Man pages for mottensmann/DBChecks
Checking Database

accipiter_ageEstimate the age of juvenile goshawks based on wing length
assign_regionAssign nest to natural region
birdinfoSummarise all data from specific individual
buffer.coordsbuffer around point
buteo_ageEstimate the age of juvenile buzzards based on wing length
buteo_conditionresidual weight with respect to a regression of wing length...
check.breedersCheck for if breeders were not resighted
check.buzzard_dbChecking buzzard_db
check.duplIdentifies and returns duplicated characters
check.overdispChecks for overdispersion in model fits
check.resightsCheck for duplicated resights
CheckRingCheck the format of a RING database
check.tagIdentify to which of multiple possible individuals are...
check.tag.milvusIdentify to which of multiple possible individuals are...
compare.dfCompare DFs
coord2shapeCreate shape for a single coordinate
create.chCreate live encounter History for CJS model
create.dlCreate Dead and live encounter History (LDLD ...) for Burnham...
df2shapeCreate shape file using data frame as input
digitize_graphDigitize graphs using package digitize
dist2centroidDistance between Nest and territory centroid
doyJulian Day for any date
export2ringExport ringing data for exchange with the Vogelwarte...
file.selectSelect most recent version of a file
FledgeFromHatchCalculate Fledging date for hatching date
get.genoGet genotype table for focal individual
gpx.addAdd nest ID where missing to ringing list
gpx.filtFilter GPX formatted waypoint data
gpx.getGet corresponding GPX waypoint for a pair of coordinates
habitat.analysisHabitat analysis
k.nearest.distrK-nearest neighbour distribution
meancoordinatesWrapper to use QGIS native:meancoordinates function
milvus_ageEstimate the age of juvenile Red Kite based on wing length
ModeMode: Calculates the mode of a vector
nearest.featuresHabitat analysis: Nearest features
nearest.neighbournext neighbour
passer2ringCreate RING database for Passer domesticus ringing data
PlaceInfoGet Location info
polygonise_territoriesPolygonize territories
pool.shapesPool shapes
ReadFormTools.xlsxFormat FormTools output
remove.dupl.resightremove duplicated entries and discard unknown individuals
resight.reportReport of resightings on all individuals ever reported by a observer
seasonsGrouping dates into seasons
shannonShannon Diversity index
source.rmdRender Rmd in script
summary_statsSummarise data frames
temp.shpTemporary shape file name
unlink.shpRemove temporary shape files
mottensmann/DBChecks documentation built on Feb. 3, 2022, 9:21 p.m.