bike_latest_files: Check whether files in database are the latest published...

bike_latest_filesR Documentation

Check whether files in database are the latest published files


Check whether files in database are the latest published files





A string containing the path to the SQLite3 database. If no directory specified, it is presumed to be in tempdir().


A named vector of binary values: TRUE is files in bikedb are the latest versions; otherwise FALSE, in which case store_bikedata could be run to update the database.


## Not run: 
data_dir <- tempdir ()
bike_write_test_data (data_dir = data_dir)
# or download some real data!
# dl_bikedata (city = 'la', data_dir = data_dir)
# Remove one London file that triggers an API call which may fail tests:
file.remove (file.path (tempdir(),
bikedb <- file.path (data_dir, 'testdb')
store_bikedata (data_dir = data_dir, bikedb = bikedb)
# bike_latest_files (bikedb)
# All false because test data are not current, but would pass with real data

bike_rm_test_data (data_dir = data_dir)
bike_rm_db (bikedb)
# don't forget to remove real data!
# file.remove (list.files (data_dir, pattern = '.zip'))

## End(Not run)

mpadge/bikedata documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 4:22 p.m.