Man pages for mowomoyela/tsfcmethodr
Classification methods to predict best performing forecasting method of a ts

classify_new_ts_taxonomyClassifies a ts based on the tstaxonomyr R package.
fc_data_preparationPrepares a data frame object for classification ml method
fitted_ts_fs_taxonomy_c50_modelA fitted classification c5.0 rule model from the c50 R...
fitted_ts_fs_taxonomy_xgb_modelA fitted classification xgboost model from the caret R...
fitted_ts_taxonomy_c50_modelA fitted classification c5.0 rule model from the c50 R...
fitted_ts_taxonomy_xgb_modelA fitted classification xgboost model from the caret R...
predict_fc_modelPredicts the forecasting method for the inputed time series.
train_annGenerates a classification ann trainings model.
train_c50_rule_modelGenerates a rule based trainings model.
train_catboostGenerates a classification catboost trainings model.
train_svmGenerates a classification svm trainings model
train_xgbGenerates a classification xgboost trainings model.
ts_fc_evaluation_resultsA data frame of 1000 time series data forecasting method...
ts_fs_taxonomy_resultsA data frame of 1000 different classified time series data.
ts_taxonomy_resultsA data frame of 1000 different classified time series data.
mowomoyela/tsfcmethodr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:47 p.m.