Download file from

u <- ""
zipname <- file.path (here::here (), "data-raw", "")
chk <- download.file (u, zipname)
f <- list.files (file.path (here::here (), "data-raw"), pattern = "*.zip",
                full.names = TRUE)
lf <- unzip (f, list = TRUE)
lf <- lf$Name [grep ("dict", lf$Name)]
chk <- unzip (f, files = lf, overwrite = TRUE, junkpaths = TRUE)

unlink (zipname, recursive = TRUE)

convert the encoding to UTF-8. see: ---> check that sessionInfo confirms UTF-8 encoding!

f <- list.files (file.path (here::here (), "data-raw"), pattern = "^nam",
                full.names = TRUE)
dict <- readLines (f, encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
fi <- file.path (here::here (), "inst", "dict", basename (f))
con <- file (fi, open = "w+", encoding = "native.enc")
writeLines (dict, con)
close (con)
chk <- file.remove (f)
system2 ("dos2unix", fi)

mpadge/gender-conscious--routing documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 10:28 a.m.