent) == 0) {
      PD <- sum(tree$edge.length)
    else {
      sub.tree <- drop.tip(tree, treeabsent)
      if (include.root) {
        if (!is.rooted(tree)) {
          stop("Rooted tree required to calculate PD with include.root=TRUE argument")
        sub.tree.depth <- max(node.age(sub.tree)$ages)
        orig.tree.depth <- max(node.age(tree)$ages[which(tree$edge[,2] %in% which(tree$tip.label %in% present))])
        PD <- sum(sub.tree$edge.length) + (orig.tree.depth - 
      else {
        PD <- sum(sub.tree$edge.length)

  PDout <- data.frame(PD = PDs, SR = SR)
  rownames(PDout) <- rownames(samp)

# ses.pd function parallelized
# requires to run, see above = function (samp, tree, cl.size=2,null.model = c("taxa.labels", "richness", 
                                                           "frequency", "sample.pool", "phylogeny.pool", "independentswap", 
                                                           "trialswap"), runs = 999, iterations = 1000, ...) {
  pd.obs <- as.vector(, tree,clN=cl.size, ...)$PD)
  null.model <- match.arg(null.model)
  pd.rand <- switch(null.model, 
                    taxa.labels = t(replicate(runs,as.vector(, tipShuffle(tree),clN=cl.size, ...)$PD))),
                    richness = t(replicate(runs,as.vector(, null.model = "richness"), tree,clN=cl.size, ...)$PD))),
                    frequency = t(replicate(runs, as.vector(,null.model = "frequency"),tree,clN=cl.size, ...)$PD))), 
                    sample.pool = t(replicate(runs, as.vector(, null.model = "richness"), tree,clN=cl.size, ...)$PD))), 
                    phylogeny.pool = t(replicate(runs, as.vector(, null.model = "richness"), tipShuffle(tree),clN=cl.size, ...)$PD))), 
                    independentswap = t(replicate(runs, as.vector(, null.model = "independentswap", iterations),tree,clN=cl.size, ...)$PD))), 
                    trialswap = t(replicate(runs, as.vector(, null.model = "trialswap", iterations), tree,clN=cl.size, ...)$PD))))
  pd.rand.mean <- apply(X = pd.rand, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean, na.rm = TRUE) <- apply(X = pd.rand, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sd, na.rm = TRUE)
  pd.obs.z <- (pd.obs - pd.rand.mean)/
  pd.obs.rank <- apply(X = rbind(pd.obs, pd.rand), MARGIN = 2, FUN = rank)[1, ]
  pd.obs.rank <- ifelse(, NA, pd.obs.rank)
  data.frame(ntaxa = specnumber(samp), pd.obs, pd.rand.mean,, pd.obs.rank, pd.obs.z, pd.obs.p = pd.obs.rank/(runs + 1), runs = runs, row.names = row.names(samp))


A hock on the indicspecies::summary.multipatt() function to export results to data.frame

summary.multipatt2 <- function (object, alpha = 0.05, minstat = NULL, At = NULL, Bt = NULL, 
                                indvalcomp = FALSE, ...) 
  x <- object
  ncomb = ncol(x$str)
  ncolsign = ncol(x$sign)
  nsps = nrow(x$sign)
  cat("\n Multilevel pattern analysis")
  cat("\n ---------------------------\n")
  cat("\n Association function:", x$func)
  cat("\n Significance level (alpha):", alpha)
  out <- list()
  if (!is.null(minstat)) 
    cat("\n Minimum statistic value (minstat):", minstat)
  if (x$func == "IndVal" || x$func == "IndVal.g") {
    if (!is.null(At)) 
      cat("\n Minimum positive predictive value (At):", 
    if (!is.null(Bt)) 
      cat("\n Minimum sensitivity (Bt):", Bt)
  cat("\n\n Total number of species:", nsps)
  sel = !$sign$p.value) & x$sign$p.value <= alpha
  if (!is.null(minstat)) 
    sel = sel & (x$sign$stat >= minstat)
  if (!is.null(Bt) && !is.null(x$B)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(x$sign)) sel[i] = sel[i] && (x$B[i, 
                                                      x$sign$index[i]] >= Bt)
  if (!is.null(At) && !is.null(x$A)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(x$sign)) sel[i] = sel[i] && (x$A[i, 
                                                      x$sign$index[i]] >= At)
  a = x$sign[sel, ]
  cat("\n Selected number of species:", nrow(a), "\n")
  cols = (ncolsign - 1):ncolsign
  if (indvalcomp && !is.null(x$B) && !is.null(x$A)) {
    As = numeric(nrow(x$sign))
    Bs = numeric(nrow(x$sign))
    for (i in 1:nrow(x$sign)) {
      As[i] = x$A[i, x$sign$index[i]]
      Bs[i] = x$B[i, x$sign$index[i]]
    y = cbind(x$sign, As, Bs)
    cols = c(ncol(y) - 1, ncol(y), cols)
    names(y) = c(names(x$sign), "A", "B")
  else y = x$sign
  for (k in 1:(ncolsign - 4)) {
    cat(" Number of species associated to", k, if (k == 1) 
      else "groups:", sum(rowSums(a[, 1:(ncolsign - 3)]) == 
                            k), "\n")
  cat("\n List of species associated to each combination: \n")
  for (i in 1:ncomb) {
    sel = x$sign$index == i & !$sign$p.value) & x$sign$p.value <= 
    if (!is.null(minstat)) 
      sel = sel & (x$sign$stat >= minstat)
    if (!is.null(Bt) && !is.null(x$B)) {
      for (j in 1:nrow(x$sign)) sel[j] = sel[j] && (x$B[j, 
                                                        x$sign$index[j]] >= Bt)
    if (!is.null(At) && !is.null(x$A)) {
      for (j in 1:nrow(x$sign)) sel[j] = sel[j] && (x$A[j, 
                                                        x$sign$index[j]] >= At)
    m = y[sel, ]
    if (nrow(m) > 0) {
      cat("\n Group", colnames(x$comb)[i], " #sps. ", nrow(m), 
      m = m[order(m$stat, decreasing = TRUE), cols]
      printCoefmat(m, signif.stars = TRUE, signif.legend = FALSE, 
                   digits = 4, P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE)
    out[[length(out) + 1]] <- m
  Signif <- symnum(x$sign$p.value, corr = FALSE, na = FALSE, 
                   cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 1), symbols = c("***", 
                                                                            "**", "*", ".", " "))
  cat("---\nSignif. codes: ", attr(Signif, "legend"), "\n")
  names(out) <- colnames(x$comb)
  out[sapply(out, function(x) nrow(x) > 0)]

Small functions

  tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(a.gplot)) 
  leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box") 
  legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]] 


Figure 1

Calculate OTU-2-OTU correlation matrices, for each compartment type using sparCC

phyobj <- MBvagdevtrans
phyobj_F <- subset_samples(phyobj, Type == "F")
phyobj_F <- prune_taxa(taxa_sums(phyobj_F) > 0, phyobj_F)
ot_F <- t(otu_table(phyobj_F)) %>% as("matrix")
se.sparCC_F <- sparcc(ot_F) 
se.spearman_F <- cor(ot_F,method = 'spearman')

phyobj_V <- subset_samples(phyobj, Type == "V")
phyobj_V <- prune_taxa(taxa_sums(phyobj_V) > 0, phyobj_V)
ot_V <- t(otu_table(phyobj_V)) %>% as("matrix")
se.sparCC_V <- sparcc(ot_V) 
se.spearman_V <- cor(ot_V,method = 'spearman')

phyobj_T <- subset_samples(phyobj, Type == "T")
phyobj_T <- prune_taxa(taxa_sums(phyobj_T) > 0, phyobj_T)
ot_T <- t(otu_table(phyobj_T)) %>% as("matrix")
se.sparCC_T <- sparcc(ot_T) 
se.spearman_T <- cor(ot_T,method = 'spearman')

ot <- t(otu_table(phyobj)) %>% as("matrix")
se.sparCC <- sparcc(ot) 
se.spearman <- cor(ot, method = 'spearman')

Draw up the graph

phyobj <- MBvagdevtrans
p <- dim(otu_table(phyobj))[1]
ic <- logical(p)
ic[runif(p)<0.15] <- TRUE
#phyobj <- subset_taxa(phyobj,ic)

## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 2327 taxa and 257 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 257 samples by 7 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 2327 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
## phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 2327 tips and 2326 internal nodes ]

ot <- t(otu_table(phyobj)) %>% as("matrix")
ot_rel <- apply(ot, 1, function(x) x/sum(x)) %>% t
ab <- colSums(ot)

# get dominating body site
BodySiteAB <- aggregate(ot_rel,list(sample_data(phyobj)$Type),mean)
DominatingBS <- BodySiteAB$Group.1[unlist(apply(BodySiteAB[,-1],2,which.max))]

mean(rownames(se.spearman) == colnames(ot))

## [1] 1

PresenceAbsence <- phyobj %>% transform_sample_counts(function(x) (x > 0) + 0) %>% {data.frame(Type = get_variable(., "Type"), otu_table(.) %>% as("matrix") %>% t)} %>% group_by(Type) %>% summarize_all(max) %>%
rownames(PresenceAbsence) <- PresenceAbsence$Type
PresenceAbsence <- as(PresenceAbsence %>% select(-Type), "matrix")


## [1] "F" "T" "V"

Type <- vector()
Type[PresenceAbsence[1,]==1] <- 'Fecal'
Type[PresenceAbsence[2,]==1] <- 'Airway'
Type[PresenceAbsence[3,]==1] <- 'Vaginal'
Type[colSums(PresenceAbsence[1:2,])==2] <- 'Fecal and Airway'
Type[colSums(PresenceAbsence[-2,])==2] <- 'Fecal and Vaginal'
Type[colSums(PresenceAbsence[-1,])==2] <- 'Airway and Vaginal'
Type[colSums(PresenceAbsence)==3] <- 'Ubiquitous'

real_estate <- ot %>% colSums %>% (function(x) x/sum(x)) %>% data.frame(Type, frac = .) %>% group_by(Type) %>% summarize(frac = sum(frac)) %>% mutate(frac = paste0(sprintf("%1.2f", frac*100), "%"))

curr.sparcc <- se.sparCC$Cor
composite_sparcc <- curr.sparcc
## Transfer F sparCC to common matrix format
big_sparcc_F <- curr.sparcc
big_sparcc_F[1:nrow(big_sparcc_F),1:ncol(big_sparcc_F)] <- 0
rownames(big_sparcc_F) <- rownames(se.spearman)
colnames(big_sparcc_F) <- rownames(se.spearman)
rownames(se.sparCC_F$Cor) <- rownames(se.spearman_F)
colnames(se.sparCC_F$Cor) <- rownames(se.spearman_F)
big_sparcc_F[rownames(se.sparCC_F$Cor), colnames(se.sparCC_F$Cor)] <- se.sparCC_F$Cor

## Transfer V sparCC to common matrix format 
big_sparcc_V <- curr.sparcc
big_sparcc_V[1:nrow(big_sparcc_V),1:ncol(big_sparcc_V)] <- 0
rownames(big_sparcc_V) <- rownames(se.spearman)
colnames(big_sparcc_V) <- rownames(se.spearman)
rownames(se.sparCC_V$Cor) <- rownames(se.spearman_V)
colnames(se.sparCC_V$Cor) <- rownames(se.spearman_V)
big_sparcc_V[rownames(se.sparCC_V$Cor), colnames(se.sparCC_V$Cor)] <- se.sparCC_V$Cor

## Transfer T sparCC to common matrix format
big_sparcc_T <- curr.sparcc
big_sparcc_T[1:nrow(big_sparcc_T),1:ncol(big_sparcc_T)] <- 0
rownames(big_sparcc_T) <- rownames(se.spearman)
colnames(big_sparcc_T) <- rownames(se.spearman)
rownames(se.sparCC_T$Cor) <- rownames(se.spearman_T)
colnames(se.sparCC_T$Cor) <- rownames(se.spearman_T)
big_sparcc_T[rownames(se.sparCC_T$Cor), colnames(se.sparCC_T$Cor)] <- se.sparCC_T$Cor

composite_sparcc_max <- pmax(big_sparcc_F, big_sparcc_V, big_sparcc_T)
composite_sparcc_min <- pmin(big_sparcc_F, big_sparcc_V, big_sparcc_T)
composite_sparcc <- composite_sparcc_max
composite_sparcc[abs(composite_sparcc_min) > composite_sparcc_max] <- composite_sparcc_min[abs(composite_sparcc_min) > composite_sparcc_max]


se.sparCC$Cor <- composite_sparcc

# Combined network - venn plot
rotate <- function(df, x = "x", y = "y", angle = 90, clockwise = T){
    angle <- angle * -1
  rads <- angle*pi/180
  M <- matrix( c(cos(rads), -sin(rads), sin(rads), cos(rads)), 2, 2 )
  df[,c(x, y)] <- df[,c(x, y)] %>% as.matrix %>% `%*%`(M) %>%

sparCC_threshold <- 0.2

layouts <- list()
graphs <- list()
dats <- list()
n_nodes <- numeric()
for(type in unique(Type)){
  index <- Type == type
  curr.sparcc <- se.sparCC$Cor[index, index]
  rownames(curr.sparcc) <- colnames(ot)[index]
  colnames(curr.sparcc) <- colnames(ot)[index]

  curr.sparcc[curr.sparcc < sparCC_threshold] <- 0;

  #Coerce into igraph object
  curr.graph <- graph.adjacency(curr.sparcc, mode="upper", weighted=T, diag=F);

  #Remove unconnected vertices
  remove.vertices <- which(degree(curr.graph) == 0);
  keep.vertices <- which(degree(curr.graph) > 0);
  keep.vertices <- seq(1, vcount(curr.graph));

  #Get some stats and metadata on current graph
  curr.graph.dat <- list();
  curr.graph.dat$size <- ab[index][keep.vertices]# rowSums(ot[curr.otus[keep.vertices],]);

  #Color by dominant body site
  curr.graph.dat$color <-"#bdbdbd", length(ab[index]));
  curr.graph.dat$color[DominatingBS[index] == "F"] <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5,'Set1')[4]
  curr.graph.dat$color[DominatingBS[index] == "T"] <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5,'Set1')[5]
  curr.graph.dat$color[DominatingBS[index] == "V"] <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5,'Set1')[2]
  curr.graph.dat$dominant <-"#bdbdbd", length(ab[index]));
  curr.graph.dat$dominant[DominatingBS[index] == "F"] <- "Fecal"
  curr.graph.dat$dominant[DominatingBS[index] == "T"] <- "Airway"
  curr.graph.dat$dominant[DominatingBS[index] == "V"] <- "Vaginal"

  col <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5,'Set1')[c(2,5,4)]

  curr.layout <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(curr.graph)
  rownames(curr.layout) <- colnames(ot)[index]

  layouts[[type]] <- curr.layout
  graphs[[type]] <- curr.graph
  dats[[type]] <- curr.graph.dat
  n_nodes[type] <- vcount(curr.graph)

# Manual adjustments to the figure layout (rotation, mirroring etc.)
offsets <- data.frame(type = names(layouts), x = c(-1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1),
                      y = c(sin(pi/2), 0, 2*sin(pi/2), tan(pi/6), sin(pi/2), -tan(pi/6), 0)) 
rownames(offsets) <- names(layouts)
off_mod <- 45
mirroring <- data.frame(mirror_x = c(-1,-1,1,-1,1,1,1), mirror_y = c(-1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1))
rotate_deg <- c(60, 30, -45, 120, 0, 0, 0)

layouts2 <- lapply(layouts, apply, 2, scale, scale = F)
for(i in 1:7){
  layouts2[[i]] <- data.frame((layouts2[[i]]))
  layouts2[[i]][,1] <- layouts2[[i]][,1]*mirroring[i,1]
  layouts2[[i]][,2] <- layouts2[[i]][,2]*mirroring[i,2]
  layouts2[[i]]$OTU <- rownames(layouts[[i]])
  layouts2[[i]] <- rotate(layouts2[[i]], "X1", "X2", rotate_deg[i])

all_layouts <- bind_rows(layouts2 %>% lapply(setNames,c("x", "y", "OTU")) , .id = "type")
all_dats <- bind_rows(dats %>% lapply(data.frame))
all_points <- bind_cols(all_layouts, all_dats) %>% mutate(x_off = x + off_mod*offsets[type, "x"], y_off = y + off_mod*offsets[type, "y"])

offsets <- offsets %>% full_join(all_points %>% group_by(type) %>% summarize(n = n())) %>%
  full_join(real_estate, by = c(type = "Type")) %>%
  mutate(label = paste0(type, "\n", n, " OTUs\n", frac, " reads"),
         label_nudge_x = c(0,0,0,.7,0,0,0),
         label_nudge_y = c(0.65,-0.7,0.7,0,.3,-.4,-.35))

full.sparcc <- se.sparCC$Cor
rownames(full.sparcc) <- colnames(ot)
colnames(full.sparcc) <- colnames(ot)
full.sparcc[full.sparcc < sparCC_threshold] <- 0
full.graph <- graph.adjacency(full.sparcc, mode="upper", weighted=T, diag=F)

full_graph <- full.graph %>% (igraph::as_data_frame) %>%
  left_join(all_points %>% select(OTU, x_off, y_off), by = c("from" = "OTU")) %>%
  rename(from_x = x_off, from_y = y_off) %>% 
  left_join(all_points %>% select(OTU, x_off, y_off), by = c("to" = "OTU")) %>%
  rename(to_x = x_off, to_y = y_off)

Fig1 <- ggplot(all_points, aes(x_off, y_off, color = dominant, size = size)) + 
  geom_curve(data = full_graph, aes(x = from_x, y = from_y, xend = to_x, yend = to_y, color = NULL, size = NULL, alpha = log(weight)), show.legend = F, curvature = 0.1) +
  scale_alpha(range = c(0.001, 0.05)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) + 
  geom_label(data = offsets, aes(off_mod*(x+label_nudge_x), off_mod*(y+label_nudge_y), label = label, color = NULL, size = NULL), show.legend = F) +
  scale_size(range = c(0.01,3), trans = "log", breaks = c(1, 100, 10000), name = c("Number of reads")) +
  scale_color_manual(values = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(5,'Set1')[c(5,4,2)], name = "Dominant compartment") +
  coord_equal() +
  theme_void() +
  theme(legend.position = c(1,1), legend.justification = c(1,1)) + 
  expand_limits(x = 60)


Shannon, PD and unifrac PCoA

# compute Faith Phylogenetic diversity
PD <, "matrix"), phy_tree(MBvagdevtrans))[1]
# compute Shannon diversity
shannon <- plot_richness(MBvagdevtrans, measures="Shannon")

# add (w) unifrac PCoA results to dataset
all_uf_d <- distance(MBvagdevtrans, "UniFrac")
all_uf_o <- ordinate(MBvagdevtrans, "PCoA", all_uf_d)

all_wuf_d <- distance(MBvagdevtrans, "wUniFrac")
all_wuf_o <- ordinate(MBvagdevtrans, "PCoA", all_wuf_d)

plotdat <- plot_ordination(MBvagdevtrans, all_uf_o, color = "set", justDF = T, axes = 1:4) %>% 
  select(1:4) %>% setNames(paste0("all_uf_pc", 1:4))

plotdat_wuf <- plot_ordination(MBvagdevtrans, all_wuf_o, color = "set", justDF = T, axes = 1:4) %>% 
  select(1:4) %>% setNames(paste0("all_wuf_pc", 1:4))

SD <- cbind(sample_data(MBvagdevtrans), plotdat,plotdat_wuf, 
            shannon = shannon$data$value, 
            PD = PD$PD) %>% 
  mutate(set = paste(Type,Time, sep = '_') %>%  as.factor(), 
         set = set %>% factor(levels = levels(set)[c(3:5,1:2)],
                              labels = c('Week 24','Week 36','Birth','Feces 1w','Airway 1w')))
rownames(SD) <- sample_names(MBvagdevtrans)
sample_data(MBvagdevtrans) <- SD

Figure S3

Scree plot of variance explained in UniFrac and weighted UniFrac ordinations on all samples, respectively.

varExp <- data.frame(cmp = 1:257, PC = paste('PCo',1:257, sep = ''),
                     unifrac = all_uf_o$values$Relative_eig * 100, 
                     wunifrac = all_wuf_o$values$Relative_eig *100)

varExp %>% 
  gather(mth,VE,unifrac,wunifrac)  %>% 
  filter(cmp<10) %>% 
  ggplot(data = ., aes(PC, VE)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity') + 
  facet_grid(mth~., scales = 'free') + 
  ylab('Variance Explained (%)')

Figure 2

Alpha diversity by A) Faith’s Phylogenetic Diversity (PD) and B) Shannon diversity of the vaginal (Week 24, Week 36 and Birth), fecal and airway samples. C) Primary source of variability between vaginal, fecal and airway samples (PCo1) from ordination by unweighted UniFrac. D) Relative abundance of the dominant genera.

ggout0 <- rabuplot(MBvagdevtrans,"set",
                   By_median = FALSE,
                   xlabs =NULL, 
                   main = NULL, 
                   bar_chart = T,
                   order_by = "Time",
                   order_val ="b") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = 3.5)+
  theme(legend.position = "top",
        legend.text =element_text(size=15) , 
        axis.text.x =element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title =element_text(size=18),  
        axis.text.y=element_text(size=14)) + 
  ylab("Mean relative abundance")

ggout1 <- SD %>% 
  ggplot(data = . , aes(x=set, y=all_uf_pc1, fill=set)) + 
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA)+ 
  ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm(alpha = 0.3) + 
  geom_line(aes(group = dyad), alpha = 0.20)+  
  theme_bw()+ guides(fill=FALSE)+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        legend.text =element_text(size=15) ,
        axis.title =element_text(size=18),  
  ylab("Beta diversity - UniFrac PCo1 [13.9%]")+
  geom_vline(xintercept = 3.5)

ggout1wuf <- SD %>% 
  ggplot(data = . , aes(x=set, y=-all_wuf_pc1, fill=set)) + 
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA)+ 
  ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm(alpha = 0.3) + 
  geom_line(aes(group = dyad), alpha = 0.20)+  
  theme_bw()+ guides(fill=FALSE)+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        legend.text =element_text(size=15) ,
        axis.title =element_text(size=18),  
  ylab("Beta diversity - wUniFrac PCo1 [44.1%]")+
  geom_vline(xintercept = 3.5)

ggout2 <- SD %>% 
  ggplot(data = ., aes(x=set, y=shannon, fill=set)) + 
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA)+ 
  ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm(alpha = 0.3)+ 
  geom_line(aes(group = dyad), alpha = 0.20)+    
  theme_bw()+ guides(fill=FALSE)+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
        legend.text =element_text(size=15) , 
        axis.text.x =element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        axis.title =element_text(size=18),  
  ylab("Alpha diversity - Shannon")+
  geom_vline(xintercept = 3.5)

ggout3 <- SD %>% 
  ggplot(data = ., aes(x=set, y=PD, fill=set))  + 
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA)+ 
  ggbeeswarm::geom_beeswarm(alpha = 0.3)+ 
  geom_line(aes(group = dyad), alpha = 0.20)+   
  theme_bw()+ guides(fill=FALSE)+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
        legend.text =element_text(size=15) ,
        axis.title =element_text(size=18),  
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank())+
  ylab("Alpha diversity - Faith's PD whole tree")+
  geom_vline(xintercept = 3.5)

FigA <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(ggout0+ theme(legend.position = "hidden")))
FigB <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(ggout1))
FigC <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(ggout2)) #  + scale_y_continuous(breaks = 1:4, labels = paste0("  ", 1:4))
FigD <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(ggout3))
FigB$widths[2:3] <-FigA$widths[2:3] 
FigC$widths[2:3] <-FigD$widths[2:3]

legend <- g_legend(ggout0) 
Fig2 <- ggdraw() + draw_grob(FigA, .5, .1, .5, .45) + 
  draw_grob(FigB, .5, .55, .5, .45) +
  draw_grob(FigD, 0, .55, .5, .45) +
  draw_grob(FigC, 0, .1, .5, .45) +
  draw_grob(legend, 0, 0, 1, .1) +
  draw_line(c(0, .5), c(.1, .1)) +
  draw_line(c(.5, .5), c(.55, .1)) +
  draw_line(c(.5, 1), c(.55, .55)) +
  draw_plot_label(LETTERS[1:4], c(0,0,.5,.5), c(1, .55, 1, .55))

Figure S1

Principal Coordinate 1 of weighted UniFrac distances show a development towards a more fecal like composition towards the end of pregnancy and during birth, a similar trend to the unweighted UniFrac ordination used in Figure 2C.


Figure 3

Relative abundances for the top 15 most abundant vaginal taxa at genus level, colored according to time-point. P-values correspond to Kruskal-Wallis tests of the relative abundances, with significant values (P<0.05) bolded. A pseudocount (+1e-06) was added to all abundances for the log-scale presentation. False discovery rate q-values were calculated within these top 15 taxa.

ggout2 <- subset_samples(MBvagdevtrans, Type=='V') %>% 
  rabuplot(phylo_ob = ., predictor = 'Time',type="genus",#order=TRUE,
           By_median = T, no_other_type = TRUE,
           legend_title=NULL, xlabs =NULL, N_taxa=15,
           order_by = "Time",order_val ="b", 
           reverse=TRUE,legend_names=c("Week 24","Week 36","Birth"),
           main = "Genus abundance according to sample time (n=57)", 
           p_adjust = T)

Figure 4

UniFrac ordination of vaginal microbiotas colored according to time-point and joined within individuals. Ellipses demonstrate the mean ±1 SD.

# subset on vaginal samples only
MBvagdevtrans_vag <- MBvagdevtrans %>% subset_samples(Type == 'V') 
vag_uf_d <- distance(MBvagdevtrans_vag, "UniFrac")
vag_uf_o <- ordinate(MBvagdevtrans_vag, "PCoA", vag_uf_d)

# calculate Unifrac Ordination
PCs <- vag_uf_o$vectors[,1:6]
colnames(PCs) <- c("PC1_uf","PC2_uf","PC3_uf","PC4_uf","PC5_uf","PC6_uf")
PCs[,1] <- -1*PCs[,1]
SDvag <- cbind(sample_data(MBvagdevtrans_vag),PCs)

# plot it
ggplot(SDvag, aes(PC1_uf,PC2_uf, color=factor(Time))) + 
  stat_ellipse(aes(x=PC1_uf,y=PC2_uf,color=factor(Time),fill=factor(Time)), geom="polygon",level=0.466,alpha=0.2 )+
  theme_bw()  + 
  theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
        legend.key.size = unit(0.6, "cm"),
        legend.text=element_text(size=20, face="plain"),
        legend.key = element_blank(),
        strip.text.x = element_text(size = 20))+ 
  ylab("PCo2 [9.3%]")+xlab("PCo1 [16.8%]")+  
  scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1", labels = c("Week 24 (n=57)   ","Week 36 (n=57)   ","Birth (n=57)"))+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1",guide = FALSE)+ 
  guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype=0, shape=16,size=8, bg="white")))

Figure S9A

SDvag <- SDvag %>%  
  mutate(manclus = ifelse(PC1_uf < .1, "Left", "Middle"), manclus = ifelse(PC1_uf > .4, "Right", manclus))
rownames(SDvag) <- sample_names(MBvagdevtrans_vag)
sample_data(MBvagdevtrans_vag) <- SDvag
LMRpal <- c("#895EC9", "#CC8866", "#71D0CA")

ggout_01 <- SDvag %>%
  ggplot(aes(PC1_uf,PC2_uf, color=manclus)) + 
  stat_ellipse(aes(x=PC1_uf,y=PC2_uf,color=manclus,fill=manclus), geom="polygon",level=.466 ,alpha=0.2)+ 
  geom_vline(xintercept = c(.1, .4), linetype = "dashed") +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(strip.background = element_blank(),legend.key.size = unit(0.6, "cm"),legend.position="top", legend.title=element_blank(),legend.text=element_text(size=20, face="plain"),legend.key = element_blank(),text=element_text(size=20), strip.text.x = element_text(size = 20))+ 
  ylab("PCo2 [9.3%]")+xlab("PCo1 [16.8%]")+ 
  scale_color_manual(values = LMRpal)+ 
  scale_fill_manual(values = LMRpal,guide = FALSE)+ 
  guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype=0, shape=16,size=8, bg="white")))

Figure S9B

ggout_02 <- rabuplot(MBvagdevtrans_vag, "manclus",
                     type="genus",order=TRUE,By_median = T,
                     xlabs =NULL, N_taxa=30, order_by = "Time",
                     order_val ="b", reverse=TRUE,
                     main = "Clustering based on UniFrac PCo1", 
                     p_adjust = T, colors = LMRpal)


Figure S9C

bugdata <- data.frame(OTU = taxa_names(MBvagdevtrans), 
                      mra = taxa_sums(MBvagdevtrans %>% transform_sample_counts(function(x) x/sum(x)))/nsamples(MBvagdevtrans),
                      presence = rowMeans(otu_table(MBvagdevtrans) != 0))
indi <- multipatt(MBvagdevtrans_vag %>% 
                    subset_samples(! %>% 
                    transform_sample_counts(function(x) x/sum(x)) %>% 
                    otu_table %>% as("matrix") %>% t %>% data.frame,
                  get_variable(MBvagdevtrans_vag %>% 
                                 subset_samples(!, "manclus"),
                  control=how(nperm = 999),
                  print.perm = T)

indires <- indi %>% summary.multipatt2(indvalcomp = T, At = .6, Bt = .6)

##  Multilevel pattern analysis
##  ---------------------------
##  Association function: IndVal.g
##  Significance level (alpha): 0.05
##  Minimum positive predictive value (At): 0.6
##  Minimum sensitivity (Bt): 0.6
##  Total number of species: 2327
##  Selected number of species: 27 
##  Number of species associated to 1 group: 9 
##  Number of species associated to 2 groups: 18 
##  List of species associated to each combination: 
##  Group Middle  #sps.  7 
##                               A      B  stat p.value    
## Staphylococcus_OTU6301   0.8263 1.0000 0.909   0.001 ***
## Staphylococcus_OTU1      0.8768 0.9231 0.900   0.001 ***
## Kingdom_Bacteria_OTU553  0.9383 0.7692 0.850   0.001 ***
## Staphylococcus_OTU6213   0.8683 0.7692 0.817   0.003 ** 
## Order_Bacillales_OTU5542 0.8883 0.6923 0.784   0.001 ***
## Order_Bacillales_OTU6310 0.6731 0.6154 0.644   0.001 ***
## Streptococcus_OTU1959    0.6672 0.6154 0.641   0.002 ** 
##  Group Right  #sps.  2 
##                              A      B  stat p.value    
## Ureaplasma_OTU92        0.8504 0.7333 0.790   0.001 ***
## Kingdom_Bacteria_OTU800 1.0000 0.6000 0.775   0.001 ***
##  Group Middle+Right  #sps.  18 
##                             A      B  stat p.value    
## Staphylococcus_OTU3539 0.9082 1.0000 0.953   0.002 ** 
## Moraxella_OTU6         0.8889 0.9643 0.926   0.001 ***
## Streptococcus_OTU6248  0.8638 0.9286 0.896   0.005 ** 
## Haemophilus_OTU11      0.8850 0.8571 0.871   0.001 ***
## Corynebacterium_OTU49  0.9637 0.7143 0.830   0.001 ***
## Streptococcus_OTU5603  0.9060 0.7143 0.804   0.001 ***
## Gemella_OTU13          0.8077 0.7857 0.797   0.009 ** 
## Streptococcus_OTU5     0.9263 0.6786 0.793   0.001 ***
## Corynebacterium_OTU15  0.8230 0.7143 0.767   0.003 ** 
## Streptococcus_OTU6662  0.9461 0.6071 0.758   0.001 ***
## Granulicatella_OTU4437 0.8661 0.6429 0.746   0.005 ** 
## Class_Bacilli_OTU6711  0.8892 0.6071 0.735   0.003 ** 
## Streptococcus_OTU5561  0.7866 0.6786 0.731   0.003 ** 
## Corynebacterium_OTU254 0.8699 0.6071 0.727   0.040 *  
## Pelomonas_OTU66        0.8032 0.6429 0.719   0.024 *  
## Streptococcus_OTU6358  0.8226 0.6071 0.707   0.006 ** 
## Dolosigranulum_OTU28   0.8139 0.6071 0.703   0.003 ** 
## Streptococcus_OTU6229  0.7979 0.6071 0.696   0.001 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

indiplot <- indires %>% lapply(function(x) mutate(x, OTU = rownames(x))) %>% bind_rows(.id = "Group") %>%
  rename("Positive_predictive_value" = "A", "Sensitivity" = "B", "Combined_Statistic" = "stat") %>%
  left_join(bugdata) %>%
  arrange(Group, desc(Combined_Statistic)) %>% 
  mutate(OTU = factor(OTU) %>% fct_inorder %>% fct_rev)

ggout_05 <- indiplot %>% gather(key, value, Positive_predictive_value:Combined_Statistic) %>%
  mutate(key = factor(key, levels = c("Positive_predictive_value", "Sensitivity", "Combined_Statistic"))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(value, OTU, fill = key)) + 
  geom_barh(stat = "identity", position = "dodgev", width = .8) +
  annotate("rect", fill = "white", xmin = 1, ymin = -Inf, xmax = Inf, ymax = Inf) +
  geom_text(aes(label = sprintf("%.2f", presence)), size = 2.5, fontface = "plain", x = 1.2, data = . %>% filter(key == "Combined_Statistic")) +
  geom_text(aes(label = sprintf("%.2e", mra)), size = 2.5, fontface = "plain", x = 1.4, data = . %>% filter(key == "Combined_Statistic")) +
  facet_grid(Group~., scales = "free_y", space = "free") +
  scale_fill_manual(name = NULL, values = c("#ABBEE3", "#E2A7BF", "black")) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0:7/5), labels = c(0:5/5, "Presence", "MRA"), limits = c(0,1.5)) +
  ylab("Indicator OTU") +
  xlab("Indicator value") +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 7))


Figure 5

Transfer statistics

phy1 <- subset_samples(MBvagdevtrans, Time == 'b' & delivery=='Normal')
phy2 <- subset_samples(MBvagdevtrans, Type == 'F')
phy3 <- subset_samples(MBvagdevtrans, Type == 'T')
res2F <- randpermutationTransferStats(phy1, phy2, 'dyad', nperm = 3)

## [1]  36 536

res2T <- randpermutationTransferStats(phy1, phy3, 'dyad', nperm = 3)

## [1]  45 346

truncatevector <- function(Genus,relabu, ct = 20){
  df <- data.frame(Genus = as.character(Genus), relabu) %>% 
    group_by(Genus) %>% 
    summarise(sm = sum(relabu)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    mutate(rnk = rank(sm), 
           rnk = max(rnk) - rnk + 1) %>% 

  Genus2 <- Genus
  Genus2[Genus %in% df$Genus[df$rnk>(ct-1)]] <- 'other'
  # print(df$Genus[1:(ct-1)])
  Genus2 <- factor(Genus2, levels = c(as.character(df$Genus[1:(ct-1)]),'other'))
  # print(Genus2)

# dig out the data.frames with the statistics in
DF <- rbind(data.frame(res2F[[1]], comparison = 'fecal'),
            data.frame(res2T[[1]], comparison = 'trach')) %>% 
  mutate(nC = 100*(n11 + n01) / (n11+n00 +n10 +n01), 
         estimate = Fisher_estimatetr, 
         p.value = Fisher_p.value, 
         Genus2 = truncatevector(Genus %>% as.character(),abuMrel,ct = 20))

levels(DF$comparison) <- c('Vaginal (birth) to gut','Vaginal (birth) to airways')
cols  <- c(brewer.pal(8,"Set1"), brewer.pal(7,"Dark2"),brewer.pal(4,"Set2"),"gray")

pvbrk <- c(0.0025,0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2, 0.5)

g1 <- ggplot(data = DF,aes(x = estimate,y = -log10(p.value),color = Genus2,label = otu,size = nC))+
  geom_point() + 
  facet_wrap(~comparison) + 
  ggrepel::geom_text_repel(color = 'black',data = DF[DF$p.value<0.05,],size = 5) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05)) + theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = cols) + 
  theme(legend.position = 'bottom', strip.background = element_blank(),
        legend.title=element_text(size = 18),
        strip.text.x = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.text = element_text(size = 12), 
        axis.title = element_text(size = 16)) + 
  xlab('Odds ratio') + ylab('P-value') + 
  guides(color = guide_legend(title=NULL,override.aes = list(size = 5)),
         size = guide_legend(title = '%children',direction = "vertical")) +
  scale_x_log10(breaks = c(0.01,0.1,1,10,100), labels = c('.01','.1','1','10','100') ) + 
  scale_size_continuous(limits = c(0,100)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = -log10(pvbrk), labels = pvbrk )

Figure S10

nsamples_presense <- MBvagdevtrans %>% 
  subset_samples((Type == 'V' & Time=='b') | Type == 'F' | Type=='T')  %>% 
  transform_sample_counts(function(x) (x>0) + 0) %>% taxa_sums()
nsamples_presense <- nsamples_presense[nsamples_presense>144*0.1]

## [1] 325

AA <- DF %>% 
  filter(otu %in% names(nsamples_presense)) %>% 
  mutate(estimate = Fisher_estimate %>% truncateZerosInf(trc = 10)) %>% 
  select(otu,comparison,estimate) %>% 

colnames(AA)[2:3] <- c('fecal','airways')

ic1 <- rownames(tax_table(MBvagdevtrans)) %in% AA$otu
# select which of the OTU's (in total) to include in the plotting
xOTU <- otu_table(MBvagdevtrans)
ic2 <- apply(xOTU>1,1,sum) > dim(xOTU)[2]*0.1
ictaxa <- ic1 | ic2 
x <- subset_taxa(MBvagdevtrans,ictaxa)
# extract tree and taxonomic info
TREE <- phy_tree(x)
TXtab <-

# merge on inferential stats
AA <- merge(TXtab,AA,by.x = 'row.names',by.y = 'otu')

# initiale tree
g3 <- ggtree(TREE,layout = 'circular',branch.length="none")
# change 'left side' labels
g3$data$label2 <- g3$data$label
g3$data$label2 <- paste('OTU', 
                        unlist(lapply(as.list(g3$data$label2), function(x){strsplit(x,'_OTU')[[1]][2]})),
                        unlist(lapply(as.list(g3$data$label2), function(x){strsplit(x,'_OTU')[[1]][1]})),
                        sep = '')

g3 <- g3 %<+%  AA + 
  #geom_tiplab(aes(x = x+2,label=Order,angle=angle,size =3)) +
  #geom_hilight(node=333, fill="darkgreen", alpha=.6) + 
  #geom_hilight(node=357, fill="gray10", alpha=.2) +
  #geom_hilight(node=348, fill="gray10", alpha=.2) +
  #geom_hilight(node=655, fill="gray10", alpha=.2) +
  #geom_hilight(node=336, fill="gray10", alpha=.2) +
  #geom_hilight(node=331, fill="gray10", alpha=.2) +
  #geom_hilight(node=476, fill="gray10", alpha=.2) +
  #geom_hilight(node=609, fill="gray10", alpha=.2) +
  geom_tiplab(aes(x = x+2,label=label,angle=angle,size =3, subset = ((angle<90 | angle>270) & isTip))) +
  geom_tiplab(aes(x = x+2,label=label2,angle=angle+180,size =3, subset = ((angle>=90 & angle<=270) & isTip)), hjust =1) +
  geom_tippoint(aes(fill = log10(fecal),subset = !, shape=21,size = 5 )  +
  geom_tippoint(aes(x = x+1, fill = log10(airways),subset = !, shape=22,size = 5 ) +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = 'red',high = 'darkgreen',midpoint = 0,mid = 'white',na.value = 'grey95',name = 'log(OR)') +  
  #geom_text(aes(label=label,angle=angle), hjust=-.5) +
  #geom_text(aes(label =node)) + 

g3 + xlim(c(0,60)) +guides(size =  F) +  theme(legend.position = c(0.80,0.7))

Table S4

Summary statistics (median (25% quartile; 75% quartile)) for compartment and sampling time point. N = number of samples, library size = number of reads, #OTUs = number of observed OTUs, PD = Faith’s Phylogenetic Diversity, Shannon = Shannon diversity.

SD <- sample_data(MBvagdevtrans)
otutab <- MBvagdevtrans %>% otu_table() %>% t()

Xlong <- cbind(rwname = rownames(SD),otutab) %>% 
  data.frame() %>% 
  mutate(rwname = rwname %>% as.character()) %>% 
  gather(otu,count,-rwname) %>% 
  mutate(count = count %>% as.numeric())

# get number of OTUs, libsize for each dyad

Xsum1 <- Xlong %>% 
  group_by(rwname) %>% 
  summarise(nOTU = sum(count>0), 
            libsize = sum(count))

TabS4 <- cbind(SD,Xsum1) %>% 
  select(set,nOTU,libsize,shannon,PD) %>% 
  gather(var,val,-set) %>% 
  group_by(set,var) %>% 
  summarize(n_samples = n(), 
            mdn = median(val),
            q25 = quantile(val)[2],
            q75 = quantile(val)[4])

knitr::kable(TabS4, digits = 2, caption = 'Table S4 - Summary statistics (median (25% quartile; 75% quartile)) for compartment and sampling time point. N = number of samples, library size = number of reads, #OTUs = number of observed OTUs, PD = Faith’s Phylogenetic Diversity, Shannon = Shannon diversity.
Table S4 - Summary statistics (median (25% quartile; 75% quartile)) for compartment and sampling time point. N = number of samples, library size = number of reads, #OTUs = number of observed OTUs, PD = Faith’s Phylogenetic Diversity, Shannon = Shannon diversity. set var n_samples mdn q25 q75 Week 24 libsize 56 41678.00 30183.00 53283.50 Week 24 nOTU 56 92.50 68.75 129.00 Week 24 PD 56 6.10 5.19 7.79 Week 24 shannon 56 0.79 0.49 1.66 Week 36 libsize 57 46028.00 27361.00 66719.00 Week 36 nOTU 57 93.00 72.00 119.00 Week 36 PD 57 5.90 4.41 7.91 Week 36 shannon 57 1.40 0.60 1.70 Birth libsize 57 40205.00 34873.00 64116.00 Birth nOTU 57 84.00 73.00 139.00 Birth PD 57 8.59 5.99 12.80 Birth shannon 57 1.31 0.85 1.80 Feces 1w libsize 39 44160.00 24853.00 64037.50 Feces 1w nOTU 39 102.00 77.50 135.00 Feces 1w PD 39 7.00 5.53 8.45 Feces 1w shannon 39 1.84 1.46 2.24 Airway 1w libsize 48 40743.50 25511.75 55810.00 Airway 1w nOTU 48 111.00 72.75 132.50 Airway 1w PD 48 4.34 3.43 5.68 Airway 1w shannon 48 1.56 1.09 1.91

Table S5

Unique OTUs found in vaginal birth samples, but not in pregnancy week 24 or 36 samples (OTUs identified in ≥5 samples).

SD$rwname <- rownames(SD)

xx <- Xlong %>% 
  left_join(data.frame(SD), by = 'rwname') %>% 
  filter(Type=='V' & Time=='b') %>% 
  group_by(dyad) %>% 
  mutate(libsize = sum(count)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(relabu= count / libsize) %>% 
  group_by(otu) %>% 
  summarise(meanrelabu = mean(relabu), 
            nreads = sum(count))

TabS5 <- Xlong %>% 
  left_join(data.frame(SD), by = 'rwname') %>% 
  filter(Type=='V') %>% 
  group_by(otu,set) %>% 
  summarize(npos = sum(count>0)) %>% 
  spread(set,npos) %>% 
  filter(Birth>4 & `Week 24`==0 & `Week 36`==0) %>% 
  arrange(desc(Birth)) %>% 
  rename(Npos = Birth) %>% 
  select(otu,Npos) %>% 
  left_join(xx, by = 'otu')

knitr::kable(TabS5, caption = 'Table S5 - Unique OTUs found in vaginal birth samples, but not in pregnancy week 24 or 36 samples (OTUs identified in ≥5 samples)')
Table S5 - Unique OTUs found in vaginal birth samples, but not in pregnancy week 24 or 36 samples (OTUs identified in ≥5 samples) otu Npos meanrelabu nreads Streptococcus_OTU6228 14 0.0000383 81 Moraxella_OTU4678 13 0.0000127 28 Kingdom_Bacteria_OTU553 12 0.0001221 245 Moraxella_OTU3511 11 0.0000074 14 Streptococcus_OTU6224 10 0.0000156 33 Moraxella_OTU4650 8 0.0000071 16 Family_Chitinophagaceae_OTU990 7 0.0000248 64 Order_Bacillales_OTU3316 7 0.0000474 121 Streptococcus_OTU5596 7 0.0000813 186 Class_Bacilli_OTU4895 5 0.0000162 38 Moraxella_OTU6681 5 0.0000052 9

Table S7

Weighted transfer Ratios (WR) from vaginal birth microbiome to fecal- and airway microbiome age one week, based on all data as well as rarefied to lowest common depth (2325 reads per sample). notu = number of test-able otus for each analysis, pv = permutation p-value for WR statistics (999 permutations).

MBvagdevtransrare <- rarefy_even_depth(MBvagdevtrans,sample.size = 2325)
phy1rare <- subset_samples(MBvagdevtransrare, Time == 'b' & delivery=='Normal')
phy2rare <- subset_samples(MBvagdevtransrare, Type == 'F')
phy3rare <- subset_samples(MBvagdevtransrare, Type == 'T')

res2Frare <- randpermutationTransferStats(phy1rare, phy2rare, 'dyad', nperm = 3)

## [1]  36 225

res2Trare <- randpermutationTransferStats(phy1rare, phy3rare, 'dyad', nperm = 3)

## [1]  45 176

tb_transfer <- rbind(data.frame(compartment = 'Fecal', rarefy = 'No',getInferenceWeightedRatio(res2F)),
                     data.frame(compartment = 'Trach', rarefy = 'No',getInferenceWeightedRatio(res2T)),
                     data.frame(compartment = 'Fecal', rarefy = 'Yes',getInferenceWeightedRatio(res2Frare)),
                     data.frame(compartment = 'Trach', rarefy = 'Yes',getInferenceWeightedRatio(res2Trare)))

tb_transfer %>% select(-permmedian) %>% 
  knitr::kable(x = ., caption = 'Weighted transfer Ratios (WR) from vaginal birth microbiome to fecal- and airway microbiome age one week, based on all data as well as rarefied to lowest common depth (2325 reads per sample). notu = number of test-able otus for each analysis, pv = permutation p-value for WR statistics (999 permutations)', digits = 2)
Weighted transfer Ratios (WR) from vaginal birth microbiome to fecal- and airway microbiome age one week, based on all data as well as rarefied to lowest common depth (2325 reads per sample). notu = number of test-able otus for each analysis, pv = permutation p-value for WR statistics (999 permutations) compartment rarefy modelratio ntest pv SElgratio Fecal No 2.69 536 0 0.18 Trach No 2.25 346 0 0.13 Fecal Yes 3.89 225 0 0.52 Trach Yes 2.77 176 0 0.37

Table S8

Beta-diversity comparison between vaginal microbiotas at birth and 1-week fecal and 1-week airway in children born by vaginal delivery. P values and distances of matching and non-matching mother-child pairs are computed by random permutation (n = 999)

nperm <- 999
Dmethod <-  c('binomial', 'jsd', 'jaccard', 'bray','binary', 'wunifrac', 'unifrac')
compartment <- c('F','T')

res <- c()
for (cmp in compartment){

  x12 <- subset_samples(MBvagdevtrans,((Type=='V' & Time=='b') | Type==cmp) & delivery=='Normal')
  dyad <- sample_data(x12)$dyad
  tb <- dyad %>% table() 
  x12 <- subset_samples(x12,dyad %in% names(tb[tb==2]))
  x12 <- merge_phyloseq(subset_samples(x12,Type=='V'),subset_samples(x12,Type==cmp))  # this one to make sure that they are sorted according to compartment. 
  dyad <- sample_data(x12)$dyad

  for (dist_method  in Dmethod){
    # get distance between pairs
    D12 <- as.matrix(distance(x12,method = dist_method))

    res <- rbind(res,
                 data.frame(compartment = cmp, method = dist_method,
                            permDistpair(D12,dyad, nperm = nperm)))

knitr::kable(res, digits = 3, 
             caption = 'Beta-diversity comparison between vaginal microbiotas at birth and 1-week fecal and 1-week airway in children born by vaginal delivery. P values and distances of matching and non-matching mother-child pairs are computed by random permutation (n = 999)')
Beta-diversity comparison between vaginal microbiotas at birth and 1-week fecal and 1-week airway in children born by vaginal delivery. P values and distances of matching and non-matching mother-child pairs are computed by random permutation (n = 999) compartment method meandist sdmeandist meanrandomdist sdmeanrandomdist pv F binomial 176.397 67.921 179.116 70.807 0.019 F jsd 0.649 0.071 0.664 0.046 0.025 F jaccard 0.982 0.039 0.990 0.026 0.089 F bray 0.968 0.069 0.981 0.042 0.044 F binary 0.902 0.041 0.910 0.034 0.012 F wunifrac 0.612 0.089 0.617 0.090 0.244 F unifrac 0.810 0.062 0.813 0.062 0.204 T binomial 107.372 37.807 108.774 37.610 0.014 T jsd 0.594 0.144 0.616 0.117 0.006 T jaccard 0.955 0.094 0.965 0.078 0.119 T bray 0.926 0.136 0.942 0.113 0.081 T binary 0.836 0.063 0.845 0.056 0.005 T wunifrac 0.425 0.156 0.450 0.156 0.031 T unifrac 0.768 0.105 0.775 0.097 0.233

Figure S2

Variance distribution - in terms of standard deviations - of biological sources: Pregnancy week, child age and compartment (Bio: Time/Type) and residual (Bio: Residual), and wetlab sources: Lot number of Extraction Kit (Wetlab: Lot nb), Extraction tray (Wetlab: Tray) and Sequencing Run (Wetlab: Run), on the top 10 most abundant- and top 10 most present OTUs, and summary stats by first four axis of PCoA on weighted unifrac beta diversity, library size (libsize), number of OTUs present (n_OTUs), Faith’s Phylogenitic Diversity (PD) and Shannon diversity (Shannon).

# select only Vaginal Born
OTUx <- otu_table(x123r) %>% t() %>% data.frame
# dig out top 10 OTUs (abundance and presence/absence)
top10_abu <- apply(OTUx,2,sum)
top10_sparse <- apply(OTUx>0,2,sum)

id <- (top10_abu > sort(top10_abu,decreasing = T)[11]) |
  (top10_sparse > sort(top10_sparse,decreasing = T)[11])

OTUx_sel <- OTUx[,id]
sort(top10_abu,decreasing = T)[1:10]

##             Lactobacillus_OTU5754             Lactobacillus_OTU5773 
##                           2048150                           1996149 
##            Staphylococcus_OTU3539 Family_Enterobacteriaceae_OTU5820 
##                            974487                            401273 
##           Bifidobacterium_OTU6061                Lactobacillus_OTU3 
##                            349879                            344135 
##             Lactobacillus_OTU6106             Streptococcus_OTU6248 
##                            303081                            283769 
##               Bacteroides_OTU6365                Enterococcus_OTU22 
##                            227701                            210343

sort(top10_sparse,decreasing = T)[1:10]

##            Staphylococcus_OTU3539             Streptococcus_OTU6248 
##                               210                               187 
##             Lactobacillus_OTU4974             Lactobacillus_OTU5754 
##                               185                               183 
##                    Moraxella_OTU6 Family_Enterobacteriaceae_OTU5820 
##                               180                               180 
##               Staphylococcus_OTU1             Lactobacillus_OTU5773 
##                               174                               169 
##                Lactobacillus_OTU2                Lactobacillus_OTU3 
##                               165                               158

# run lmer models
lmerMDLs <- cbind(sample_data(x123r),OTUx_sel,
                  libsize = apply(OTUx,1,sum),
                  n_OTUs = apply(OTUx>0,1,sum)) %>% 
  mutate(Time_type = paste(Type,Time,sep = '_')) %>%
  select(dyad,Time_type, SeqRUN, ExtractionTray, Lot.number,
         colnames(OTUx_sel),shannon,PD,libsize,n_OTUs,all_wuf_pc1) %>% 
  mutate(libsize2 = libsize) %>% 
  mutate(PD = log(PD)) %>% 
  gather(otu,abu,colnames(OTUx_sel),shannon:all_wuf_pc1) %>%
  mutate(stat = ifelse(otu %in% colnames(OTUx_sel),'OTU','SummaryStats')) %>% 
  mutate(abu2 = ifelse(stat=='OTU',log((abu+1)/libsize2),abu)) %>%
  group_by(stat,otu) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(abu2 = abu2 / sd(abu2)) %>%
  do(lme4::lmer(data = ., abu2 ~ (1|Time_type) + (1|Lot.number/ExtractionTray) + (1|SeqRUN)) %>% tidy) %>% 
  mutate(Type = 'All')

g2 <- lmerMDLs %>% 
  filter(term!='(Intercept)') %>%
  mutate(type = ifelse(group %in% c('Time_type','Residual'),'Biology','Wetlab'), 
         group = sub(':.*','',x = group)) %>% 
  mutate(group2 = group %>% str_replace_all(c('Time_type' = 'Bio: Time/Type', 
                                              'Residual' = 'Bio: Residual',
                                              'ExtractionTray' = 'Wetlab: ExtractionTray',
                                              'SeqRUN' = 'Wetlab: SeqRUN',
                                              'Lot.number' = 'Wetlab: Lot nb')))  %>% 
  filter(Type == 'All') %>% 
  ggplot(data = ., aes(otu,estimate, color = group2,group = term, linetype = type)) + 
  geom_point() + geom_line(size = 1) + 
  facet_grid(.~stat, scales = 'free', space = "free") + 
  theme_bw( ) + 
  theme(legend.position = 'top') +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, hjust = 1)) +
  scale_color_brewer(name = NULL, palette = "Dark2") +
  scale_linetype(name = NULL) + 
  ylab("\n\n\nVariance component") +


Figure S4 + S5

Post-hoc correlations between unweighted (S4) and weighted (S5) UniFrac Principal Coordinates 1-3 and genus-level relative abundances. Only values above 0.25 or below -0.25 are shown. Here just as one figure.

MBvagdevtrans_genus <- tax_glom(MBvagdevtrans, taxrank = 'Genus')
MBvagdevtrans_genus_ra <- transform_sample_counts(MBvagdevtrans_genus, function(OTU) OTU/sum(OTU))  
OTUgenus <- MBvagdevtrans_genus_ra %>% otu_table() %>% t()

getcorr <- function(x){
  r <- cor(x$ra,x$score) %>% tidy
  res <- data.frame(meanrelabu = mean(x$ra),presence = sum(x$ra>0) / length(x$ra), r = r$x)
XX <- cbind(sample_data(MBvagdevtrans_genus_ra), OTUgenus) %>% 
  gather(otu,ra,Coprococcus_OTU107:Shuttleworthia_OTU472) %>% 
  gather(component,score,all_uf_pc1:all_uf_pc3,all_wuf_pc1:all_wuf_pc3) %>% 
  group_by(component,otu) %>% 
  do(getcorr(x= .)) %>% 

ggplot(data = XX, aes(otu,r)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity') + 
  geom_text(aes(y = 0.75,label = sprintf('%.2e',meanrelabu))) + 
  geom_text(aes(y = 0.85,label = sprintf('%.2f',presence))) + 
  facet_grid(component~., scales = 'free',  space = 'free') + 
  coord_flip() + theme_bw()

Figure S6

Relative abundance of the top ten dominating Lactobacillus OTUs tested for change during pregnancy.

MBvagdevtrans %>% 
  subset_samples(Type=='V') %>% 
  rabuplot(phylo_ob = ., type = 'Species', 
           predictor = 'Time', select_taxa = 'Lactobacillus',
           select_type = 'genus', N_taxa = 10, no_other_type = T, 
           p_adjust = T)

Figure S7 + S8

mortenarendt/MBtransfeR documentation built on Aug. 23, 2020, 10:03 p.m.