  collapse = TRUE,
  warning = TRUE,
  message = TRUE,
  width = 120,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.retina = 2,
  fig.path = "README-"

This vignette demonstrates the easiest way to use autotest, which is to apply it continuously through the entire process of package development. The best way to understand the process is to obtain a local copy of the vignette itself from this link, and step through the code. We begin by constructing a simple package in the local tempdir().

Package Construction

To create a package in one simple line, we use usethis::create_package(), and name our package "demo".

path <- file.path (tempdir (), "demo")
usethis::create_package (path, check_name = FALSE, open = FALSE)

The structure looks like this:

fs::dir_tree (path)

Having constructed a minimal package structure, we can then insert some code in the R/ directory, including initial roxygen2 documentation lines, and use the roxygenise() function to create the corresponding man files.

autotest works by parsing and running "example" code from function documentation, so our code needs to include at least one example line.

code <- c ("#' my_function",
           "#' @param x An input",
           "#' @return Something else",
           "#' @examples",
           "#' y <- my_function (x = 1)",
           "#' @export",
           "my_function <- function (x) {",
           "  return (x + 1)",
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path)

Our package now looks like this:

fs::dir_tree (path)

We can already apply autotest to that package to see what happens, first ensuring that we've loaded the package ready to use.

library (autotest)
x0 <- autotest_package (path)
devtools::load_all (".", export_all = FALSE)
x0 <- autotest_package (path)

We use the DT package to display the results here.

DT::datatable (x0, options = list (dom = "t")) # display table only

The first thing to notice is the first column, which has test_type = "dummy" for all rows. The autotest_package() function has a parameter test with a default value of FALSE, so that the default call demonstrated above does not actually implement the tests, rather it returns an object listing all tests that would be performed with actually doing so. Applying the tests by setting test = TRUE gives the following result.

x1 <- autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)
DT::datatable (x1, options = list (dom = "t"))

Of the r nrow(x0) tests which were performed, only r nrow(x1) yielded unexpected behaviour. The first indicates that the parameter x has only been used as an integer, yet was not specified as such. The second states that the parameter x is "assumed to be a single numeric". autotest does its best to figure out what types of inputs are expected for each parameter, and with the example only demonstrating x = 1, assumes that x is always expected to be a single value. We can resolve the first of these by replacing x = 1 with x = 1. to clearly indicate that it is not an integer, and the second by asserting that length(x) == 1, as follows:

code <- c ("#' my_function",
           "#' @param x An input",
           "#' @return Something else",
           "#' @examples",
           "#' y <- my_function (x = 1.)",
           "#' @export",
           "my_function <- function (x) {",
           "  if (length(x) > 1) {",
           "    warning(\"only the first value of x will be used\")",
           "    x <- x [1]",
           "  }",
           "  return (x + 1)",
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path)

This is then sufficient to pass all autotest tests and so return NULL.

autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)

Integer input

Note that autotest distinguishes integer and non-integer types by their storage.mode of "integer" and "double", and not by their respective classes of "integer" and "numeric", because "numeric" is ambiguous in R, and is.numeric(1L) is TRUE, even though storage.mode(1L) is "integer", and not "numeric". Replacing x = 1 with x = 1. explicitly identifies that parameter as a "double" parameter, and allowed the preceding tests to pass. Note what happens if we instead specify that parameter as an integer (x = 1L).

code [6] <- gsub ("1\\.", "1L", code [6])
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path)
x2 <- autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)
DT::datatable (x2, options = list (dom = "t"))

That then generates two additional messages, the second of which reflects an expectation that parameters assumed to be integer-valued should assert that, for example by converting with as.integer(). The following suffices to remove that message.

code <- c (code [1:12],
           "  if (is.numeric (x))",
           "    x <- as.integer (x)",
           code [13:length (code)])

The remaining message concerns integer ranges. For any parameters which autotest identifies as single integers, routines will try a full range of values between +/- .Machine$integer.max, to ensure that all values are appropriately handled. Many routines may sensibly allow unrestricted ranges, while many others may not implement explicit control over permissible ranges, yet may error on, for example, unexpectedly large positive or negative values. The content of the diagnostic message indicates one way to resolve this issue, which is simply by describing the input as "unrestricted".

code [3] <- gsub ("An input", "An unrestricted input", code [3])
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path)
autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)

An alternative, and frequently better way, is to ensure and document specific control over permissible ranges, as in the following revision of our function.

code <- c ("#' my_function",
           "#' @param x An input between 0 and 10",
           "#' @return Something else",
           "#' @examples",
           "#' y <- my_function (x = 1L)",
           "#' @export",
           "my_function <- function (x) {",
           "  if (length(x) > 1) {",
           "    warning(\"only the first value of x will be used\")",
           "    x <- x [1]",
           "  }",
           "  if (is.numeric (x))",
           "    x <- as.integer (x)",
           "  if (x < 0 | x > 10) {",
           "    stop (\"x must be between 0 and 10\")",
           "  }",
           "  return (x + 1L)",
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path)
autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)

Respective limits of ranges may be specified with any of the following words:

Vector input

The initial test results above suggested that the input was assumed to be of length one. Let us now revert our function to its original format which accepted vectors of length > 1, and include an example demonstrating such input.

code <- c ("#' my_function",
           "#' @param x An input",
           "#' @return Something else",
           "#' @examples",
           "#' y <- my_function (x = 1)",
           "#' y <- my_function (x = 1:2)",
           "#' @export",
           "my_function <- function (x) {",
           "  if (is.numeric (x)) {",
           "    x <- as.integer (x)",
           "  }",
           "  return (x + 1L)",
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path)

Note that the first example no longer has x = 1L. This is because vector inputs are identified as integer by examining all individual values, and presuming integer representations for any parameters for which all values are whole numbers, regardless of storage.mode.

x3 <- autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)
DT::datatable (x3, options = list (dom = "t"))

List-column conversion

The above result reflects one of the standard tests, which is to determine whether list-column formats are appropriately processed. List-columns commonly arise when using (either directly or indirectly), the tidyr::nest() function, or equivalently in base R with the I or AsIs function. They look like this:

dat <- data.frame (x = 1:3, y = 4:6)
dat$x <- I (as.list (dat$x)) # base R
dat <- tidyr::nest (dat, y = y)
print (dat)

The use of packages like tidyr and purrr quite often leads to tibble-class inputs which contain list-columns. Any functions which fail to identify and appropriately respond to such inputs may generate unexpected errors, and this autotest is intended to enforce appropriate handling of these kinds of inputs. The following lines demonstrate the kinds of results that can arise without such checks.

m <- mtcars
head (m, n = 2L)
m$mpg <- I (as.list (m$mpg))
head (m, n = 2L) # looks exaxtly the same
cor (m)

In contrast, many functions either assume inputs to be lists, and convert when not, or implicitly unlist. Either way, such functions may respond entirely consistently regardless of the presence of list-columns, like this:

m$mpg <- paste0 ("a", m$mpg)
class (m$mpg)

The list-column autotest is intended to enforce consistent behaviour in response to list-column inputs. One way to identify list-column formats is to check the value of class(unclass(.)) of each column. The unclass function is necessary to first remove any additional class attributes, such as I in dat$x above. A modified version of our function which identifies and responds to list-column inputs might look like this:

code <- c ("#' my_function",
           "#' @param x An input",
           "#' @return Something else",
           "#' @examples",
           "#' y <- my_function (x = 1)",
           "#' y <- my_function (x = 1:2)",
           "#' @export",
           "my_function <- function (x) {",
           "  if (methods::is (unclass (x), \"list\")) {",
           "    x <- unlist (x)",
           "  }",
           "  if (is.numeric (x)) {",
           "    x <- as.integer (x)",
           "  }",
           "  return (x + 1L)",
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path)

That change once again leads to clean autotest results:

autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)

Of course simply attempting to unlist a complex list-column may be dangerous, and it may be preferable to issue some kind of message or warning, or even either simply remove any list-columns entirely or generate an error. Replacing the above, potentially dangerous, line, x <- unlist (x) with a simple stop("list-columns are not allowed") will also produce clean autotest results.

Return results and documentation

Functions which return complicated results, such as objects with specific classes, need to document those class types, and autotest compares return objects with documentation to ensure that this is done. The following code constructs a new function to demonstrate some of the ways autotest inspects return objects, demonstrating a vector input (length(x) > 1) in the example to avoid messages regarding length checks an integer ranges.

code <- c ("#' my_function3",
           "#' @param x An input",
           "#' @examples",
           "#' y <- my_function3 (x = 1:2)",
           "#' @export",
           "my_function3 <- function (x) {",
           "  return (datasets::iris)",
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn3.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path) # need to update docs with seed param
x4 <- autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)
DT::datatable (x4, options = list (dom = "t"))

Several new diagnostic messages are then issued regarding the description of the returned value. Let's insert a description to see the effect.

code <- c (code [1:3],
           "#' @return The iris data set as dataframe",
           code [4:length (code)])
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn3.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path) # need to update docs with seed param
x5 <- autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)
DT::datatable (x5, options = list (dom = "t"))

That result still contains a couple of diagnostic messages, but it is now pretty clear what we need to do, which is to be precise with our specification of the class of return object. The following then suffices to once again generate clean autotest results.

code [4] <- "#' @return The iris data set as data.frame"
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn3.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path) # need to update docs with seed param
autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)

Documentation of input parameters

Similar checks are performed on the documentation of input parameters, as demonstrated by the following modified version of the preceding function.

code <- c ("#' my_function3",
           "#' @param x An input",
           "#' @return The iris data set as data.frame",
           "#' @examples",
           "#' y <- my_function3 (x = datasets::iris)",
           "#' @export",
           "my_function3 <- function (x) {",
           "  return (x)",
writeLines (code, file.path (path, "R", "myfn3.R"))
roxygen2::roxygenise (path) # need to update docs with seed param
x6 <- autotest_package (path, test = TRUE)
DT::datatable (x6, options = list (dom = "t"))

This warning again indicates precisely how it can be rectified, for example by replacing the third line with

code [3] <- "#' @param x An input which can be a data.frame"

General Procedure

The demonstrations above hopefully suffice to indicate the general procedure which autotest attempts to make as simple as possible. This procedure consists of the following single point:

This vignette has only demonstrated a few of the tests included in the package, but as long as you use autotest throughout the entire process of package development, any additional diagnostic messages should include sufficient information for you to be able to restructure your code to avoid them.

mpadge/autotest documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 2:30 a.m.