
#' Get all objects constructed in all example code of one package
#' @param package Either locally installed package or path to local source
#' @param run_donttest Exactly as for `pkgload::run_example`, and passed through
#' to `tools::Rd2ex`
#' @param run_dontrun ... same ...
#' @return List of all objects constructed in all examples, along with
#' associated packages and functions or classes from or by which those objects
#' are defined.
#' @noRd
get_example_objs <- function (package,
                              run_donttest = FALSE,
                              run_dontrun = FALSE) {

    pkg_name <- get_package_name (package)

    if (pkg_is_source (package)) {

        if (!paste0 ("package:", pkg_name) %in% search ())
            devtools::load_all (package, export_all = FALSE)

        flist <- list.files (file.path (package, "man"),
                             pattern = "\\.Rd$",
                             full.names = TRUE)
    } else {

        if (basename (package) == package) {

            flist <- tools::Rd_db (package = package)

        } else {

            # packages installed into local tempdir via covr:
            flist <- tools::Rd_db (package = basename (package),
                                   dir = package)

    dev <- options()$"device"
    options (device = NULL) # suppress plot output
    suppressWarnings (
        objs <- lapply (flist, function (i) {

                            ret <- example_objects (i,
                            if (methods::is (i, "Rd")) # installed packages
                                rd <- i
                            else { # source packages
                                suppressWarnings (
                                    rd <- tools::parse_Rd (i)
                            a <- NULL
                            if (!is.null (ret))
                                a <- get_Rd_metadata (rd, "alias")
                            return (list (objects = ret,
                                          aliases = a))
    options (device = dev)

    not_null <- which (vapply (objs, function (i)
                               !is.null (i$objects),
                               logical (1)))
    objs <- objs [not_null]

    # convert to data.frame of (aliases, objects)
    objs <- lapply (objs, function (o) {
                        len <- length (o$objects)
                        o$objects <- rep.int (o$objects,
                                              times = length (o$aliases))
                        o$aliases <- rep (o$aliases, each = len)
                        return (cbind (o$aliases, o$objects))   })
    objs <- data.frame (do.call (rbind, objs),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    if (nrow (objs) == 0) {

        objs <- NULL

    } else {

        names (objs) <- c ("alias", "object")
        exclude_these <- c ("gg", "ggplot")
        objs <- objs [which (!objs$object %in% exclude_these), ]
        if (nrow (objs) == 0) {
            objs <- NULL
        } else {
            objs$package <- param_desc_is_other_fn (package, objs$object)

    return (objs)
m_get_example_objs <- memoise::memoise (get_example_objs)

#' Get objects from one single `.Rd` file
#' @param f One Rd file
#' @noRd
example_objects <- function (f,
                             run_donttest = FALSE,
                             run_dontrun = FALSE) {

    tmp <- tempfile (fileext = ".R")
    utils::capture.output (tools::Rd2ex (f,
                                         out = tmp,
                                         commentDontrun = !run_dontrun,
                                         commentDonttest = !run_donttest))
    if (!file.exists (tmp)) # no example
        return (NULL)

    env <- new.env (parent = globalenv ())
    # source still displays errors messages where these are intended, as in
    # ?stats::chisq.test, so:
    errmsg <- options ("show.error.messages")
    options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
    utils::capture.output (suppressWarnings (suppressMessages (
        ret <- tryCatch (source (tmp,
                                 echo = FALSE,
                                 local = env,
                                 max.deparse.length = Inf),
                         error = function (e) NULL)
    options(show.error.messages = errmsg)

    o1 <- NULL
    if (!is.null (ret))
        o1 <- class (ret$value)
    o2 <- unlist (lapply (ls (envir = env), function (i)
                          class (get (i, envir = env))))
    ret <- unique (c (o1, o2))

    # List given in ?typeof, but noting that they need to be be transformed
    # because, for example, typeof(2.) is "double", yet class(2.) is "numeric".
    simple_types <- c ("logical", "integer", "double", "complex", "character",
                       "raw", "list")
    # plus "NULL", "closeure", "special", "builtin"?
    simple_types <- vapply (simple_types, function (s)
                            class (do.call (paste0 ("as.", s), list (1))),
                            character (1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    simple_types <- c (simple_types, "NULL", "closeure", "special", "builtin")
    ret <- ret [!ret %in% simple_types]

    if (length (ret) == 0)
        ret <- NULL

    return (ret)
mpadge/autotest documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 2:30 a.m.